Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Homos are very sick in the head. These lesbians are severely abusing the boy, and the homo community remains silent.
THAT^^ is the most poignant point of this entire thread.

How are they abusing the child?

Remember, don't actually know what the hell you're talking about. You've never met the child in question, the parents, the psychologists involved, no one.

You *imagine* that you're a source matter expert and know what's best based on your imagination. Why would I ignore the child's parents, their medical and mental health providers, and the child.....and instead believe you?

Operative word being “child”

Are you really that stupid?
Here is the surgery these two lesbians are leading their son towards:




He will still never have a uterus, nor ovaries, nor can he bear children, menstruate. He will always show up male in DNA checks and the position of his pelvic bones and other unerasable male anatomical features...

This surgery almost always leaves the patient numb sexually and incontinent. The lesbian "parents" should invest heavily in adult diapers for when the boy is old enough to have his healthy genitals chopped off. Also they should invest in therapy for later if the boy develops a desire to reverse the surgery as many assited-amputation-of-healthy-organs patients do..

Of course the reversal surgery will also leave him numb, incontinent and a mere disfigured cartoon character of what he was born as.

Yea, but what is the down side?
How are they abusing the child?

Remember, don't actually know what the hell you're talking about. You've never met the child in question, the parents, the psychologists involved, no one.

You *imagine* that you're a source matter expert and know what's best based on your imagination. Why would I ignore the child's parents, their medical and mental health providers, and the child.....and instead believe you?

Fags are pretty sick people, defending the mutilation of a child too young to know what's being done to him.
How are they abusing the child?

Remember, don't actually know what the hell you're talking about. You've never met the child in question, the parents, the psychologists involved, no one.

You *imagine* that you're a source matter expert and know what's best based on your imagination. Why would I ignore the child's parents, their medical and mental health providers, and the child.....and instead believe you?

Fags are pretty sick people, defending the mutilation of a child too young to know what's being done to him.

It's quite amusing to watch so-called heteros go on and on and on and on and on and on about gay people.
You, an LGBT advocate, have nothing to say about what's being done to the boy? You realize that's THE main point of this thread, yes?
It's quite amusing to watch so-called heteros go on and on and on and on and on and on about gay people.
You, an LGBT advocate, have nothing to say about what's being done to the boy? You realize that's THE main point of this thread, yes?
Where did you ever get the idea that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about regarding this child, SIl.

You've never met the kid, the parents, the medical and mental health professionals serving this family, any of it. Yet in near absolute ignorance of the situation, you're going to tell us that you know the situation better than the child's own parents, the doctors involved, the psychiatrists involved, even more than the child?

Sil, just because you imagine yourself to be a source matter expert doesn't mean you actually are.
It's quite amusing to watch so-called heteros go on and on and on and on and on and on about gay people.
You, an LGBT advocate, have nothing to say about what's being done to the boy? You realize that's THE main point of this thread, yes?
Where did you ever get the idea that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about regarding this child, SIl.

You've never met the kid, the parents, the medical and mental health professionals serving this family, any of it. Yet in near absolute ignorance of the situation, you're going to tell us that you know the situation better than the child's own parents, the doctors involved, the psychiatrists involved, even more than the child?

Sil, just because you imagine yourself to be a source matter expert doesn't mean you actually are.


Jesus H Christ
It's quite amusing to watch so-called heteros go on and on and on and on and on and on about gay people.
You, an LGBT advocate, have nothing to say about what's being done to the boy? You realize that's THE main point of this thread, yes?
All child abuse is wrong....most of it perpetuated upon girls by hetero don't seem to have any problem with that. Why?
It's quite amusing to watch so-called heteros go on and on and on and on and on and on about gay people.
You, an LGBT advocate, have nothing to say about what's being done to the boy? You realize that's THE main point of this thread, yes?
All child abuse is wrong....most of it perpetuated upon girls by hetero don't seem to have any problem with that. Why?

And still nothing about the boy.

Got it

Make him a her and more lesbians to choose from perhaps?

No one is advocating child abuse, but when we see it, we call it out.
The problem is that the LGBT community is not only not calling out this scathingly obvious case of child abuse; they are as a whole culture unanimously defending it. Worse still, they attack & ridicule & threaten anyone of the normal community who speaks out to make it stop.
This is sick, he is a six year old boy. The parents should be arrested.

Can you imagine if these two lesbians were the ones suing in Michigan for the adoption thing? Dumont v Lyons 2017 : Will Fathers (or Mothers) Be Judicially-Legislated Into Irrelevance?

First question I'd ask in cross would be "what's your official position on the boy in CA getting hormones via his two lesbian mothers to better prepare him for an eventual sex change operation?"
They shouldn't be raising kids in the first place transgendered thinking is a mental illness.
It's quite amusing to watch so-called heteros go on and on and on and on and on and on about gay people.
You, an LGBT advocate, have nothing to say about what's being done to the boy? You realize that's THE main point of this thread, yes?
All child abuse is wrong....most of it perpetuated upon girls by hetero don't seem to have any problem with that. Why?

Start the thread. I’ll bet you’ll get a bunch of hetros posting that the parents should be hung or worse.

But still nothing about this abuse from the LBGTLMNOP’s.

Very telling.
^^ Yep, total collective silence from the church of LGBT about this blatant example of child abuse directly related to their kink-religion.
The problem is that the LGBT community is not only not calling out this scathingly obvious case of child abuse; they are as a whole culture unanimously defending it. Worse still, they attack & ridicule & threaten anyone of the normal community who speaks out to make it stop.
I forgot to add one more "even worse". The APA is actually staying silent on this. And because they're staying silent, Trump should cut any and all funding to that organization and they should be censured by Congress officially.
Homos are very sick in the head. These lesbians are severely abusing the boy, and the homo community remains silent.
THAT^^ is the most poignant point of this entire thread.

How are they abusing the child? Remember, don't actually know what the hell you're talking about. You've never met the child in question, the parents, the psychologists involved, no one. You *imagine* that you're a source matter expert and know what's best based on your imagination. Why would I ignore the child's parents, their medical and mental health providers, and the child.....and instead believe you?

Because when me or anyone like me sees obvious child abuse, we are not suggested to act, we are mandated to act by law. And it doesn't matter what type of credentials the person has doing the child abuse. If it's there, we have to report it or we face criminal charges ourselves.

Operative word being “child”

Are you really that stupid?

He isn't. He is actually just that evil.
Homos are very sick in the head. These lesbians are severely abusing the boy, and the homo community remains silent.
THAT^^ is the most poignant point of this entire thread.

How are they abusing the child?

Remember, don't actually know what the hell you're talking about. You've never met the child in question, the parents, the psychologists involved, no one.

You *imagine* that you're a source matter expert and know what's best based on your imagination. Why would I ignore the child's parents, their medical and mental health providers, and the child.....and instead believe you?

Why don't you consider medial and mental health providers?

Pediatrician: ‘Transgender’ ideology has created widespread child abuse

Gender Dysphoria in Children

We are concerned about the current trend to quickly diagnose and affirm young people as transgender, often setting them down a path toward medical transition…. We feel that unnecessary surgeries and/or hormonal treatments which have not been proven safe in the long-term represent significant risks for young people. Policies that encourage—either directly or indirectly—such medical treatment for young people who may not be able to evaluate the risks and benefits are highly suspect, in our opinion.6
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