Boycott Australia

There are thugs of all races in Australia...the newest lot being Africans.
'Middle Eastern appearance' thugs commit so much crime that they have their own dedicated police crime squad...ditto 'Asian appearance' thugs and criminals.
Of course, there are White thugs, Pacific Islander thugs, as well.

Romanian/Eastern European criminal slimeballs are back again, stealing the money from the People by ATM skimming devices inserted into ATMs.

The 26 yr old woman who got beaten up on the bus was very unwise to complain...she should've just been passive and put up with the inconvenience.
Best not to antagonise drunks and boisterous partying people.
Now look what's happened to her.
'Nightrider' bus gives a's not full of stockbrokers and secretaries on their way to the office.
Everything changes after dark in the big cities [and small ones for that matter].

If bianco man were 'king' there'd be armed security guards on every Nightrider bus, and other busses in known trouble spots.
He is not 'king', so we have what we have.

To many of the young here it's likely just another case of immigrants/foreigners attacking the locals...'takeover'..."under new management".

Know what's 'going' to happen now?
'Africans' will get blamed for this by some people, and innocent African immigrants could get beaten up somehere else in the city in reply by vigilantes out for revenge...on some 'to defend our way of life' campaign.

It was a girl...that's bad..."A flower of Aussie womanhood", "A daughter of the Southern Cross"...who was punched and kicked unconscious.

It's even worse if she isn't White...the gangs from her race will be going crazy with hate.
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