Boycott Israel

  • Two American NGOs – Interfaith Peace-Builders and Dream Defenders – support and promote the mission of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terror organization. The PFLP has used bombings, shootings, and plane hijackings to achieve its political goals.

  • Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB), also known as “Eyewitness Palestine,” claims to have led more than 60 delegations to the Palestinian Authority. IFPB houses its participants in the homes of PFLP terrorist operatives and encourages them to participate in violent demonstrations against Israel.
  • Dream Defenders and its members endorsed the PFLP and espoused its tactics by backing PFLP terrorists on social media and at various public events. It brings people to the Middle East to meet with PFLP members and PFLP-affiliated organizations.

  • In March 2016, Dream Defenders put together an alternative school curriculum that includes the PFLP as one of nine “heroes” that should be used to teach “rebellion” strategies and tactics.

  • The group identifies with the PFLP’s struggle, stating: “They [the PFLP] want to be free from global imperialism. They want liberation. They want equal rights. Just like the Dream Defenders.”

(full article online)

American Non-Government Organizations Are Intertwined with PFLP Terror Group
On November 19, Trocaire retweeted an invitation to an event titled “What We Saw in Palestine: Why Ireland Must Act Against Injustice,” featuring Senator Frances Black and organized by Sadaka, a pro-Palestinian lobby in Ireland and among the leaders of BDS campaigns. (See below for a graph of Senator Black’s tweets.)

Trocaire’s tweets studiously omit mention of Hamas war crimes. Following an attack of 400 rockets and missiles from Gaza against Israeli population centers on November 13, causing one death and more than 70 injured, the organization focused all of its attention on Gaza’s “humanitarian crisis.”

The chart below illustrates Trocaire’s disproportionate focus on Israel:

(full article online)

Trocaire’s Anti-Israel Campaign on Twitter: November 2018
  • Two American NGOs – Interfaith Peace-Builders and Dream Defenders – support and promote the mission of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terror organization. The PFLP has used bombings, shootings, and plane hijackings to achieve its political goals.

  • Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB), also known as “Eyewitness Palestine,” claims to have led more than 60 delegations to the Palestinian Authority. IFPB houses its participants in the homes of PFLP terrorist operatives and encourages them to participate in violent demonstrations against Israel.
  • Dream Defenders and its members endorsed the PFLP and espoused its tactics by backing PFLP terrorists on social media and at various public events. It brings people to the Middle East to meet with PFLP members and PFLP-affiliated organizations.

  • In March 2016, Dream Defenders put together an alternative school curriculum that includes the PFLP as one of nine “heroes” that should be used to teach “rebellion” strategies and tactics.

  • The group identifies with the PFLP’s struggle, stating: “They [the PFLP] want to be free from global imperialism. They want liberation. They want equal rights. Just like the Dream Defenders.”
(full article online)

American Non-Government Organizations Are Intertwined with PFLP Terror Group
What a load of hooey.

Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.
Is BDS creating any POSITIVE change for the Palestinians? I am not seems in some ways to have actually made things more difficult for them by sowing a lot of chaos. For example - increased and overt cooperation with Israel and Arab states is imo more likely to lead towards a real solution for the Palestinians than BDS. While there is injustice and inequality occurring in the treatment of Palestinians and Arab Israeli's - comparing it to Apartheid is dishonest and buries the real issues.

Is BDS a successful strategy? It CAN be - but is it in the way it is being applied? Boycotts in and of themselves are absolutely a legitimate means of protest and free speech. But what is BDS's end goal - how is "success" measured? This doesn't seem clear.

An interesting article: BDS: how a controversial non-violent movement has transformed the Israeli-Palestinian debate

The movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel – known as BDS – has been driving the world a little bit mad. Since its founding 13 years ago, it has acquired nearly as many enemies as the Israelis and Palestinians combined. It has hindered the efforts of Arab states to fully break their own decades-old boycott in pursuit of increasingly overt cooperation with Israel. It has shamed the Palestinian Authority government in Ramallah by denouncing its security and economic collaboration with Israel’s army and military administration. It has annoyed the Palestine Liberation Organization by encroaching on its position as the internationally recognised advocate and representative of Palestinians worldwide.

It has infuriated the Israeli government by trying to turn it into a leper among liberals and progressives. It has exasperated what is left of the Israeli peace camp by nudging the Palestinians away from an anti-occupation struggle and towards an anti-apartheid one. It has induced such an anti-democratic counter-campaign by the Israeli government that it has made Israeli liberals fear for the future of their country. And it has caused major headaches for the Palestinians’ donor governments in Europe, which are pressured by Israel not to work with BDS-supporting organisations in the Palestinian territories, an impossible request given that nearly all major civil society groups in Gaza and the West Bank support the movement.

In the UK, BDS has brought turmoil to courts and local councils, embroiling them in disputes over the legality of local boycotts of settlement goods. In the US, BDS has caused two dozen states to pass bills or issue orders inhibiting or penalising those boycotting Israel or its settlements, pitting Israel’s allies against free speech advocates such as the American Civil Liberties Union. It has ignited debates in Protestant churches in the US, some of the largest of which have divested from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation. It has become the bane of college administrators, forced to adjudicate complaints from BDS-supporting professors and students that their free speech has been stifled, and claims by Zionist faculty, donors and undergraduates that their campuses have become “unsafe” spaces. It has pulled liberals toward greater support for the Palestinians, making Israel an increasingly partisan issue in the US, associated less with Democrats and progressives than with Trump, evangelicals and the far right....
Is BDS creating any POSITIVE change for the Palestinians? I am not seems in some ways to have actually made things more difficult for them by sowing a lot of chaos. For example - increased and overt cooperation with Israel and Arab states is imo more likely to lead towards a real solution for the Palestinians than BDS. While there is injustice and inequality occurring in the treatment of Palestinians and Arab Israeli's - comparing it to Apartheid is dishonest and buries the real issues.

Is BDS a successful strategy? It CAN be - but is it in the way it is being applied? Boycotts in and of themselves are absolutely a legitimate means of protest and free speech. But what is BDS's end goal - how is "success" measured? This doesn't seem clear.

An interesting article: BDS: how a controversial non-violent movement has transformed the Israeli-Palestinian debate

The movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel – known as BDS – has been driving the world a little bit mad. Since its founding 13 years ago, it has acquired nearly as many enemies as the Israelis and Palestinians combined. It has hindered the efforts of Arab states to fully break their own decades-old boycott in pursuit of increasingly overt cooperation with Israel. It has shamed the Palestinian Authority government in Ramallah by denouncing its security and economic collaboration with Israel’s army and military administration. It has annoyed the Palestine Liberation Organization by encroaching on its position as the internationally recognised advocate and representative of Palestinians worldwide.

It has infuriated the Israeli government by trying to turn it into a leper among liberals and progressives. It has exasperated what is left of the Israeli peace camp by nudging the Palestinians away from an anti-occupation struggle and towards an anti-apartheid one. It has induced such an anti-democratic counter-campaign by the Israeli government that it has made Israeli liberals fear for the future of their country. And it has caused major headaches for the Palestinians’ donor governments in Europe, which are pressured by Israel not to work with BDS-supporting organisations in the Palestinian territories, an impossible request given that nearly all major civil society groups in Gaza and the West Bank support the movement.

In the UK, BDS has brought turmoil to courts and local councils, embroiling them in disputes over the legality of local boycotts of settlement goods. In the US, BDS has caused two dozen states to pass bills or issue orders inhibiting or penalising those boycotting Israel or its settlements, pitting Israel’s allies against free speech advocates such as the American Civil Liberties Union. It has ignited debates in Protestant churches in the US, some of the largest of which have divested from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation. It has become the bane of college administrators, forced to adjudicate complaints from BDS-supporting professors and students that their free speech has been stifled, and claims by Zionist faculty, donors and undergraduates that their campuses have become “unsafe” spaces. It has pulled liberals toward greater support for the Palestinians, making Israel an increasingly partisan issue in the US, associated less with Democrats and progressives than with Trump, evangelicals and the far right....

Boycott that targets an ethnic group is a hate crime,
nothing legitimate about it.
While readers were told nothing of the intense campaign which Hamas had conducted before the vote or of the involvement of the PLO and Palestinian Authority in trying to defeat the draft resolution, they were informed of post-vote comments from a Hamas spokesman and an Iranian representative. The PA president’s reaction, however, went unreported by the BBC.

“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas also welcomed the result, despite being engaged in a bitter intra-Palestinian rivalry with Hamas over control of Gaza. “The presidency thanked all the states that voted against the American draft resolution, affirming that it will not allow for the condemnation of the Palestinian national struggle,” a statement from the PA’s Wafa mouthpiece read.”

Refraining from clarifying to readers that any electoral mandate secured by Hamas in elections nearly 13 years ago is no longer valid, the BBC’s report amplifies a view of a terror organisation responsible for the murders of hundreds of civilians as “legitimate”.

“Hamas, or its military wing, is designated as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the US, EU, and UK, as well as other powers.

Its supporters see it as a legitimate resistance movement which came to power through elections, last held in 2006.”

The violent coup which brought the Gaza Strip under the control of Hamas is completely whitewashed from the BBC’s account: “…Hamas, the militant group that has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007…”

(full article online)

Superficial BBC News report on UN General Assembly votes
Is BDS creating any POSITIVE change for the Palestinians? I am not seems in some ways to have actually made things more difficult for them by sowing a lot of chaos. For example - increased and overt cooperation with Israel and Arab states is imo more likely to lead towards a real solution for the Palestinians than BDS. While there is injustice and inequality occurring in the treatment of Palestinians and Arab Israeli's - comparing it to Apartheid is dishonest and buries the real issues.

Is BDS a successful strategy? It CAN be - but is it in the way it is being applied? Boycotts in and of themselves are absolutely a legitimate means of protest and free speech. But what is BDS's end goal - how is "success" measured? This doesn't seem clear.

An interesting article: BDS: how a controversial non-violent movement has transformed the Israeli-Palestinian debate

The movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel – known as BDS – has been driving the world a little bit mad. Since its founding 13 years ago, it has acquired nearly as many enemies as the Israelis and Palestinians combined. It has hindered the efforts of Arab states to fully break their own decades-old boycott in pursuit of increasingly overt cooperation with Israel. It has shamed the Palestinian Authority government in Ramallah by denouncing its security and economic collaboration with Israel’s army and military administration. It has annoyed the Palestine Liberation Organization by encroaching on its position as the internationally recognised advocate and representative of Palestinians worldwide.

It has infuriated the Israeli government by trying to turn it into a leper among liberals and progressives. It has exasperated what is left of the Israeli peace camp by nudging the Palestinians away from an anti-occupation struggle and towards an anti-apartheid one. It has induced such an anti-democratic counter-campaign by the Israeli government that it has made Israeli liberals fear for the future of their country. And it has caused major headaches for the Palestinians’ donor governments in Europe, which are pressured by Israel not to work with BDS-supporting organisations in the Palestinian territories, an impossible request given that nearly all major civil society groups in Gaza and the West Bank support the movement.

In the UK, BDS has brought turmoil to courts and local councils, embroiling them in disputes over the legality of local boycotts of settlement goods. In the US, BDS has caused two dozen states to pass bills or issue orders inhibiting or penalising those boycotting Israel or its settlements, pitting Israel’s allies against free speech advocates such as the American Civil Liberties Union. It has ignited debates in Protestant churches in the US, some of the largest of which have divested from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation. It has become the bane of college administrators, forced to adjudicate complaints from BDS-supporting professors and students that their free speech has been stifled, and claims by Zionist faculty, donors and undergraduates that their campuses have become “unsafe” spaces. It has pulled liberals toward greater support for the Palestinians, making Israel an increasingly partisan issue in the US, associated less with Democrats and progressives than with Trump, evangelicals and the far right....
Excellent post. Good read. Very well researched and unbiased article.
I think the rush to bend and scrape at the altar of the BDS fascists is to ignore the close association of the BDS actors with Islamic terrorist franchises.

Let us focus ever so briefly on the three BDS demands. The first BDS demand is for Israel to "end its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall." The phrasing is ambiguous, as many Israel-haters consider every inch of Israel, and not just the territories won by Israel in 1967, to be Arab land. Hence, the above can be interpreted as a call for the destruction of Israel. "The Wall" is actually a life-saving security barrier that was built in order to stem the waves of Palestinian suicide bombers that were marching into Israeli cities in the early 2000s.

In a similar vein, another BDS demand is for the "Palestinian refugees to return" to Israel. Notably, only a few tens of thousands of Palestinian Arabs would be considered refugees under the universally applied definition of the term "refugee." Alas, BDS refers to a selective definition of the term, according to which Palestinian Arabs, like no other group in the world, may pass down the refugee status from generation to generation in perpetuity. Thus, BDS claims a number of over 7.25 million refugees. Such an influx of foreign population would destroy the Jewish state. Of course, that is the BDS idea.

The last of the BDS demands calls for equal rights for the Arab citizens of Israel, claiming that racial discrimination is built into Israel's legal system in over 50 laws. BDS does not bother to provide actual examples of such legal discrimination against the Israeli Arabs. The reality is that there is no such system of ethnic discrimination in Israel. If BDS so desired, it could find a legal system with dozens of laws that discriminate against Palestinian Arabs and a wall that encircles the Palestinian Arabs' enclave in order to limit their freedom of movement, as all of this is readily present in neighboring Lebanon. And yet, applying pressure on Lebanon is not the focus of the BDS efforts. But then again, Lebanon is not Israel, and that's what matters to the boycotters.
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Coyote, et al,

UP FRONT: The articles are both interesting as they are informative. (Great Contribution and Think Pieces)
QUESTIONs: While the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is a program in peace; is it by its nature attractive and incitefully of violence? And is that a threat?
If the BDS Movement is non-violent, then it should not followed by violence. Does the BDS Movement leave violence in its wake, seeking to delegitimize and demonize Israel?

Excellent post. Good read. Very well researched and unbiased article.

Part of this ignores the basic interrogative.

• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel does not adhere to principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Is this true?
• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land. Is this true?
• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel is discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel. Is that true?
• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel is denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Is this true?
• The BDS openly calls for Israel to comply with international law? What particular Law?
• The Front Page of the BDS Movement has a picture of a BDS Movement sigh that reads: "Boycott Israel Apartheid"
Is Israel a true Apartheid State?​

The BDS Movement is not quite truthfull.

◈ Isreal does not deny the Arab Palestinian any "rights," but not at the expense of Israeli "◈rights."
◈ Did the Arab Palestinian agree that Area "C" was under full Israel administration and control of Area "C?" ◈ Has the Arab Palestinian ever activated the Dispute Resolution Process?
◈ What does the UN Charter have to say about "Domestic Juridiction?" But exactly what does the BDS Movement have to say about what the Israeli-Palestinians are being discriminated?​

The story is half told. But the incitement to violence is still there.

Most Respectfully,


  • BDS Overview.png
    BDS Overview.png
    102 KB · Views: 16
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Coyote, et al,

UP FRONT: The articles are both interesting as they are informative. (Great Contribution and Think Pieces)
QUESTIONs: While the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement is a program in peace; is it by its nature attractive and incitefully of violence? And is that a threat?
If the BDS Movement is non-violent, then it should not followed by violence. Does the BDS Movement leave violence in its wake, seeking to delegitimize and demonize Israel?

Excellent post. Good read. Very well researched and unbiased article.

Part of this ignores the basic interrogative.

• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel does not adhere to principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Is this true?
• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land. Is this true?
• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel is discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel. Is that true?
• The BDS Movement openly states that Israel is denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes. Is this true?
• The BDS openly calls for Israel to comply with international law? What particular Law?
• The Front Page of the BDS Movement has a picture of a BDS Movement sigh that reads: "Boycott Israel Apartheid"
Is Israel a true Apartheid State?​

The BDS Movement is not quite truthfull.

◈ Isreal does not deny the Arab Palestinian any "rights," but not at the expense of Israeli "◈rights."
◈ Did the Arab Palestinian agree that Area "C" was under full Israel administration and control of Area "C?" ◈ Has the Arab Palestinian ever activated the Dispute Resolution Process?
◈ What does the UN Charter have to say about "Domestic Juridiction?" But exactly what does the BDS Movement have to say about what the Israeli-Palestinians are being discriminated?​

The story is half told. But the incitement to violence is still there.

Most Respectfully,
In a word: yes.

Provide links showing that I am incorrect if you disagree.

What violence?

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