Boycott Israel

[ BDS, harming Jews, harming Palestinians.......they just don't care]

The most recent reports show that Airbnb is attempting to display equal treatment by adding Palestinians in Judea and Samaria to the list of banned property listings.

According to a report by the news website Mondoweiss, attempting to list a rental in an Arab town in Judea and Samaria, including Bethlehem, Ramallah and Shechem/Nablus, results in a “country code is invalid” warning.

(full article online)

‘Forbes’ reports Airbnb policy ‘growing headache’; app now to ban Palestinian listings
Very often these days, we hear about the wonderful richness of the international community. Americans are chastised for failing to go along with the international community on climate change; failing to follow the consensus of the international community on health care; failing to mirror the priorities of the international community in foreign policy.

But here's the reality: There is no international community. There is merely a group of states motivated by self-interest. Sometimes those self-interests overlap. Other times they don't. But let's not pretend that the international community somehow maintains a sort of collective moral standing merely by dint of numbers. In fact, precisely the opposite is often true.

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The 'International Community' Isn't A Community. It's A Rogue's Gallery.
Saleh was the most recent member of the prominent Barghouti clan to be involved in terrorist attacks against Israel. The clan has several families that live in the villages of Kobar, Aboud, Bani Zeid and Beit Rima in the Ramallah area. Saleh was from Kobar.

Saleh’s father, Omar, 65, spent more than 25 years in Israeli prison for his role in terrorism. The father was first arrested by the IDF in 1978 for killing an Israeli citizen and was sentenced to life in prison. However, Omar, who is known as Abu Asef, was released seven years later in a prison exchange. Since then, he has been repeatedly held in administrative detention for several years. Omar entered Israeli prison as a member of Fatah, but later became a prominent leader of Hamas.

A clan member also named Omar Barghouti is a founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel and co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS). Omar was born in Qatar.

Saleh’s uncle, Na’el, is the longest-serving Palestinian inmate in Israeli prison. Born in 1957 in Kobar, Na’el has spent a total of 39 years in Israeli prison for his role in terrorism. Like his brother Omar, he too was arrested for the first time in 1978. Na’el was released in the 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange swap, but was rearrested years later.

(full article online)

The Barghouti clan’s jihad against Israel

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