Boycott Israel

Why History News Network allowed this bigotry to be published is another story. The story doesn't come anywhere close to proving Fischbach's theory that Jews are racist, but it sure indicates that Michael R. Fischbach is a different type of bigot.

Fischbach, by complete coincidence, has spoken at a pro-BDS conference and features a poster in his office that shares Marc Lamont Hill's desire for the destruction of the Jewish state, and no other state on the planet.

(full article online)

Academic calls Jews racist for getting Marc Lamont Hill fired @myHNN ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Now I did include a number of important truths in the discussion, including humanizing both sides in the conflict while also pointing out facts that confound “the narrative,” such as the Palestinian alliance with Hitler in World War II, the support the British Empire provided Israel’s foes – including splitting Jordan off from “Palestine” and leading Jordanian troops in 1948 – and the expulsion of Jews from the Arab world. Each one of these facts was unknown to the students in the room, which allowed me to challenge the credibility of the original presenter without attacking anyone directly.

Such behavior was not a two-way street, however. For almost from the start the student who had been given the floor previously began to insert more of her accusations into the discussion, in the form of “innocent” questions. But when I responded sternly, but politely, that such questions could wait until the end of my talk (the same rules she insisted on when she had the floor) and did not let her dominate Q&A at the expense of her classmates, she resorted to the old fallback of getting upset and breaking into tears over the fact that any side other than hers was allowed in her presence.
This tactic is called “Argumentation from Outrage” and is an old staple of BDS “dialog,” although in this age of “coddling,” it has been used to increasing effect to shut down debate through what has been termed “crybullying.”

One thing that became apparently pretty quickly is how discombobulated Israel’s accusers become when they don’t have complete control of the microphone. It may just be that this particular person was not an effective partisan, at least with regard to challenging someone who knew what they were talking about and was ready to stand his ground. But it may also represent the sort of atrophying of argumentation skill among those who insist that no dialog can take place with anyone not ready to agree with everything they say in advance.

(full article online)

Getting a chance to respond to anti-Israel accusations (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Israeli and Palestinian workers at the Idan HaNegev factory of SodaStream in Israel, Nov. 15, 2018; (Federico Maccioni/TimesofIsrael)

The new project, Birnbaum said, sitting alongside PepsiCo’s CEO Ramon Laguarta at the conference, will see the establishment of a manufacturing facility in the Strip.

(full article online)

Israeli fizzy-water maker SodaStream to set up plant in Gaza, CEO says
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ et al,

This is too funny... Just who are they going to get to work there??? Is BDS going to protest the plant in Gaza?



Israeli and Palestinian workers at the Idan HaNegev factory of SodaStream in Israel, Nov. 15, 2018; (Federico Maccioni/TimesofIsrael)

The new project, Birnbaum said, sitting alongside PepsiCo’s CEO Ramon Laguarta at the conference, will see the establishment of a manufacturing facility in the Strip.

(full article online)

Israeli fizzy-water maker SodaStream to set up plant in Gaza, CEO says
The BDS movement is growing around the world! Palestinian-American professor and activist Noura Erakat accepted the Tada Yoko Human Rights Award in Japan on behalf of the BDS movement.

On the same trip, Japanese activists officially launched the nationwide BDS campaign under the banner of #BDSJapan

In recent years, BDS activists in Japan have scored important victories.

* They stopped MUJI, a large Japanese clothing and convenience line, from opening a branch in Israel.

*They convinced an upscale Japanese department store to withdraw products made in illegal Israeli settlements and they convinced the Japanese distributor for Ahava to stop distributing products from this settlement-profiteering cosmetics company.

*They protested weapons expos for many reasons, including for featuring Israeli weapons notoriously advertised as “battle-tested” on Palestinians in Gaza.

The list continues! Our movement grows!

BDS japan #Solidarity


[ Choosing to forget that they ARE in Israel, and how many Israeli products they do buy in their territories in Gaza and the PA.
Normalizing? It IS normalized already. ]

The national and Islamic forces in the Jerusalem area, the supreme coordinating body of Palestinian Arab organizations, called for the boycott of Israeli shopping centers.

The group stated that buying products in Israeli shopping centers is tantamount to giving money to the 'occupation' and helping to Judaize the city of 'Al-Quds' (the Arabic name for Jerusalem).

(full article online)

Arab groups call to boycott Rami Levi supermarket chain
The 1977 Export Administration Act, which I helped author at President Jimmy Carter’s direction, prohibits American companies and individuals from participating in unsanctioned boycotts against U.S. allies, including Israel.

That law, now known as the Export Control Reform Act (ECRA), also protects U.S. companies from pressure to comply with a foreign country’s efforts to boycott U.S. allies, in conflict with U.S. foreign policy. For four decades, the law has been upheld by the courts.

The IABA is carefully-crafted to update the 1977 legislation by extending the prohibition against complying with boycotts beyond those imposed by foreign countries to cover boycott-related activities by international governmental organizations, like the U.N. or the European Union.

All the IABA does is follow the constitutional authority that underpinned the 1977 legislation by prohibiting U.S. individuals and companies from providing requested information to an international governmental organization to assist in its efforts to further a boycott against a country friendly to the United States.

What companies and individuals would not be able to do under this legislation is to boycott Israel or other U.S. allies at the behest of these IGOs. The courts have long supported Congress’ authority to limit international commercial conduct that it finds contrary to U.S. national interests.

US companies need relief from BDS pressure
The American crowdfunding platform DonorBox has banned the BNC from using its services to raise money in what is seen as a major blow to the BDS movement.

The BNC is an umbrella organization of dozens of Palestinian boycott organizations, including the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces Council (PNIF). The PNIF consists of five different organizations defined by the US government as terrorist organizations, including Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Islamic conflict.

(full article online)

Crowdfunding platform bans BDS organizations

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