Boycott Israel

In an unprecedented transatlantic initiative, 312 cross-party lawmakers from Europe, North America, and Israel urged European Union (EU) countries and democracies worldwide to help end the discrimination against Israel at the United Nations.

Spearheaded by the American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) Transatlantic Friends of Israel (TFI), the interparliamentary statement comes ahead of the opening of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly.

The leadership of the TFI sent the statement on Monday to the governments of all EU member states, the United Kingdom, Norway and Switzerland, to the EU leadership as well as the UN Secretary-General and the heads of major UN agencies. The signatories are overwhelmingly European legislators and include government ministers, party leaders, parliamentary vice-presidents, and chairs of key committees.

The lawmakers underline in the declaration that the UN’s bias against the Jewish state damages not only Israel, but also the UN’s own reputation and its effectiveness to tackle global problems.

“Within the context of rising global antisemitism, the relentless, disproportionate, and ritualistic condemnation of the world’s only Jewish state at the UN is particularly dangerous and must finally end. Israel deserves attention and scrutiny, as does every other nation. But it also merits equal treatment – nothing more, nothing less,” the text reads.

“By violating its own Purposes and Principles, which commit the organization to ‘develop friendly relations among nations’ and to the ‘principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members,’ the UN is undermining its credibility and losing public support,” the statement adds.

The declaration concludes with three concrete demands. First, EU members and fellow democracies should reject the excessive number of anti-Israel resolutions.

Next, the lawmakers call for a reform of the Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the cancellation of its permanent anti-Israel Agenda Item 7. The UNHRC is infamously biased against Israel, with nearly half of its resolutions focused solely on Israel while it ignores war, strife and atrocities committed around the globe.

(full article online)

:eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

Who is going to be arrested and convicted?

What a laugh!!!! Thanks for the good feelings the video gives.

A bunch of ignorant Jew haters think (Is there thinking in there ?) that they can destroy Israel and the Jewish population with lies and endless toxic garbage.

As there is no Apartheid in Israel, there is nothing to end. Except for their waste of time, when they need to look at Turkey on North Cyprus, China on Tibet and many other actual, real occupations in the world.

BDS = Nothing but losers who do not know what they are fighting for

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