Boy Scouts Will Admit Girls, Allow Them to Earn Eagle Scout Rank


Change always affects the older folk most severely. I understand that and make allowances for it. Just as the Boys Club has turned into the Boys and Girls club so will the scouting program.
lets hear you demand they let boys into the girl scouts or they should be shut down.
Those who want to dilute and minimize masculinity are certainly getting their way.
Alright, what the fuck is this bullshit? I was in the boy scouts for 5 years and there was something special about getting out there with your buddies and all of their dads and doing/learning cool shit separate from the women that are involved in just about every other aspect of our lives. It wasn't sexist; it was just about male camaraderie. It won't be the same now.

Boy Scouts will admit girls and allow them to earn Eagle Scout rank

The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor.

"We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children," said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts.
unfortunately the Scouts accept tax money in aide to fund them, therefore they are subject to the hateful lefts demands for ekwality

I haven't seen anyone on the left demand that BSA accept girls
This decision was made all on their own. They have seen declining enrollment for decades, Seems to be an effort to rebrand themselves
Those who want to dilute and minimize masculinity are certainly getting their way.

Seems they are trying to masculinize the girls

They are not teaching the boys sewing, they are teaching the girls rock climbing
Alright, what the fuck is this bullshit? I was in the boy scouts for 5 years and there was something special about getting out there with your buddies and all of their dads and doing/learning cool shit separate from the women that are involved in just about every other aspect of our lives. It wasn't sexist; it was just about male camaraderie. It won't be the same now.

Boy Scouts will admit girls and allow them to earn Eagle Scout rank

The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor.

"We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children," said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts.
unfortunately the Scouts accept tax money in aide to fund them, therefore they are subject to the hateful lefts demands for ekwality

I haven't seen anyone on the left demand that BSA accept girls
This decision was made all on their own. They have seen declining enrollment for decades, Seems to be an effort to rebrand themselves
then you have Alzheimer's.
Just another example of the critically and tragic stupidity of progressives to erase sexual differences. Both physical and mental.
Boys and Girls are different. And it is a good thing. A good thing that our education system is trying hard to eradicate.[/QUOTE

Any actual differences will remain. They cannot be eradicated. This is impossible.
However, I have heard people claim that there is a difference when there actually isn't one, involving everything from doing the laundry to flying a jet. There are the "make it up as you go along" types.
Alright, what the fuck is this bullshit? I was in the boy scouts for 5 years and there was something special about getting out there with your buddies and all of their dads and doing/learning cool shit separate from the women that are involved in just about every other aspect of our lives. It wasn't sexist; it was just about male camaraderie. It won't be the same now.

Boy Scouts will admit girls and allow them to earn Eagle Scout rank

The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor.

"We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children," said Michael Surbaugh, chief executive of the Boy Scouts.
unfortunately the Scouts accept tax money in aide to fund them, therefore they are subject to the hateful lefts demands for ekwality

I haven't seen anyone on the left demand that BSA accept girls
This decision was made all on their own. They have seen declining enrollment for decades, Seems to be an effort to rebrand themselves
then you have Alzheimer's. me any reference to the left demanding girls join BSA or STFU
Seems they are trying to masculinize the girls They are not teaching the boys sewing, they are teaching the girls rock climbing
I don't think you know what their program is or how they are going to run it. Moreover, since when is when is teaching females the same skill sets as males, "masculinizing"?
Seems they are trying to masculinize the girls They are not teaching the boys sewing, they are teaching the girls rock climbing
I don't think you know what their program is or how they are going to run it. Moreover, since when is when is teaching females the same skill sets as males, "masculinizing"?
Shut up and make me a sammich
Will boys being selling girl scout cookies now? Will they still be called "girl" scout cookies? Will they keep the peanut butter cookies. This is important! Does anyone know?
Girls in the Boy Scouts?

Seems like a stupid idea until you stop to appreciate how much it pisses off the conservatards.
When I was in Girl Scouts, back in the dark ages, we got cooking and sewing badges. I wonder if the boys will be doing those too. Maybe it's already a choice--I don't know.
My GS leader was not an outdoorsy type AT ALL. We went on one picnic and she forgot the charcoal. We did crafts and poisoned our families with our cooking.

I was a cub scout and we did sewing and cooking too. They they tried to make me be a sea scout, fuck that shit.
Shut up and make me a sammich

Just another example of the critically and tragic stupidity of progressives to erase sexual differences. Both physical and mental.
Boys and Girls are different. And it is a good thing. A good thing that our education system is trying hard to eradicate.
I suppose there's nothing wrong with Scouts going co-ed. It's been WAY too long since I had anything to do with it to know what that would mean for scouting troops today. I think the camping trips could get awkward, though.

There were already co-ed scouting options.
Explorer Scouts (they changed the name to Venturing Scouts) are co-ed ... They offer most of the same scouting opportunities, especially in high adventure areas.

Venturing Scouts ... Ages 13-20 ... 158000 scouts and 58000 Adult Volunteers.

It also falls under the Boy Scouts of America co-op.
The same facilities and structure are offered ... They have the same privileges to Scouting venues and activities.

To force the Boy Scouts to take on gender challenges they should not be required to is wrong.
If there isn't a Venturing Scouts troop in your area ... And your child wants to participate ... Then start one ... :thup:


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