Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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A child must be taught what reality is. Not drugged & mutilated so his deviant sex perv lesbian "parents" can have the little girl they've always know...wanted...

The child, parents and medial professionals are a much better judge of that situation than you are after reading a single article 4 year ago.

No, no they're not. If you told me the boy was having his arms broken by his mothers to complete "his" ideals that he is a bird and wants wings, I would turn them in for child abuse. Drugging him to chop his dick off falls into precisely the same "on the face" evident child abuse.

Again, if I were you, I wouldn't be on record posting in promotion of that on the internet...

Children don't determine reality and then tell adults to mutilate them to conform with their fantasies. Adults counsel children to conform with reality on its, not their terms. Doctors, parents, judges, law enforcement.....not one single one of those categories are immune from prosecution for child abuse. EVIDENT child abuse.
A child must be taught what reality is. Not drugged & mutilated so his deviant sex perv lesbian "parents" can have the little girl they've always know...wanted...

The child, parents and medial professionals are a much better judge of that situation than you are after reading a single article 4 year ago.

No, no they're not. If you told me the boy was having his arms broken by his mothers to complete "his" ideals that he is a bird and wants wings, I would turn them in for child abuse. Drugging him to chop his dick off falls into precisely the same "on the face" evident child abuse.

Again, if I were you, I wouldn't be on record posting in promotion of that on the internet...

Children don't determine reality and then tell adults to mutilate them to conform with their fantasies. Adults counsel children to conform with reality on its, not their terms. Doctors, parents, judges, law enforcement.....not one single one of those categories are immune from prosecution for child abuse. EVIDENT child abuse.
Huh? You would turn them in for breaking her arms?

This story is going on 7 years old and you never turned them in. You claim have done so now but you appear to be lying in order to save face after posters shamed you for not standing up for your convictions.
They have in fact been turned in. And wow do you like to pull words out of context. You're a dishonest serial-troll who posts to promote child abuse, while saying that others trying to prevent this blatant child abuse are "child abusers".

I'll go one step further: you're insane.
They have in fact been turned in. And wow do you like to pull words out of context. You're a dishonest serial-troll who posts to promote child abuse, while saying that others trying to prevent this blatant child abuse are "child abusers".

I'll go one step further: you're insane.
So you let them skate for years without doing anything until Tammy practically became an adult? Is that the story you’re sticking with?
They have in fact been turned in. And wow do you like to pull words out of context. You're a dishonest serial-troll who posts to promote child abuse, while saying that others trying to prevent this blatant child abuse are "child abusers".

I'll go one step further: you're insane.
So you let them skate for years without doing anything until Tammy practically became an adult? Is that the story you’re sticking with?
No, I had to wait until sanity returned to power and got its feet under it. Under Obama, any criticism of this type of child abuse would've resulted in punishment for the person reporting it. We have him to thank for this and the atrocity of letting deranged males use women/girl's bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. A culture of pedophilia and deviant sex acts ultimately reaching children isn't very tolerant of dissenters.

It's a new day now. It's done. They're turned in to the DOJ. Tommy may not be saved from his lesbian perp "parents" but other Tommys may be saved in the future by a radical change in policies towards lax treatment of evident child abuse from the cult of LGBT.

Once again you're on record promoting mutilation and drugging of children in your deviant sex cult dogmatic mindset.
They have in fact been turned in. And wow do you like to pull words out of context. You're a dishonest serial-troll who posts to promote child abuse, while saying that others trying to prevent this blatant child abuse are "child abusers".

I'll go one step further: you're insane.
So you let them skate for years without doing anything until Tammy practically became an adult? Is that the story you’re sticking with?
No, I had to wait until sanity returned to power and got its feet under it. Under Obama, any criticism of this type of child abuse would've resulted in punishment for the person reporting it. We have him to thank for this and the atrocity of letting deranged males use women/girl's bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. A culture of pedophilia and deviant sex acts ultimately reaching children isn't very tolerant of dissenters.

It's a new day now. It's done. They're turned in to the DOJ. Tommy may not be saved from his lesbian perp "parents" but other Tommys may be saved in the future by a radical change in policies towards lax treatment of evident child abuse.
You’re lying again. If that were true, you would have reported them back in January.
So maybe I'm lying. The point is that the women are reported to the DOJ and I have you to thank for spurring me on to do that.
So maybe I'm lying. The point is that the women are reported to the DOJ and I have you to thank for spurring me on to do that.
Except they’re not reported. Not by you, anyway, since you’re lying about that too. And even in your lies, your story is that you waited years and years until Tammy approached adulthood to take any formal action.
A child must be taught what reality is. Not drugged & mutilated so his deviant sex perv lesbian "parents" can have the little girl they've always know...wanted...

The child, parents and medial professionals are a much better judge of that situation than you are after reading a single article 4 year ago.

Remember, only pretend to have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You don't. You've never met anyone involved. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

And this child's parents are those raising her, feeding her and taking care of her. None of which you're doing. Again, you've read an article. That's your 'contribution'. These parents have raised this special needs child for approaching 2 decades.

They're her parents. You're nobody.

That you insist on using female pronouns to refer to someone who undeniably is and will always be male, only demonstrates how disconnected you are from reality.
In the 1980s when the LGBT cult took over the APA, few alarm bells were rung. Now we see the end product of letting the lunatics run the asylum: institutionalized child abuse.
A child must be taught what reality is. Not drugged & mutilated so his deviant sex perv lesbian "parents" can have the little girl they've always know...wanted...

The child, parents and medial professionals are a much better judge of that situation than you are after reading a single article 4 year ago.

Remember, only pretend to have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You don't. You've never met anyone involved. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

And this child's parents are those raising her, feeding her and taking care of her. None of which you're doing. Again, you've read an article. That's your 'contribution'. These parents have raised this special needs child for approaching 2 decades.

They're her parents. You're nobody.

That you insist on using female pronouns to refer to someone who undeniably is and will always be male, only demonstrates how disconnected you are from reality.

Says the hapless soul that is overwhelmed with murder fantasies of killing gay people. Your moral compass is a wasteland of madness. Rendering any assessment of 'insult' mere useless insanity.

Diasagree with gay folks, fine. Actrively call for their mass executions and murder? That's evil.

Compare that with loving parents of a special needs child who have cared for her for nearly 2 decades. I'll side with the loving parents over the insane murder fantasy junkie every time. As would any rational, moral person.
In the 1980s when the LGBT cult took over the APA, few alarm bells were rung. Now we see the end product of letting the lunatics run the asylum: institutionalized child abuse.

Two loving parents caring for a special needs child isn't 'abuse'. As you're well aware. As demonstrated by the fact that you learned of this case in 2013......and didn't call the police. You knew your hysteric drivel of 'child abuse' was meaningless exaggeration and nonsense.

And treated those claims with the seriousness they deserved: None at all.
So maybe I'm lying. The point is that the women are reported to the DOJ and I have you to thank for spurring me on to do that.

The point is that they've broken no law as raising a special needs child isn't a crime. And the DOJ nor any law enforcement agency has done anything to them or will unless they actually violate the law.

Remember, Sil.......the DOJ enforces the *actual* law. Not your imagination. This is the singular point upon which all of your pseudo-legal gibberish is eventually impaled. As your imagination is not a legal standard.
A child must be taught what reality is. Not drugged & mutilated so his deviant sex perv lesbian "parents" can have the little girl they've always know...wanted...

The child, parents and medial professionals are a much better judge of that situation than you are after reading a single article 4 year ago.

No, no they're not.

Says you pretending that you know what you're talking about. You've never met anyone involved. They've raised this child since she was a baby. You've never so much as talked to her. They care for her every day. You've never spoken to her medical and mental health professionals. Her medical and medical health professionals meet with her regularly and have been caring for her for years.

At every stage, they have years of direct experience. And you know nothing.

Yet as you always do, you pretend that your imagination trumps direct experience, the law, psychology, everything....because you imagine it does. Back in reality, the pseudo-legal gibberish that you tell yourself is meaningless. As is your personal obsession with gay people.

We won't be punishing loving parents for raising a special needs child. We won't be killing gay people or throwing them off buildings.

If you told me the boy was having his arms broken by his mothers to complete "his" ideals that he is a bird and wants wings, I would turn them in for child abuse. Drugging him to chop his dick off falls into precisely the same "on the face" evident child abuse.

Again, if I were you, I wouldn't be on record posting in promotion of that on the internet...

Children don't determine reality and then tell adults to mutilate them to conform with their fantasies. Adults counsel children to conform with reality on its, not their terms. Doctors, parents, judges, law enforcement.....not one single one of those categories are immune from prosecution for child abuse. EVIDENT child abuse.

Again, nonsense. Even you don't believe your blithering gibberish. As you've known about this child since 2013. And did.......nothing.

Demonstrating that even you know your claims of 'child abuse' were empty hysterics.
medi[c]al professionals

In general, there is no punishment too cruel or too unusual for a "medical professional" -- Such "medical professionals" have worked very, very hard to earn such any such punishment as another human is capable of meting out, no matter how sickening and horrifying it may be to others.

Without a doubt there is a great blessing and salvation from the one benevolent, omnipotent Creator of the universe for all who so justly punish such doctors, surgeons, and physicians, and the same horrifying punishment upon all who hold to the side of such "medical professionals," give them aid or comfort, or defend them, help them evade judgment, or work to lighten their severe, just, and inevitable punishment.

Jesus alone is the Great Healer and Physician who performed so many medical miracles, and is yet able to work such miracles by the holy and pure faith of the righteous to this day. What these doctors inflict without cause is ten thousand times worse than the pain of crucifixion. God is my witness, and God is coming to avenge the righteous.
Justin. So you think it's legally wise for Skylar to be advocating for child abuse online? I mean, he can cite doctors, shrinks & judges all day long but if they're helping abuse children too, it doesn't water down the severity of the crime by numbers. All it becomes then is professional conspiracy to commit child abuse. That makes the crime worse, not better.
Justin. So you think it's legally wise for Skylar to be advocating for child abuse online?

Again, Sil.....loving parents taking care of a special needs child is only 'child abuse' in your imagination. And your imagination has no legal relevance. I have no fear of repurcussions in failing to report child abuse that isn't happening.

See how that works?

I mean, he can cite doctors, shrinks & judges all day long but if they're helping abuse children too, it doesn't water down the severity of the crime by numbers. All it becomes then is professional conspiracy to commit child abuse. That makes the crime worse, not better.

Defying your imagination isn't a crime, Sil.

Even you didn't report these imaginary 'crimes', as you know that what is happening isn't child abuse. Loving parents caring for their special needs child will continue.
medi[c]al professionals

In general, there is no punishment too cruel or too unusual for a "medical professional" -- Such "medical professionals" have worked very, very hard to earn such any such punishment as another human is capable of meting out, no matter how sickening and horrifying it may be to others.

Without a doubt there is a great blessing and salvation from the one benevolent, omnipotent Creator of the universe for all who so justly punish such doctors, surgeons, and physicians, and the same horrifying punishment upon all who hold to the side of such "medical professionals," give them aid or comfort, or defend them, help them evade judgment, or work to lighten their severe, just, and inevitable punishment.

Jesus alone is the Great Healer and Physician who performed so many medical miracles, and is yet able to work such miracles by the holy and pure faith of the righteous to this day. What these doctors inflict without cause is ten thousand times worse than the pain of crucifixion. God is my witness, and God is coming to avenge the righteous.

Why is it that those talking of the 'Great Healer' and the 'Omnipotent creator' are usually the one's calling for the cruelest, most hideous, most unimaginable horror, pain and punishment on other people?

Loving parents caring for their special needs child vs your 'sickening' and 'horrifying' torture and murder fantasies makes it very easy to pick a side.

With the parents caring for their child.
Skylar, there is no denying that what's being done to that boy in the OP is child abuse. Pure and simple. It's child abuse. Let me repeat that again so you'll tailor your for-the-record postings here in a way that isn't damaging to yourself: IT'S EVIDENT CHILD ABUSE.

Don't promote it therefore. It's very unwise to do so.
Skylar, there is no denying that what's being done to that boy in the OP is child abuse.

Sure there is. The law doesn't recognize it as child abuse, nor does the state. Nor has the 'DOJ' taken any action against the parents for any crime whatsoever.

Even you don't believe your bullshit that two loving parents caring for their special needs child is 'child abuse'. As you learned of this child in 2013....and never called the police to report it.

Why? Because your hysteric exaggerations and pseudo-legal gibberish is so void of substance that even YOU won't bother to act on it.

Even if you are going to ignore your own pseudo-legal ramblings....surely you'll understand why we do the same.
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