Boycott Israel

Why do the Palestinians "single out" Israel?

Israel is the only country occupying Palestine, DUH! :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:
Following WW2, "Palestine" was legally defined as a territory which included what is now Jordan, Israel, Golan, W. Bank and Gaza.

So who is "occupying" Palestine? Jordan, the PA, and Hamas are not, but Israel is?

"Palestine" is a fiction created by the Nazi Hajj Amin al-Husseini to use as a tool against the Zionists. There was prior NO Palestinian people and never a Palestinian nation of any description. The only entities to be independent of either Greek, Roman, Arab or Turkish imperialist occupation in that territory for the past 2800 years or so have been Israel and Crusader states. I'm not advocating for the legitimacy of the Crusader states, but their rule was no worse than that of the Arabs from whom they temporarily conquered terrority in the Levant.

Jibril Rajoub re Algerian athlete’s refusal to compete with Israeli: “This expresses the real and deep-rooted Algerian affiliation with Palestine, with the cause of Palestine. The best of blessings to the Algerian people and blessings to this great athlete.”

  • In supporting athletes who refuse to compete against Israelis, Rajoub breaches principles 4 and 6 of the Olympic Committee’s Charter, and Articles 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the IOC Code of Ethics.

As opposed to Palestinian support, the International Judo Federation immediately suspended the Algerian and his coach:

“Following the draw of the judo competition at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, Fethi Nourine and his coach Amar Benikhlef gave individual statements to media announcing their withdrawal from the competition to avoid meeting an Israeli athlete. The immediate response of the IJF Executive Committee was to form an investigative commission which confirmed all the facts, leading to a temporary suspension of the athlete and the coach and assigning the case to the Disciplinary Commission of the IJF for further investigation, judgement and final sanctioning beyond the Olympic Games.”
[Fethi Nourine and Amar Benikhlef: Disciplinary Sanctions]

(full article online)

Israel is slated to host the MIss Universe pageant this coming December.

Last year's winner wasn't Miss Israel. But the pageant decided that Israel was the best place to hold the event anyway.

In July (before the resurgence of Covid-19),
Paula Shugart, the president of the Miss Universe organization, said Israel has been on the pageant's shortlist of host countries "for a number of years due to its rich history."

"As we sought a location for our 70th anniversary celebration, it became clear through our conversations with acting mayor Lankri (of Eilat) and the Israeli Ministry of Tourism that Israel, which has done a good job containing the global pandemic, has the best resources to host Miss Universe in December," Shugart told Insider.

"We look forward to deepening our commitment to creating meaningful cultural conversation, connection, and understanding through this partnership," she added
The Miss Universe Organization said contestants will "explore the rich history and culture of Israel" in the weeks leading up to the competition with visits to the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv.

They really want to be in Israel. And when they say Jerusalem, they aren't talking about any sections within the Green Line.

Of course, the haters tried to make a hashtag#BoycottMissUniverse, which fizzled quickly. They are also trying to claim that Israel targets Palestinian women, which is the sort of insanity they all repeat to each other until they actually try that logic out on someone who is not already in their echo chamber.

The Abraham Accords have not only brought political and economic benefits. Israelis and citizens of Arab nations have come together in numerous sectors, including sports.

For the first time, Israelis were able to take part in Morocco’s ‘Dakhla Downwind Challenge’ – a challenging five-day kiteboarding journey from Dakhla to Lagouira in southern Morocco.

Watch and see the excitement about this momentous occasion!

(full article online)

The agreement was inked during a meeting at the Allenby Bridge border crossing between Israeli Agriculture Minister Oded Forer and his Jordanian counterpart Rasan al-Majali. The Israeli and Jordanian ambassadors were in attendance.

They agreed that Israel would import Jordanian produce during the biblical sabbatical year that takes place every seven years of the agricultural cycle. Shmita is mandated by the Torah and is observed in Judaism.

Israeli farmers must leave their land fallow and cease all agricultural activity for the year in order to be certified kosher.

Purchasing agricultural produce from Arab neighbors is one solution for obtaining fruits and vegetables to feed Israel’s observant Jewish population.

The ministers also discussed boosting agricultural cooperation between the two countries.

Ties between Israel and Jordan have been warming since Israel’s new government was sworn in.

The two countries last month agreed to increase Jordan’s export potential to the West Bank from about $160 million a year up to $700 million annually. Israel also agreed to sell an additional 50 million cubic meters of water to Jordan this year.


Can US Law & the Israeli Government Force Ben & Jerry’s to Support Occupation? W/ Lara Friedman​

Decolonize social media has explicit calls to violence and rioting- not only against "Zionists" but against anyone they declare the enemy, like the police or the New York subway system.

They try to walk the line between advocating violence and pretending to be pacifists to attract followers. So while the poster above says it is "anti-war" they also say - even in these chants - that terrorism is "justified."

Husain openly advocated violence, as well as the cynical attempt to hijack Black issues, at a 2016 Al Quds Day rallyto Muslims at Times Square where he said, "One thing is certain: boycott, divestment and sanctions is changing the conversation and it's creating a new set of relationships and it connects us to the black liberation struggle in this country, and it gets around the idea of violence and non-violence which no one should judge each other on, and the days in which they call you terrorists...We're Muslims, proud Muslims, fighting for justice, and in all the ways possible, and yes jihadis, jihadis in all the ways possible..... don't let anyone tell you that you need to renounce your brother or sister because they're fighting in a way that's unacceptable."

This poster from Decolonize This Space openly advocates methods and tools of violent rioting.

"Globalize the Intifada" means exactly what it sounds like: mainstream Palestinian-style terrorism worldwide, in the name of a fake "justice.

(full article online)

Ms Ornstein stated that the demonstrators called upon Mr Fleming and Equity President Maureen Beattie “to acknowledge how ill-judged and partisan their intervention has been, and also its role in escalating the upsurge in antisemitism in the UK”.

The open letter said that both Mr Fleming and Ms Beattie should “undertake antisemitism awareness training and rebuild bridges with those union members they have let down”.

In a video uploaded to Twitter by Ms Ornstein, the protesters can be seen outside Equity headquarters. Speaking to the camera, Ms Ornstein said: “It was very predictable that there would be a lot of antisemitism at that rally, and indeed there was. It was blatant, naked antisemitism on the streets of London. Equity was there, and Equity did not call it out, and we feel that this does a real disservice to its members who will not all agree with that position, and indeed, several have left as a result.”

In May, Dame Maureen Lipman, who was a member of Equity for 54 years before leaving after the union voiced its support for the anti-Israel demonstrations, warnedJewish members to “get the hell out”, adding: “I didn’t join a political union. I joined a union to protect its members. You don’t dictate to artists what they believe in, and don’t incite them to join a mob.”

The actress and columnist, Tracy-Ann Oberman, was another leading figure who criticised Equity, asking on Twitter: “How are UK Jewish performers and friends meant to feel safe?”

Demonstrators are seen in the video delivering the open letter to staff at Equity headquarters, before another speaker said how the anti-Israel demonstrations were “poisoned by antisemitism”. She said: “Paul Fleming should have known that five days before his call [urging Equity members to attend another anti-Israel rally], a convoy of cars displaying Palestine flags drove through Jewish areas of London. Through a megaphone, they shouted ‘f**k their mothers, rape their daughters’. Paul Fleming should have known that Jewish women had to lock themselves into their homes. Paul Fleming should have known the rallies were tainted.”

(full article online)

Almehiri, who is from the UAE and Boulder, Col, plans to study nursing at Haifa University in the hopes of becoming a midwife. She is also an electrical engineer who founded the Persian Gulf’s first Arabic-Hebrew language exchange program.

The Israeli consulate in Dubai introduced Almehiri shortly after Israel and the UAE marked the first anniversary of the Abraham Accords.

(full article online)

As Jewish students in the USA head to campus this month, they will be preoccupied with many of the same concerns shared by other undergraduates across the country during these turbulent times. However, many will also be saddled with the burden that attending a college or university while identifiably Jewish has become.

It is difficult to find a school that is free from the growing phenomenon of campus antisemitism. Nonetheless, Rutgers University has earned a reputation for being one of the most hostile environments for Jewish students.

Rutgers administrations come and go, but what never seems to change is the toxic combination of indifference, incompetence and worse that each one brings to the issue of antisemitism. For decades, young Jews have endured hate and discrimination from faculty members, affiliated organizations and fellow students while the university looked on.

(full article online)

Just because most colleges and universities have been on at least a partial pandemic shut down this past year doesn’t mean that BDS forces have lost any of their vitriol.

Or that they’ve given up on pillorying the Jewish state and, all too often, the Jewish people as well.

Among those fanning the anti-Israel flames this past year:

(full article online)

Just because most colleges and universities have been on at least a partial pandemic shut down this past year doesn’t mean that BDS forces have lost any of their vitriol.

Or that they’ve given up on pillorying the Jewish state and, all too often, the Jewish people as well.

Among those fanning the anti-Israel flames this past year:

(full article online)

You have to feel sorry for Israel supporters. Ethnic cleansing/settler colonialism/apartheid is a tough sell.

The only thing left is to deal out antisemite cards.
You have to feel sorry for Israel supporters. Ethnic cleansing/settler colonialism/apartheid is a tough sell.

The only thing left is to deal out antisemite cards.
Gee. The islamic mind is consumed with silly slogans.

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