Boycotts and browbeating of Israel: What’s changed since the last Gaza war?

The US for one, Kerry said something they didn't like he is got called anti jew, and also its well know if a congressman says anything neg about Israel they are just from then on taking up space in congress, and anyone who wants to be President of the USA must suck up to Israel and visit the "wailing wall" .

Yep, and Kerry is not anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist, he also does what he believes is in the interest of Jews.

That name calling is just a show.

The real name of Kerry is Kohen, and he will never do any harm to the cause of Zionists.
Good point, but some governments in the allegedly "free world" are not allowed to criticize Zionism.
And your signature gives the answer why some politicians are not allowed to tell the truth about Zionism and Israel.

Some governments are not allowed to criticize Zionism? what the hell are you talking about? everyone can criticize Israel, and last time I check many 'governments' does.
Israel is established on Zionism - the biggest Zionism idea.. but perhaps you'd like to name specific governments?

The US for one, Kerry said something they didn't like he is got called anti jew, and also its well know if a congressman says anything neg about Israel they are just from then on taking up space in congress, and anyone who wants to be President of the USA must suck up to Israel and visit the "wailing wall" .
Kerry said (quoting) "Israel risks becoming apartheid state if peace talks fail"
Pretty much anti-Israel statement, but he also apologized.. the similarity is "US risks becoming apartheid state if Iran peace talks fail" how you like it now? nobody said his anti-Jew, but its obvious Kerry is not Israel's biggest fan.
The "well known a congressmen unspeakable desire to say something negative about Israel is only your imagination, everyone can criticize Israel - Like Obama - the fact people don't is not a decisive indicator they fear saying it.
The worrying part is when the USA will stop worrying about international interests around the globe, and Israel-US relation is the most remarkable and important of all the entire M.E. - which guess what - criticize Israel, so when someone want to win popularity in the M.E. all they have to do is say something negative about Israel, including here in Israel - what a terrific apartheid we have. :lol:

The US for one, Kerry said something they didn't like he is got called anti jew, and also its well know if a congressman says anything neg about Israel they are just from then on taking up space in congress, and anyone who wants to be President of the USA must suck up to Israel and visit the "wailing wall" .

Yep, and Kerry is not anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist, he also does what he believes is in the interest of Jews.

That name calling is just a show.

The real name of Kerry is Kohen, and he will never do any harm to the cause of Zionists.

Oh please Kerry is the famous democratic government of the USA?
I'm still waiting for the long list of governments not allowed to criticize Israel.
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Kerry said (quoting) "Israel risks becoming apartheid state if peace talks fail"
Pretty much anti-Israel statement, but he also apologized.. the similarity is "US risks becoming apartheid state if Iran peace talks fail" how you like it now? nobody said his anti-Jew, but its obvious Kerry is not Israel's biggest fan.
The "well known a congressmen unspeakable desire to say something negative about Israel is only your imagination, everyone can criticize Israel - Like Obama - the fact people don't is not a decisive indicator they fear saying it.
The worrying part is when the USA will stop worrying about international interests around the globe, and Israel-US relation is the most remarkable and important of all the entire M.E. - which guess what - criticize Israel, so when someone want to win popularity in the M.E. all they have to do is say something negative about Israel, including here in Israel - what a terrific apartheid we have. :lol:

How is that anti-Israel? He pointed out what everyone else with an IQ over room temperature seems to realize. As the demographics continue to shift, the Israelis will continue to build walls, restrict population movements, etc. The country will become a literal apartheid state, despite the fact the country already houses an entire population in deplorable and inhumane conditions.

The West Bank has already been de-facto absorbed by Israel, so the two-state solution seems even more tenuous. Bibi gave a speech at Ariel University where he referred to the West Bank as being Israel. Ironically, by the Israeli government supporting these settlements, the country has embarked on a path of national suicide.
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Kerry said (quoting) "Israel risks becoming apartheid state if peace talks fail"
Pretty much anti-Israel statement, but he also apologized.. the similarity is "US risks becoming apartheid state if Iran peace talks fail" how you like it now? nobody said his anti-Jew, but its obvious Kerry is not Israel's biggest fan.
The "well known a congressmen unspeakable desire to say something negative about Israel is only your imagination, everyone can criticize Israel - Like Obama - the fact people don't is not a decisive indicator they fear saying it.
The worrying part is when the USA will stop worrying about international interests around the globe, and Israel-US relation is the most remarkable and important of all the entire M.E. - which guess what - criticize Israel, so when someone want to win popularity in the M.E. all they have to do is say something negative about Israel, including here in Israel - what a terrific apartheid we have. :lol:

How is that anti-Israel? He pointed out what everyone else with an IQ over room temperature seems to realize. As the demographics continue to shift, the Israelis will continue to build walls, restrict population movements, etc. The country will become a literal apartheid state, despite the fact the country already houses an entire population in deplorable and inhumane conditions.

The West Bank has already been de-facto absorbed by Israel, so the two-state solution seems even more tenuous. Bibi gave a speech at Ariel University where he referred to the West Bank as being Israel. Ironically, by the Israeli government supporting these settlements the country has embarked on a path of national suicide.

Nope, nobody does, matter of fact Israel is the last state ever risk becoming apartheid.
1.As the demographics continue to 'shift' - Lie, Arab flourish under Israeli rule.
2.The Israelis will continue to build walls
- MORE walls? we build the walls to keep the animals out, that is the purpose of ANY wall.
3.Restrict population movements
- Last time I checked I'm not allowed to go to Gaza, is that because Israel restrict my movement?!
- nothing else? I mean, you sure got some other evidence right?
5.The country will become a literal apartheid state, despite the fact the country already houses an entire population in deplorable and inhumane conditions
-Israel is the most democratic state in the entire M.E.. securing liberty, wealth, justice and unique support to minorities unlike ANYWHERE else in the world.
6.The West Bank has already been de-facto absorbed by Israel
- Peace treaty with Jordan, not Palestinians. the two-state solution seems even more tenuous
- - 80% of the Palestinians support ONE PALESTINIAN STATE SOLUTION, this is why Hamas/Fatah won 44%/41% in Gaza, not to mention the past refusals of the stupid Palestinians.
8.Ironically, by the Israeli government supporting these settlements the country has embarked on a path of national suicide.
-National suicide? wow, Israel support ISRAELI DEVELOPMENT OVER ISRAELI TERRITORY. - It doesn't mean the friendly WB Pals suppose to suffer for having neighbors like you present it, and it doesn't mean this is even a Palestinian land..
Who the hell you think you are to tell us how to rule OUR state in OUR land?
CIAR is such a splendid example of course!!
Since fucking when AIPAC is a terrorist organization?
Oh nevermind, I forgot you have no problem with terrorists unless they fail to kill Israelis/Jews.
Nope, nobody does, matter of fact Israel is the last state ever risk becoming apartheid.

- MORE walls? we build the walls to keep the animals out, that is the purpose of ANY wall.
- Last time I checked I'm not allowed to go to Gaza, is that because Israel restrict my movement?!
- nothing else? I mean, you sure got some other evidence right?
-Israel is the most democratic state in the entire M.E.. securing liberty, wealth, justice and unique support to minorities unlike ANYWHERE else in the world.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, but the international community sees it differently.

Go ask an Arab in Hebron if he/she feels their have equal treatment under the law.

Peace treaty with Jordan, not Palestinians.


Hamas says it would never accept two-state solution, won't give up ?one inch? of land | JPost | Israel News - 80% of the Palestinians support ONE PALESTINIAN STATE SOLUTION, this is why Hamas/Fatah won 44%/41% in Gaza, not to mention the past refusals of the stupid Palestinians.

Most Palestinians aren't excited by the creation of the state of Israel, I never met one that was, whether they be Christian or Muslim. Hamas is simply the organic manifestation of what happens when passivity is longer an option.

Again, Aziz Duweik said Hamas would be willing to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

It doesn't mean the friendly WB Pals suppose to suffer for having neighbors like you present it, and it doesn't mean this is even a Palestinian land

The Palestinians, like the Israelis, have a right to their own land. They're a legitimate people and are entitled to statehood.

Who the hell you think you are to tell us how to rule OUR state in OUR land?

I don't give a shit what you do, I don't live there, but you could ease up with the deer in the headlights routine. I also find it ironic your avatar is a Magen David drenched in blood.
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Nope, nobody does, matter of fact Israel is the last state ever risk becoming apartheid.

- MORE walls? we build the walls to keep the animals out, that is the purpose of ANY wall.
- Last time I checked I'm not allowed to go to Gaza, is that because Israel restrict my movement?!
- nothing else? I mean, you sure got some other evidence right?
-Israel is the most democratic state in the entire M.E.. securing liberty, wealth, justice and unique support to minorities unlike ANYWHERE else in the world.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, but the international community sees it differently.

Go ask an Arab in Hebron if he/she feels their have equal treatment under the law.

Peace treaty with Jordan, not Palestinians.


Most Palestinians aren't excited by the creation of the state of Israel, I never met one that was, whether they be Christian or Muslim. Hamas is simply the organic manifestation of what happens when passivity is longer an option.

Again, Aziz Duweik said Hamas would be willing to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

It doesn't mean the friendly WB Pals suppose to suffer for having neighbors like you present it, and it doesn't mean this is even a Palestinian land

The Palestinians, like the Israelis, have a right to their own land. They're a legitimate people and are entitled to statehood.

Who the hell you think you are to tell us how to rule OUR state in OUR land?

I don't give a shit what you do, I don't live there, but you could ease up with the deer in the headlights routine. I also find it ironic your avatar is a Magen David drenched in blood.

80% of Hebron is under PA control. Besides, Hebron is the birthplace of Judaism, where our fathers and mothers are buried. Jews can live anywhere in the world but not in the place where Judaism was born? Doesn't make sense to me.
Kerry said (quoting) "Israel risks becoming apartheid state if peace talks fail"
Pretty much anti-Israel statement, but he also apologized.. the similarity is "US risks becoming apartheid state if Iran peace talks fail" how you like it now? nobody said his anti-Jew, but its obvious Kerry is not Israel's biggest fan.
The "well known a congressmen unspeakable desire to say something negative about Israel is only your imagination, everyone can criticize Israel - Like Obama - the fact people don't is not a decisive indicator they fear saying it.
The worrying part is when the USA will stop worrying about international interests around the globe, and Israel-US relation is the most remarkable and important of all the entire M.E. - which guess what - criticize Israel, so when someone want to win popularity in the M.E. all they have to do is say something negative about Israel, including here in Israel - what a terrific apartheid we have. :lol:

How is that anti-Israel? He pointed out what everyone else with an IQ over room temperature seems to realize. As the demographics continue to shift, the Israelis will continue to build walls, restrict population movements, etc. The country will become a literal apartheid state, despite the fact the country already houses an entire population in deplorable and inhumane conditions.

The West Bank has already been de-facto absorbed by Israel, so the two-state solution seems even more tenuous. Bibi gave a speech at Ariel University where he referred to the West Bank as being Israel. Ironically, by the Israeli government supporting these settlements the country has embarked on a path of national suicide.

Nope, nobody does, matter of fact Israel is the last state ever risk becoming apartheid.

- MORE walls? we build the walls to keep the animals out, that is the purpose of ANY wall.
- Last time I checked I'm not allowed to go to Gaza, is that because Israel restrict my movement?!
- nothing else? I mean, you sure got some other evidence right?
-Israel is the most democratic state in the entire M.E.. securing liberty, wealth, justice and unique support to minorities unlike ANYWHERE else in the world.
- Peace treaty with Jordan, not Palestinians
. the two-state solution seems even more tenuous
- - 80% of the Palestinians support ONE PALESTINIAN STATE SOLUTION, this is why Hamas/Fatah won 44%/41% in Gaza, not to mention the past refusals of the stupid Palestinians.
8.Ironically, by the Israeli government supporting these settlements the country has embarked on a path of national suicide.
-National suicide? wow, Israel support ISRAELI DEVELOPMENT OVER ISRAELI TERRITORY. - It doesn't mean the friendly WB Pals suppose to suffer for having neighbors like you present it, and it doesn't mean this is even a Palestinian land..
Who the hell you think you are to tell us how to rule OUR state in OUR land?

Seriously, how much does Israel pay you to post this nonsense?
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Israel is getting more criticism than ever before.


In contrast to the quieter international reaction after the last Gaza war in 2008-2009, more countries are suspending diplomatic ties, enacting arms embargoes, and openly criticizing Israel.

Boycotts and browbeating of Israel: What?s changed since the last Gaza war?

In fact, the blowback from this Israeli action has been muted compared to past incursions.
The difference?
Proof that Hamas uses UN "schools" as armories - perhaps with UN approval - and actual footage from that Indian TV crew of Hamas firing rockets from a hotel sidewalk. You will note that crew left Gaza BEFORE releasing the story. Knowing the Palestinian's "peaceful" nature one can imagine their fate had they not done so.
When did Britain lose faith in Israel? - Telegraph

That article addresses nothing in my post but having read it led me to believe you did not. It is strongly pro-Israel and critical of Hamas, the Palestinians and those Brits who have abandoned Israel as a matter of convenience.
In fact, the blowback from this Israeli action has been muted compared to past incursions.
The difference?
Proof that Hamas uses UN "schools" as armories - perhaps with UN approval - and actual footage from that Indian TV crew of Hamas firing rockets from a hotel sidewalk. You will note that crew left Gaza BEFORE releasing the story. Knowing the Palestinian's "peaceful" nature one can imagine their fate had they not done so.
When did Britain lose faith in Israel? - Telegraph

That article addresses nothing in my post but having read it led me to believe you did not. It is strongly pro-Israel and critical of Hamas, the Palestinians and those Brits who have abandoned Israel as a matter of convenience.
My point is Idiot, Israels allies and a growing percentage of Jews living in those countries, are starting to turn their back and say enough of this butchery.A messy ICC investigation may cause problems for both sides, but it will if it happens inflict far more damage on Israel.
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Nope, nobody does, matter of fact Israel is the last state ever risk becoming apartheid.

- MORE walls? we build the walls to keep the animals out, that is the purpose of ANY wall.
- Last time I checked I'm not allowed to go to Gaza, is that because Israel restrict my movement?!
- nothing else? I mean, you sure got some other evidence right?
-Israel is the most democratic state in the entire M.E.. securing liberty, wealth, justice and unique support to minorities unlike ANYWHERE else in the world.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, but the international community sees it differently.

Go ask an Arab in Hebron if he/she feels their have equal treatment under the law.


Most Palestinians aren't excited by the creation of the state of Israel, I never met one that was, whether they be Christian or Muslim. Hamas is simply the organic manifestation of what happens when passivity is longer an option.

Again, Aziz Duweik said Hamas would be willing to acknowledge Israel's right to exist.

The Palestinians, like the Israelis, have a right to their own land. They're a legitimate people and are entitled to statehood.

Who the hell you think you are to tell us how to rule OUR state in OUR land?

I don't give a shit what you do, I don't live there, but you could ease up with the deer in the headlights routine. I also find it ironic your avatar is a Magen David drenched in blood.

80% of Hebron is under PA control. Besides, Hebron is the birthplace of Judaism, where our fathers and mothers are buried. Jews can live anywhere in the world but not in the place where Judaism was born? Doesn't make sense to me.

Do you support the right of Palestinians for statehood? Btw, don't pull the Jew card with the bullshit. I'm an American Jew that finds the actions of Israel both nauseating and embarrassing considering what happened not so long ago. Grab a card and get in line, as if suffering is unique to Jews. I've studied Benny Morris, and historians on the Israeli right, I find it fucking embarrassing for all Jews.
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CIAR is such a splendid example of course!!
Since fucking when AIPAC is a terrorist organization?

How much blood can you drip that Magen David in? I'm curious, how much is enough? Do we kill all Arabs or just the ones on your block? I bet you're a Yekke that's upset over some trivial shit.
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That article addresses nothing in my post but having read it led me to believe you did not. It is strongly pro-Israel and critical of Hamas, the Palestinians and those Brits who have abandoned Israel as a matter of convenience.
My point is Idiot, Israels allies and a growing percentage of Jews living in those countries, are starting to turn their back and say enough of this butchery.A messy ICC investigation may cause problems for both sides, but it will if it happens inflict far more damage on Israel.

When the evidence is presented to the ICC they will feel obliged to find Israel innocent of all charges and demand the arrest of every hamas member for crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide. Even die hard pro Palestinians are now saying that hamas has overstepped the mark in siting their rocket launch pads in civilian areas and surrounding them with children. If the UN even attempts to censure Israel then it will be destroyed from within by the many delegates leaving and tearing up their UN charters in disgust. No other nation can afford to have the UN mooching of it as the USA can, and one word from America would see the delegates running for cover as the arrest warrants were being printed.
CIAR is such a splendid example of course!!
Since fucking when AIPAC is a terrorist organization?

Well Amercan politicians, officials and businessmen are terrified of AIPAC, so that must count. :D

As much as they are scared of the NRA, Saudi lobby and Pakistan lobby. I believe that AIPAC is about number 7 on the list with Islamic and gun lobbies above them in influence.
Unless you can find a link from a non partisan source that says otherwise ?

Like this for example that does not even show AIPAC on its list of top spenders

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