Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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The kid looks miserable.

Yeah, did you notice how his hands are clutched over his genitals his lesbian "parents" are coaxing him to have chopped off?

The child abuse is so friggin' obvious in this case that it boggles the mind. California should not receive CAPTA funding from the Fed until these situations are ENDED. What type of child abuse will we as the public be forced to watch next? Once you blow the doors open on drugging kids to mutilate their bodies, where will it end? It's quite the precedent to set.

But we can begin fighting back here: Should Trump/Congress Cut Off The American Psychological Association (APA)?
Here is the surgery these two lesbians are leading their son towards:




He will still never have a uterus, nor ovaries, nor can he bear children, menstruate. He will always show up male in DNA checks and the position of his pelvic bones and other unerasable male anatomical features...

This surgery almost always leaves the patient numb sexually and incontinent. The lesbian "parents" should invest heavily in adult diapers for when the boy is old enough to have his healthy genitals chopped off. Also they should invest in therapy for later if the boy develops a desire to reverse the surgery as many assited-amputation-of-healthy-organs patients do..

Of course the reversal surgery will also leave him numb, incontinent and a mere disfigured cartoon character of what he was born as.

Yea, but what is the down side?

Now that is some dark humor.
The kid looks miserable.

Yeah, did you notice how his hands are clutched over his genitals his lesbian "parents" are coaxing him to have chopped off?

We've been through this. You pulled a video still where the kid was shifting in the seat. Here's the actual video.

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Notice the kid isn't covering up genitals.

You imagined that.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to pull video stills and make up nonsense to support it.

The child abuse is so friggin' obvious in this case that it boggles the mind.

Um, still don't have the first clue what you're talking about. You've given us similar 'child abuse' rants about any same sex parents. And insisted that any same sex parenting should result in a child endangerment call. Demonstrating elegantly that your standards of 'child abuse' are based in your bias and imagination.

Not the law.
The original article dates from 2011. The kid is now likely 17 or 18 years old. How is he/she doing? Frankly none of us know. And of course Silhouette doesn't care. I hope that the kid is healthy and that the family has figured out the best course of action.

But I trust the family and their doctors more than an obsessive homophobe in the internet who just uses any kid as a tool to attack homosexuals.
Here is the surgery these two lesbians are leading their son towards:




He will still never have a uterus, nor ovaries, nor can he bear children, menstruate. He will always show up male in DNA checks and the position of his pelvic bones and other unerasable male anatomical features...

This surgery almost always leaves the patient numb sexually and incontinent. The lesbian "parents" should invest heavily in adult diapers for when the boy is old enough to have his healthy genitals chopped off. Also they should invest in therapy for later if the boy develops a desire to reverse the surgery as many assited-amputation-of-healthy-organs patients do..

Of course the reversal surgery will also leave him numb, incontinent and a mere disfigured cartoon character of what he was born as.

Yea, but what is the down side?

Now that is some dark humor.
You are WRONG. Totally wrong. This is the surgery performed on a MAN.

When a boy this age is slated for mutilation and given hormones he does not develop enough to have the kind of surgery you illustrate. His penis never gets big enough to invert. They have to take a section of colon from the rectum and use that to form the vagina. The colon is a mucus membrane and has a distinctive odor. The New vagina will always smell like an ass. There is also a necessary healing time for the new colon to attach itself.

The new vagina will be functional but provide no pleasure. The male prostate is left intact as the only sexual pleasure will be from anal intercourse.

However, adding to the complications of early transition, hormone production never creates sexual desire for either men or women. The individual is asexual.
Thanks for the corrections tipsy.

For the record we have 100% support for the mental/physical lesbian mind-fuck of this little boy from LGBT posters here at USMB. I've also seen no published rebuke from any LGBT news outlets either. Just praise.
Thanks for the corrections tipsy.

For the record we have 100% support for the mental/physical lesbian mind-fuck of this little boy from LGBT posters here at USMB. I've also seen no published rebuke from any LGBT news outlets either. Just praise.

Sil, if you genuinely thought this was child abuse, you'd have 'turned in' these parents. But you haven't, as you know you don't know what you're talking about. You *pretend* that you know the child, the parents, their situation, and what is best for the child.

Your imagination isn't a psychological standard anymore than it is a legal one. Which is why you don't turn the parents in. As you know you'd be laughed off the telephone.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder"


The "father" lesbian on the right looks on sternly while the "mother" lesbian opines for the camera. The boy in the middle had a female hormone implant stuck in his arm on order from his lesbian "parents".. His body language perhaps the most telling of all. Notice his hands tightly clamped over his groin. At his age, he knows where this is all leading...(see pictures in my next post)..

No LGBTQ member has spoken out publicly or even privately to my knowledge to denounce this disgusting and abusive process.

It's helpful to understand how this could be happening on American soil to an American citizen/child if one understands what has happened to the final authoritative body that has given its stamp of approval to this: the APA or "American Psychological Association". Their quest for science and hard data has been tossed away in preference of "audited-group-think". It's called "CQR" and you can read more about how a cult works here: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue named by the APA's accredited therapists is "gender identity disorder". I offer that because of CQR at the American Psychological Association, not enough research has been done, or it has been done and its results are "not acceptable" to the audit-group-think mandate that has replaced data and numbers there, the child may have been misdiagnosed.

It is conceivable that in a home where two women have rejected men (except one that dresses like, talks like and acts like a man...visit the link above for more pictures) so utterly as to marry each other, (well, not legally according to Judge Sutton), that any boy raised in that manifest-rejection environment might deduce with his simple, formative, childlike mind that "boy/male=rejected"..

Aside: For more on the 6th circuit court of federal appeal/Judge Sutton's support for states to reject gay marriage, see this link: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now, I've not seen a survey done by the APA where so-called transgendered children were asked in a neutral/non-suggestive format where they came up with the idea that they didn't want to be their gender anymore. And I doubt any of us with the current "audit-group-think" (CQR) structure at the APA (de facto, cult) will see such a survey for as long as the Agenda runs that outfit and yanks its chain (audited...). So I'm suggesting to people's common sense, and more particularly, those who have known lesbians and have heard their near nonstop innuendo or outright beratement and rejection of males in their lives, that it is remotely possible that "Tammy" may have been a creation of their manifest rejection of males in general. The child is presenting with sypmtoms of the "parents" mental issues..

I heartily encourage anyone reading this to visit the link and others on this story, read the articles in depth, look at the photos and meditate within themselves as to ALL possibilities of what could be going on with this boy.....and not just the APA-audit-approved hasty "conclusion":

For Syriusly, who has trouble keeping the root issues in focus:

Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night.

The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... the hetero community does not identify itself as "LGBT". The "T" is for "Transgender"....
I would rejoice to hear the news that this kid killed both of these filthy dykes. There's no better case for an not guilty by way of insanity verdict.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.'s easier to just whine and threaten violence and whine some more on an anonymous message board.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
It's the dumbest question I've ever been asked...but okay.

Because the police will not act on it simply because people "feel" this is abuse. Are you retarded or something?
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
It's the dumbest question I've ever been asked...but okay.

Because the police will not act on it simply because people "feel" this is abuse. Are you retarded or something?

There's video where the parents *admit* to what Sil insists in 'child abuse'. If that is, in fact, child abuse, why wouldn't the police act on it, especially with the parents video 'confession'? Why wouldn't Sil turn the parents in?

I think we both know the answer: that isn't child abuse. Nor anything remotely close to it.
That Skylar is the problem this thread seeks to address. BTW I'm not alone in calling this child abuse.
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
It's the dumbest question I've ever been asked...but okay.

Because the police will not act on it simply because people "feel" this is abuse. Are you retarded or something?

There's video where the parents *admit* to what Sil insists in 'child abuse'. If that is, in fact, child abuse, why wouldn't the police act on it, especially with the parents video 'confession'? Why wouldn't Sil turn the parents in?

I think we both know the answer: that isn't child abuse. Nor anything remotely close to it.
So you're making it a legal matter? As if there cannot be such a thing as abuse that is legal currently?
Then why haven't you called the police, Sil?

If you genuinely believed this was child abuse, why not turn the parents in? What of all your babble about 'imminent danger' and 'child endangerment'?

Its simple, Sil. You know you're full of it. You know you're wildly exaggerating and don't actually have a clue what you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, their healthcare professionals, any one relevant to this case.

Which is why you tell *us*, but not the police. Because you know that your claims would be laughed off of 911.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
It's the dumbest question I've ever been asked...but okay.

Because the police will not act on it simply because people "feel" this is abuse. Are you retarded or something?

There's video where the parents *admit* to what Sil insists in 'child abuse'. If that is, in fact, child abuse, why wouldn't the police act on it, especially with the parents video 'confession'? Why wouldn't Sil turn the parents in?

I think we both know the answer: that isn't child abuse. Nor anything remotely close to it.
So you're making it a legal matter? As if there cannot be such a thing as abuse that is legal currently?

I'm applying the meaning of the words being used. If someone is going to call this 'child abuse', that has a standard under the law.

Sil knows she's completely full of it. That her hysteric exaggerations and imagination on the issue don't meet any rational standard of 'child abuse'. So rather than call the police, she posts here.

If she genuinely believed her own claims, she'd act. She doesn't act, because she knows she's wrong.
Thanks for the corrections tipsy.

For the record we have 100% support for the mental/physical lesbian mind-fuck of this little boy from LGBT posters here at USMB. I've also seen no published rebuke from any LGBT news outlets either. Just praise.

The kid is now known to be confused. His dye is cast. Everyone now knows he’s weird. Let’s speculate that this was a big mistake. He is on the internet and his future will always be “the kid who wanted to amputate his dick.”

Sad, but true.
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