Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years.
It's inevitable. No doubt. We will return the filthy degenerates to their proper role. Target practice and mental hospital patients.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.
You won't be here in 50 years either.
Two dykes adopt a kid and now he wants to be a girl? possibility of psychological abuse there.

Turn them in. If they're genuinely abusing the child it should only take a phone call.

Yet you won't. Sil won't. As you both know that you're imagination about a child you've never met doesn't amount to much.

The kid has probably been being abused since the day a few droplets of his pee landed on the toilet seat. don't know what you're talking about and are making up a narrative based on your imagination.

Have you met the child? The parents? Talked to the mental health professionals and medical professionals overseeing the kid's treatment? Nope. Yet in your near total ignorance, you're going to story tell, making up a narrative that fits what you want to believe.

Why would I or any other rational person ignore the child, parents, and medical professionals.....and instead believe your 'once upon a time'?
With as much publicity as these cases get, there is no need to turn them in. Just a few prosecutors with a backbone. The whine lobby of the lgbt is so great that it would take a very dedicated person to oppose them. There isn't such a person. Instead there are gays who infiltrated politics and the judiciary.

It will have to play out and throw these children away into being mentally ill adults.

So now there is no need to turn in child abusers because gays have 'infiltrated politics and the judiciary'? Whenever you find overwhelming contradiction of your just expand the conspiracy.

Tell us more about this nefarious plot where the CA legislature, the APA, the American Academy of Pedestrians, the judiciary, and 'politics' are all conspiring to abuse children.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.
Hey dumbass...all the arguments you've made are don't know these people either, fucktard. The picture of the kid shows an akward kid not comfortable with his parents. Look at the dyke on the right and tell me it isn't possible that dick-envying dyke wouldn't abuse a male just for being male?
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.

They are loving families, at least they believe they are. Which is why they are taking away the possibility of a happy successful future for these children. They are doing it in the name of love. They will prevent their children from maturing into adults. They will guide their children into being as perverted as they are.

There was a Twilight Zone episode about a women in a hospital who was so ugly that her face caused others to sicken. She was treated with pity and assured that after her surgery she would be as beautiful as anyone else. Then the camera showed that the woman was beautiful. The doctors and nurses were ugly misshapen gargoyles. They would turn this woman into a mirror of themselves.

This is the lbgt structure. They will take these beautiful children and surgically alter them to reflect their own misshapen and perverted images of themselves.
This kid looks like he is signaling for help in this pic.
In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years.

No actually the way child abuse law reads is we're all required to act immediately no matter what is considered "trendy". We're required to act on suspicion even, without hard proof, in the case of any signs of child abuse. It's the law. Ignorance is no excuse. And none are immune. Not doctors, not lesbians, not even judges.
In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years.

No actually the way child abuse law reads is we're all required to act immediately no matter what is considered "trendy". We're required to act on suspicion even, without hard proof, in the case of any signs of child abuse. It's the law. Ignorance is no excuse. And none are immune. Not doctors, not lesbians, not even judges.

Yeah, doctors hardly ever report lezbos for being fucking insane and unfit. They should, but they don't. They just prescribe the hormones like they're told.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.

They are loving families, at least they believe they are. Which is why they are taking away the possibility of a happy successful future for these children. They are doing it in the name of love. They will prevent their children from maturing into adults. They will guide their children into being as perverted as they are.

Your personal animus against gays and lesbians isn't a legal standard, Tipsy. We aren't pulling children from loving homes because you believe that lesbians are 'perverted'.

Your view of gays and lesbians is dying with you. The younger generation is far, far more tolerant of these loving families. Same sex couples raising children is part of the future.

You and your views aren't.
In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years.

No actually the way child abuse law reads is we're all required to act immediately no matter what is considered "trendy". We're required to act on suspicion even, without hard proof, in the case of any signs of child abuse. It's the law. Ignorance is no excuse. And none are immune. Not doctors, not lesbians, not even judges.

Or....rather than a grand legal conspiracy involving everyone from the APA to the CA legislature, to CA prosecutors, to the CA law enforcement officials, to the 'infiltrated judiciary' to the American Academy of Pedestrians...... simply don't know what you're talking about.

Its simpler and matches the evidence perfectly. Nor does it require your grand conspiracy theory.
I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.

They are loving families, at least they believe they are. Which is why they are taking away the possibility of a happy successful future for these children. They are doing it in the name of love. They will prevent their children from maturing into adults. They will guide their children into being as perverted as they are.

Your personal animus against gays and lesbians isn't a legal standard, Tipsy. We aren't pulling children from loving homes because you believe that lesbians are 'perverted'.

Your view of gays and lesbians is dying with you. The younger generation is far, far more tolerant of these loving families. Same sex couples raising children is part of the future.

You and your views aren't.

What do the children of same sex parents have to say?

The Kids Are Not Alright: A Lesbian’s Daughter Speaks Out

It will have to be people like this woman, with the courage to speak out about what was done to them in order for this tragedy to stop.
Well yeah either that or we could all just follow the mandatory child abuse reporting laws that require us, no matter what the social trends, to report even suspected abuse. And the same laws that apply to doctors, lesbians and judges as well as law enforcement.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.

They are loving families, at least they believe they are. Which is why they are taking away the possibility of a happy successful future for these children. They are doing it in the name of love. They will prevent their children from maturing into adults. They will guide their children into being as perverted as they are.

Your personal animus against gays and lesbians isn't a legal standard, Tipsy. We aren't pulling children from loving homes because you believe that lesbians are 'perverted'.

Your view of gays and lesbians is dying with you. The younger generation is far, far more tolerant of these loving families. Same sex couples raising children is part of the future.

You and your views aren't.

What do the children of same sex parents have to say?

The Kids Are Not Alright: A Lesbian’s Daughter Speaks Out

It will have to be people like this woman, with the courage to speak out about what was done to them in order for this tragedy to stop. have one pediatrician backing your view. I have the 64,000 member American Academy of Pediatricians. Our sources are not equal.

You have one woman. I have the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy....and many same sex children that love and support their same sex parents.

Same-sex Parents and Their Children
Children raised by same-sex parents do as well as their peers, study shows

Our sources are not equal. Your kind of irrational animus toward gays and lesbians is dying Tispy. Dying with you. And the people that are replacing you overwhelmingly support what you oppose.

Same sex parents are part of our future. You're not.
Well yeah either that or we could all just follow the mandatory child abuse reporting laws that require us, no matter what the social trends, to report even suspected abuse. And the same laws that apply to doctors, lesbians and judges as well as law enforcement.

If you genuinely believed the blithering nonsense you're uttering about those parents abusing their'd have followed the mandatory child abuse reporting requirements no matter the social trends.

But you didn't. Because you know you're full of it. Even you don't believe your nonsense. If even you are going to ignore you, surely you can understand why your hysteric exaggerations and speculations don't amount to much to other folks either.
If I were LGBT-advocate Skylar, I wouldn't be pasting the internet with visual documentation of support and promotion of obvious child abuse. Remember, we need only suspect child abuse to act to stop it. He says the OP doesn't even hint at child abuse. Just would never go on record supporting child abuse like he's doing. This is how powerful the LGBT cult feels. Filled with "untouchable" hubris.

We'll see.. :popcorn:
There is an entire infrastructure dedicated to promoting acceptance of perversion and treatment as normal. It doesn't surprise me because this has all happened before. Perversions cannot exist indefinitely. They go through their lifecycle and end as they have done before. It is sad for the people whose lives will be devastated. But that's the price homosexuals exact for belief in their delusions.
If I were LGBT-advocate Skylar, I wouldn't be pasting the internet with visual documentation of support and promotion of obvious child abuse. Remember, we need only suspect child abuse to act to stop it. He says the OP doesn't even hint at child abuse. Just would never go on record supporting child abuse like he's doing. This is how powerful the LGBT cult feels. Filled with "untouchable" hubris.

We'll see.. :popcorn:

Laughing...if you believed that was 'obvious child abuse', you'd have reported it to the police already. But you never have. Even you don't believe your nonsense.

Surely you can understand why I don't have much use for your hysteric overreactions and random speculation. Nor does the law. Nor the courts.
There is an entire infrastructure dedicated to promoting acceptance of perversion and treatment as normal.

Or....rather than a stupidly complicated, fantastically elaborate grand conspiracy involving the 'entire infrastructure', the CA legislature, the 'infiltrated judiciary', the media, and APA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the police.... simply don't know what you're talking about.

As I told Sil....its simpler, matches the evidence and doesn't require your batshit conspiracy theory. Your views are dying with you, Tipsy. Same sex parents will be part of the future.

You won't.
It might take a number of suicides like David Reimer, or may those who just have had enough and kill their parents. Homosexual rape is the reason Eric and Lyle Menendez gave for killing their parents.

Perversions have a way of eliminating itself.
There is an entire infrastructure dedicated to promoting acceptance of perversion and treatment as normal.

Or....rather than a stupidly complicated, fantastically elaborate grand conspiracy involving the 'entire infrastructure', the CA legislature, the 'infiltrated judiciary', the media, and APA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the police.... simply don't know what you're talking about.

As I told Sil....its simpler, matches the evidence and doesn't require your batshit conspiracy theory. Your views are dying with you, Tipsy. Same sex parents will be part of the future.

You won't.

The judge that struck down California's proposition 8 is gay. He hurried up and retired before he was removed from the bench.
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