Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
It's the dumbest question I've ever been asked...but okay.

Because the police will not act on it simply because people "feel" this is abuse. Are you retarded or something?

There's video where the parents *admit* to what Sil insists in 'child abuse'. If that is, in fact, child abuse, why wouldn't the police act on it, especially with the parents video 'confession'? Why wouldn't Sil turn the parents in?

I think we both know the answer: that isn't child abuse. Nor anything remotely close to it.
So you're making it a legal matter? As if there cannot be such a thing as abuse that is legal currently?

I'm applying the meaning of the words being used. If someone is going to call this 'child abuse', that has a standard under the law.

Sil knows she's completely full of it. That her hysteric exaggerations and imagination on the issue don't meet any rational standard of 'child abuse'. So rather than call the police, she posts here.

If she genuinely believed her own claims, she'd act. She doesn't act, because she knows she's wrong.

No one would ever think that raising a child who wants his dick cut off might have been subject to mental abuse by the parents. (Sarcasm)
I think we both know the answer: that isn't child abuse. Nor anything remotely close to it.

Yes, all are in agreement with the LGBT choir here: drugging a preteen boy with female hormones by two lesbian parents and "doctors" to actually affect the way his brain works (can't be capable of an unaddled decision therefore) in order to prepare him to amputate his healthy genitals to leave him mutilated, sexually numb and statistically incontinent for life, neither male nor female... is "Not child abuse". "Not even remotely."

Skylar in so saying has told the world from his own position and as one of the most vocal advocates for the entire LGBT USMB community, that he supports blatant child abuse by rearranging words to make it "not child abuse...not even remotely".

Yep. Let's adopt kids out to these folks.
Logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Then explain it to us. If Sil *genuinely* thought this was child abuse, why didn't she report the parents to the police?

Its a simple question. Give it a try.
It's the dumbest question I've ever been asked...but okay.

Because the police will not act on it simply because people "feel" this is abuse. Are you retarded or something?

There's video where the parents *admit* to what Sil insists in 'child abuse'. If that is, in fact, child abuse, why wouldn't the police act on it, especially with the parents video 'confession'? Why wouldn't Sil turn the parents in?

I think we both know the answer: that isn't child abuse. Nor anything remotely close to it.
So you're making it a legal matter? As if there cannot be such a thing as abuse that is legal currently?

I'm applying the meaning of the words being used. If someone is going to call this 'child abuse', that has a standard under the law.

Sil knows she's completely full of it. That her hysteric exaggerations and imagination on the issue don't meet any rational standard of 'child abuse'. So rather than call the police, she posts here.

If she genuinely believed her own claims, she'd act. She doesn't act, because she knows she's wrong.
It is abusive and exploitative to entertain the delusions of the mentally ill in my opinion. Child or adult.
I'm applying the meaning of the words being used. If someone is going to call this 'child abuse', that has a standard under the law.

Yes, and that legal standard is ANY sign of neglect, abandonment, mental or physical abuse. ANY signs. I think the OP has those signs in spades and so does the rest of the normal community. The only ones pitching for child abuse that is starkly evident here, is the LGBT community. Covering for it. Glossing it over. Promoting it. Advocating for it.

Oh, and they're trying to sue in Michigan to force Christian and other objecting adoption agencies to disgorge their protected kids into custody of LGBTers.
Two dykes adopt a kid and now he wants to be a girl? possibility of psychological abuse there.

The kid has probably been being abused since the day a few droplets of his pee landed on the toilet seat.
I'm applying the meaning of the words being used. If someone is going to call this 'child abuse', that has a standard under the law.

Yes, and that legal standard is ANY sign of neglect, abandonment, mental or physical abuse. ANY signs.

Then why haven't you turned in those parents for child abuse?

I think the OP has those signs in spades and so does the rest of the normal community.

No, you don't. You know you're full of it. As demonstrated by the fact that you have yet to call the police to turn these parents in.

If you *genuinely* believed your nonsense, you'd have called the police years ago. All you have are excuses for why even you don't believe what you're babbling about.
Two dykes adopt a kid and now he wants to be a girl? possibility of psychological abuse there.

Turn them in. If they're genuinely abusing the child it should only take a phone call.

Yet you won't. Sil won't. As you both know that you're imagination about a child you've never met doesn't amount to much.

The kid has probably been being abused since the day a few droplets of his pee landed on the toilet seat. don't know what you're talking about and are making up a narrative based on your imagination.

Have you met the child? The parents? Talked to the mental health professionals and medical professionals overseeing the kid's treatment? Nope. Yet in your near total ignorance, you're going to story tell, making up a narrative that fits what you want to believe.

Why would I or any other rational person ignore the child, parents, and medical professionals.....and instead believe your 'once upon a time'?
Attempting to mutiliate yourself to become a girl when you're not is a sure sign of mental illness. And when you have dyke all makes sense.

It is obvious Skylar would make a horrible detective.
Then why haven't you turned in those parents for child abuse?

Because the LGBT-owned CA state legislature and their puppet Governor Moonbeam together with the CA DOJ would as you say "laugh me out of the room".

And just because credentialed people glom together to promote and aide child abuse, doesn't "make it legal therefore by trend". Each and every person in a position of authority shielding these two lesbians and their "doctors" from the consequences of their actions is culpable and guilty of child abuse as well. Trends don't make child abuse OK. You're going to find that out soon in courts so you might as well get comfy with it now. Officials in CA are skating on a knife's edge with this case of child abuse. Under Trump and the fed controlling CAPTA funds, I don't think you've heard the last of it yet.

BTW, even judges cannot find in favor of obvious child abuse continuing. Even if doctors are involved. The child abuse laws remove any shield from any person and even require them to act upon suspicion, without even having proof.
Then why haven't you turned in those parents for child abuse?

Because the LGBT-owned CA state legislature and their puppet Governor Moonbeam together with the CA DOJ would as you say "laugh me out of the room".

And by the 'LGBT-owned CA state legislature', you mean them AND the 64,000 member American Academy of Pediatrics who also rejects your nonsense hysterics as child abuse?

As does the American Psychiatric Association. They're all in it together, huh in a grand conspiracy to abuse children?

Here's a simpler explanation that matches the facts simply don't know what you're talking about.
Then why haven't you turned in those parents for child abuse?

Because the LGBT-owned CA state legislature and their puppet Governor Moonbeam together with the CA DOJ would as you say "laugh me out of the room".

And by the 'LGBT-owned CA state legislature', you mean them AND the 64,000 member American Academy of Pediatrics who also rejects your nonsense hysterics as child abuse?

As does the American Psychiatric Association. They're all in it together, huh in a grand conspiracy to abuse children?

Here's a simpler explanation that matches the facts simply don't know what you're talking about. don't know what you're talking about, you fucking airhead.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Two dykes adopt a kid and now he wants to be a girl? possibility of psychological abuse there.

Turn them in. If they're genuinely abusing the child it should only take a phone call.

Yet you won't. Sil won't. As you both know that you're imagination about a child you've never met doesn't amount to much.

The kid has probably been being abused since the day a few droplets of his pee landed on the toilet seat. don't know what you're talking about and are making up a narrative based on your imagination.

Have you met the child? The parents? Talked to the mental health professionals and medical professionals overseeing the kid's treatment? Nope. Yet in your near total ignorance, you're going to story tell, making up a narrative that fits what you want to believe.

Why would I or any other rational person ignore the child, parents, and medical professionals.....and instead believe your 'once upon a time'?
With as much publicity as these cases get, there is no need to turn them in. Just a few prosecutors with a backbone. The whine lobby of the lgbt is so great that it would take a very dedicated person to oppose them. There isn't such a person. Instead there are gays who infiltrated politics and the judiciary.

It will have to play out and throw these children away into being mentally ill adults.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years.
^^Skylar thinks child abuse is funny now.

I think you ignoring you is funny. Even you don't buy your hysteric nonsense about how this child is being 'abused'.

If you had, you would have called the police. You've told us its your *responsibility* to do so. Yet when pressed for why you never did.... give us sniveling excuses. Demonstrating even you don't believe your nonsense.
Shut up moron. It's been explained to you why Sil doesn't call the police.

I hope the kid kills those dykes when he gets older. And gets off on an insanity plea.
Most likely will happen.

In the future, mentally ill rejects like the dykes in that story would be locked up the minute they started parading, and they will stay locked up. So there won't be any dyke children for them to abuse. For now, we'll have to continue with the fallout we're experiencing from the stupid progressive nightmare we've tolerated for the last 50 years. simply have no idea what you're talking about. And parents willing to take in a special needs child and raise them as own will continue to do so.

You won't be here in 50 years. But parents like that most certainly will. As the folks that are replacing people like you are far more tolerant of loving same sex families than you are.
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