Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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No, Bob isn't making up that fathers exert a necessary and vital influence on boys. We have prisons full of adult males raised in fatherless homes. Prisons and mental institutions. And streets full of mentally ill drug addict men from fatherless homes.
He's making up, "normal, healthy, and sane couples do not encourage and enable this sort of mental illness in their children." Normal, healthy, and sane couples do what's in the best interest of their children which differs from one situation to the next. Praying this away is not always in the best interest of the child.
No, Bob isn't making up that fathers exert a necessary and vital influence on boys. We have prisons full of adult males raised in fatherless homes. Prisons and mental institutions. And streets full of mentally ill drug addict men from fatherless homes.
He's making up, "normal, healthy, and sane couples do not encourage and enable this sort of mental illness in their children." Normal, healthy, and sane couples do what's in the best interest of their children which differs from one situation to the next. Praying this away is not always in the best interest of the child.

And encouraging it is?
He's making up, "normal, healthy, and sane couples do not encourage and enable this sort of mental illness in their children." Normal, healthy, and sane couples do what's in the best interest of their children which differs from one situation to the next. Praying this away is not always in the best interest of the child.

As a matter of immutable, undeniable, scientific fact, a boy is not a girl, and cannot become a girl. Sane parents would not encourage a boy to believe that he is, should be, or can become a girl, and would certainly not subject a boy to destructive medical Frankensteinery in order to support such a delusion. One has to be unimaginably delusional to think that doing so is in any way in a child's best interests—that such is anything other than extremely severe abuse of a child.
As a matter of immutable, undeniable, scientific fact, a boy is not a girl, and cannot become a girl. Sane parents would not encourage a boy to believe that he is, should be, or can become a girl, and would certainly not subject a boy to destructive medical Frankensteinery in order to support such a delusion. One has to be unimaginably delusional to think that doing so is in any way in a child's best interests—that such is anything other than extremely severe abuse of a child.

Normal, healthy, and sane couples do what's in the best interest of their children which differs from one situation to the next. Praying this away is not always in the best interest of the child.

So you would advocate drugging children to coerce them into surgical amputation for their confused ideas about reality? That is the essence of your advocating here. Which is child abuse since the treatment for confusion and mental issues is psychological care, not surgical care.
Everyone makes up everything according to you, even the fact that someone claims to be a girl when biology proves the opposite.

You got a rock for brains?

Well if you understand that these pay-per-post LGBT bloggers are here to make money, you'll understand that Faun and his cohorts don't care about reality. They want a paycheck...for promoting....child abuse online.....

Like I told them; I'd advise against that. I hear the faint sound of approaching war drums on these LGBT child abuse issues.
Everyone makes up everything according to you, even the fact that someone claims to be a girl when biology proves the opposite.

You got a rock for brains?

Well if you understand that these pay-per-post LGBT bloggers are here to make money, you'll understand that Faun and his cohorts don't care about reality. They want a paycheck...for promoting....child abuse online.....

Like I told them; I'd advise against that. I hear the faint sound of approaching war drums on these LGBT child abuse issues.

And the fact that the child is “special needs” is somehow missed in all this?

Should cause additional angst, but I’m not seeing any.
Exactly what I've said. Church of LGBT claims their adopting these kids is an essential service to mankind. Upon inspection of their intent & collusion about the abuse being done to this boy, I conclude the opposite.

Have you heard one single LGBT blogger anywhere on the net denounce these abuses of drugging children to have body parts amputated? Anywhere?
Everyone makes up everything according to you, even the fact that someone claims to be a girl when biology proves the opposite.

You got a rock for brains?

Well if you understand that these pay-per-post LGBT bloggers are here to make money, you'll understand that Faun and his cohorts don't care about reality. They want a paycheck...for promoting....child abuse online.....

Like I told them; I'd advise against that. I hear the faint sound of approaching war drums on these LGBT child abuse issues.
Sil, there are no 'pay per post' bloggers on your threads. Just like there aren't 'LGBT mafioso' kill teams murdering children to garner sympathy for the gay community (yes folks, she actually offered us this vile conspiracy just a couple of days ago). Nor did 'the gays' infiltrate Gallup. Nor did 'the gays' blackmail the Pope. Nor did 'they gays' blackmail justice Kennedy.

And even you don't believe your bullshit about 'child abuse'. This article is from 2011. The thread is from 2013. In all this time you've never called the police to report the 'abuse' you're claiming. Why? Because you know your pseudo-legal gibberish and hysteric exaggerations don't magically change two loving parents caring for their special needs child into 'child abuse'.

Nor does your compulsive fixation on gay parents. They're just raising their kids. The wasteland of conspiracy insanity that infects your mind only effects you.
Exactly what I've said. Church of LGBT claims their adopting these kids is an essential service to mankind. Upon inspection of their intent & collusion about the abuse being done to this boy, I conclude the opposite.

Have you heard one single LGBT blogger anywhere on the net denounce these abuses of drugging children to have body parts amputated? Anywhere?

Your conclusions are meaningless, as you don't know what you're talking about. You've never met the child in question, you've never met the parents, you've never met the medical health professionals caring for the child, you've never spoken with any of her mental health caregivers. Your entire knowledge of this situation is ONE article. You'd have to refer to that article to even give us the child's name.

The child self identified as a girl. Her parents care for her daily, wake her every morning, help her with home work, take her to doctor's appointments, are intimately familiar with every aspect of her care. Her mental health professionals have been caring for her for years and have a thorough understanding of this child.

Why would I ignore them...and instead believe you.....because you read an article once in 2013?
So maybe I'm lying. The point is that the women are reported to the DOJ and I have you to thank for spurring me on to do that.

The point is that they've broken no law as raising a special needs child isn't a crime. And the DOJ nor any law enforcement agency has done anything to them or will unless they actually violate the law.

Remember, Sil.......the DOJ enforces the *actual* law. Not your imagination. This is the singular point upon which all of your pseudo-legal gibberish is eventually impaled. As your imagination is not a legal standard.

And the DOJ doesn't investigate child abuse- unless there are state lines
And the DOJ doesn't investigate child abuse- unless there are state lines
Do any of the children being drugged cross state lines to access those drugs? What about the internal State policies protecting children. Just because you are a state official doesn't mean you capitulate to trends in child abuse. That's illegal.
And the DOJ doesn't investigate child abuse- unless there are state lines
Do any of the children being drugged cross state lines to access those drugs? What about the internal State policies protecting children. Just because you are a state official doesn't mean you capitulate to trends in child abuse. That's illegal.

What children are being 'drugged cross state lines'- specifically?

As we keep saying- if you know of any actual child abuse- report it. The child you have been saying for 7 years was being abused you either never reported- or just recently(after 7 years!) supposedly reported it to the DOJ- which has absolutely no jurisdiction in this kids case.

Which just demonstrates again that your obsession has nothing to do with any child's safety.
Right. So you're here promoting what's being done to the boy in the OP? Just trying to get that on the record.
This is sick, he is a six year old boy. The parents should be arrested.
Lefties told us this would never happen.......time to start restricting this kind of stuff

When did 'lefties' tell you that we would want to take away the decision of parents and their doctors from deciding on the proper treatment of a child? 11 years ago.......
it's not raising a child to force them to act like a different sex, that's child abuse.
This is sick, he is a six year old boy. The parents should be arrested.
Lefties told us this would never happen.......time to start restricting this kind of stuff

When did 'lefties' tell you that we would want to take away the decision of parents and their doctors from deciding on the proper treatment of a child? 11 years ago.......
it's not raising a child to force them to act like a different sex, that's child abuse.
It is? To whom did you report it?
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