#BoycottStarbucks Trending on Twitter After Getting 2 Blacks Arrested for Using Bathroom

You know, I saw this story again on the news this morning, and guess what? That shop is located in a mainly white section of town that also happens to be one of the more affluent in the city.

The other customers said that the men were being quiet and not disturbing anyone, and that there were still a few empty tables around.

Additionally, no charges were filed against the 2 men. They were arrested, held for around 8 hours, and then released.

Starbucks screwed the pooch on this one.
..no charges doesn't mean they didn't break the law
..they were legally, lawfully told to leave and they didn't --that's trespassing right there--just for starters

Were there signs posted in that store that said the tables were for paying customers only? If not, they weren't trespassing.

And, if Starbucks the corporation thought the manager did right, why did they fire them?
..if an employee feels threatened --in the SLIGHTEST way, by a black, white, green, purple person, they have every right to order you out.....
..when the cops tell you to leave, you must leave --or it's a crime
you haven't been reading about the subject--they asked to use the restrooms
On Thursday, the two men asked to use the coffee shop’s restroom. An employee refused the request because the men had not bought anything, officials said. They sat down, and they were eventually asked to leave.
Starbucks Employee Who Called Police on Black Men No Longer Works There, Company Says

they DID NOT just go into Starbucks and sit down!!!

Must be something about Starbucks, blacks, and restrooms....Shaun King on Twitter
well the first incident taints everything
just like all the fake crap about unarmed blackmen--it's all tainted now
usually, there is more to the story than a manager that is so racist he does this
does it happen, sure--but not as much as the MSM and blacks dream about

Yea, um, sure. Can't argue with a video, but it is funny to see people try.

..yet another time blacks refuse to obey lawful, common sense orders and they are made out to be victims of racism ...

...hey blacks--if you keep doing stupid crap, and not listening --you will keep putting your hand in the fire over and over and over
You may rest assured they will keep behaving this way over, and over, and over -- because it's in their DNA to do do. It's who and what they are.

Let's see the cons here speak out about this statement....which personifies exactly why this thread is accurate...Why should blacks become republicans?
hahahahh IM2 is a racist hater which he has proven over and over

Funny and ironic.
..no charges doesn't mean they didn't break the law
..they were legally, lawfully told to leave and they didn't --that's trespassing right there--just for starters

Were there signs posted in that store that said the tables were for paying customers only? If not, they weren't trespassing.

And, if Starbucks the corporation thought the manager did right, why did they fire them?
..if an employee feels threatened --in the SLIGHTEST way, by a black, white, green, purple person, they have every right to order you out.....
..when the cops tell you to leave, you must leave --or it's a crime
you haven't been reading about the subject--they asked to use the restrooms
On Thursday, the two men asked to use the coffee shop’s restroom. An employee refused the request because the men had not bought anything, officials said. They sat down, and they were eventually asked to leave.
Starbucks Employee Who Called Police on Black Men No Longer Works There, Company Says

they DID NOT just go into Starbucks and sit down!!!

Must be something about Starbucks, blacks, and restrooms....Shaun King on Twitter
well the first incident taints everything
just like all the fake crap about unarmed blackmen--it's all tainted now
usually, there is more to the story than a manager that is so racist he does this
does it happen, sure--but not as much as the MSM and blacks dream about

Yea, um, sure. Can't argue with a video, but it is funny to see people try.
apparently you can argue with video as the blacks do all the time when a violent/resisting/criminal gets shot...the blacks try to argue facts and videos
they do it here on USMB--sorry
Ive been in coffee shops before, we all have . and how many times has someone gone to use the restroom or wash their hands first before standing in line? the price of coffee in Starbucks is so outrageously expensive, they can damn well let someone use their bathroom without questioning them in my opinion. Unless these guys were doing something to disturb others ..... there is something wrong with this manager. The manger had no evidence that they were not going to buy coffee after using the restroom.

Wrong. A private business has the right to ask anyone to leave at any time for any reason. You have a right to comply. The woman saying this never would have happened had the people looked like her overlooked another thing that never would have happened had they looked like her!

View attachment 188579
A private business has the right to ask anyone to leave at any time for any reason.

Unless the store owner is a Christian.
I have been waiting for people in innumerable restaurants and coffee shops and always told I had to order something. If the restaurant had a waiting area I was allowed to wait there. Not many restaurants will allow non customers to take up a seat.

Coffee shops are different. Unless these guys come in daily and sit for hours never ordering anything or deal drugs there lol...they did nothing wrong... or they were in the wrong with one Starbucks employee.
Ive been in coffee shops before, we all have . and how many times has someone gone to use the restroom or wash their hands first before standing in line? the price of coffee in Starbucks is so outrageously expensive, they can damn well let someone use their bathroom without questioning them in my opinion. Unless these guys were doing something to disturb others ..... there is something wrong with this manager. The manger had no evidence that they were not going to buy coffee after using the restroom.
That girl, Holly, has been doing that job for a long time. Long enough and good enough to be made a manager. Suddenly there is this problem and there is a lineup of observers, like you, who are so damn smart they just know that Holly could not possibly have legitimate cause to do what she did with this pair of slippery *******.

People like you think they are on the side of improved race relations when in fact you are detrimental to it.

You and others like you need to hear what this fellow has to say.
Ive been in coffee shops before, we all have . and how many times has someone gone to use the restroom or wash their hands first before standing in line? the price of coffee in Starbucks is so outrageously expensive, they can damn well let someone use their bathroom without questioning them in my opinion. Unless these guys were doing something to disturb others ..... there is something wrong with this manager. The manger had no evidence that they were not going to buy coffee after using the restroom.
The question that you and others who think like you need to ask yourself is why Starbucks' stores have access codes for entering their restrooms if they are not intended to exclude certain categories? Why don't they just leave the restrooms accessible to anyone and everyone and kumbaya? That access code requirement means some people should not be given access to the restrooms, so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to assume Holly didn't have cause to exclude these two guys.
Ive been in coffee shops before, we all have . and how many times has someone gone to use the restroom or wash their hands first before standing in line? the price of coffee in Starbucks is so outrageously expensive, they can damn well let someone use their bathroom without questioning them in my opinion. Unless these guys were doing something to disturb others ..... there is something wrong with this manager. The manger had no evidence that they were not going to buy coffee after using the restroom.
The question that you and others who think like you need to ask yourself is why Starbucks' stores have access codes for entering their restrooms if they are not intended to exclude certain categories? Why don't they just leave the restrooms accessible to anyone and everyone and kumbaya? That access code requirement means some people should not be given access to the restrooms, so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to assume Holly didn't have cause to exclude these two guys.
Answer is obvious.
The bathrooms have access codes because Starbucks hates the homeless and poor who can’t afford high priced coffee.
Guess the baristas didn't mean it when they gave every customer a lecture on racial tolerance.

#BoycottStarbucks surfaces after video shows arrest of two black men at Philadelphia location

It sounds like there is more to the story. My bet is they indeed came there waiting for a friend and took a seat. To the employees it looked like they were squatting. My guess is they were asked to order to leave and they choose to be defiant. The employees got nervous and called the police.

I highly doubt 1. They would call the police before asking them to order or leave or 2. The police would arrest them for just loitering.

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Ive been in coffee shops before, we all have . and how many times has someone gone to use the restroom or wash their hands first before standing in line? the price of coffee in Starbucks is so outrageously expensive, they can damn well let someone use their bathroom without questioning them in my opinion. Unless these guys were doing something to disturb others ..... there is something wrong with this manager. The manger had no evidence that they were not going to buy coffee after using the restroom.
That girl, Holly, has been doing that job for a long time. Long enough and good enough to be made a manager. Suddenly there is this problem and there is a lineup of observers, like you, who are so damn smart they just know that Holly could not possibly have legitimate cause to do what she did with this pair of slippery *******.

People like you think they are on the side of improved race relations when in fact you are detrimental to it.

You and others like you need to hear what this fellow has to say.

Amen brother, preach it...... "White liberals are killing black people"... If ever the truth was spoken, it was spoken in this video.

"White Liberals are also just using black people". That is my opinion.......

True story (no color need mentioned).. Once upon a time my wife worked at a hotel when three young females around 17 to 20 years old entered the lobby. They went straight into the ladies restroom..... She noticed that they were in there for quite sometime, so she knocked on the door to ask if they were alright. Next the door opened, and the three came out laughing and giggling. They left the lobby, and walked by the large window in front giggling and laughing as they walked by disappearing into the community.

Well she found out why they were acting a fool once they exited the restroom. The three had went into the restroom, and they had deficated, and then smeared it all over the walls of the room. Pathetic.

Yes, they weren't paying customers, and they caused some trouble when they did such a thing (big trouble). The poor house keepers came in the next morning, removed the out of order sign, and cleaned up that mess reluctantly, and I couldn't blame them for hating that job. If they had the internet back then, they would have been all over it telling about their disgust over that situation.

Great video, and it's ashame what happens to these voices who are the smartest people in society, and who can see these things exactly for what they are.

If I was that fired employee, I would be the next CEO of Starbucks, because I would sue the daylights out of that politically correct disfunctional company. :2cents:
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Guess the baristas didn't mean it when they gave every customer a lecture on racial tolerance.

#BoycottStarbucks surfaces after video shows arrest of two black men at Philadelphia location

It sounds like there is more to the story. My bet is they indeed came there waiting for a friend and took a seat. To the employees it looked like they were squatting. My guess is they were asked to order to leave and they choose to be defiant. The employees got nervous and called the police.

I highly doubt 1. They would call the police before asking them to order or leave or 2. The police would arrest them for just loitering.

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Waiting While Black.
Ive been in coffee shops before, we all have . and how many times has someone gone to use the restroom or wash their hands first before standing in line? the price of coffee in Starbucks is so outrageously expensive, they can damn well let someone use their bathroom without questioning them in my opinion. Unless these guys were doing something to disturb others ..... there is something wrong with this manager. The manger had no evidence that they were not going to buy coffee after using the restroom.
The question that you and others who think like you need to ask yourself is why Starbucks' stores have access codes for entering their restrooms if they are not intended to exclude certain categories? Why don't they just leave the restrooms accessible to anyone and everyone and kumbaya? That access code requirement means some people should not be given access to the restrooms, so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to assume Holly didn't have cause to exclude these two guys.
Answer is obvious.
The bathrooms have access codes because Starbucks hates the homeless and poor who can’t afford high priced coffee.
Starbucks wants paying customers to frequent the shop, and not to promote the shop as a loitering homeless refuge etc.

I hate Starbucks myself, but I understand the issues they face when it comes to promoting a business model that is designed the way that model is designed. I imagine it would attract loitering or even the homeless if not careful. If want to lose profits big time in that type of business, then just ignore a potential loitering situation, and just let everyone hang out to the point of your demise. The very definition of insanity.
Pumping up racial tensions in the situation is typical for the racist on both sides. Sad.
It sounds like there is more to the story.
Compliments for having the basic wisdom to consider that while so many others just jump to conclusions.

My bet is they indeed came there waiting for a friend and took a seat.
Maybe. And maybe there is some history with these two slippery-looking bastards. That manager has been doing that job for a long, long time and presumably has seen hundreds if not thousands of people, Black, White, and Yellow walk in, take a seat and just wait. But this case was different and nobody is asking why. They're just leaping on the "racism" bandwagon.

Have no doubt there is more to this story. And it's a damn shame this girl had to lose her job because of these two low-life pricks.
Starbucks wants paying customers to frequent the shop, and not to promote the shop as a loitering homeless refuge etc.

I hate Starbucks myself, but I understand the issues they face when it comes to promoting a business model that is designed the way that model is designed. I imagine it would attract loitering or even the homeless if not careful. If want to lose profits big time in that type of business, then just ignore a potential loitering situation, and just let everyone hang out to the point of your demise. The very definition of insanity.
Could be Starbucks had the right idea and has been quietly milking it all these years. So hopefully this incident will alert the homeless and the unemployed ghetto-rat populations to a cozy place to hang out, take a dump, and maybe rip off an occasional laptop.
Guess the baristas didn't mean it when they gave every customer a lecture on racial tolerance.

#BoycottStarbucks surfaces after video shows arrest of two black men at Philadelphia location

It sounds like there is more to the story. My bet is they indeed came there waiting for a friend and took a seat. To the employees it looked like they were squatting. My guess is they were asked to order to leave and they choose to be defiant. The employees got nervous and called the police.

I highly doubt 1. They would call the police before asking them to order or leave or 2. The police would arrest them for just loitering.

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I listened to the press conference that the police chief gave yesterday, and he said that there needed to be a change in how police handle matters like this. The police chief even said they shouldn't have been arrested.
...it has not even been proved to be anywhere near racially motivated, and the CEO is making them do racial bias training.....
...this just makes the race problem worse
Guess the baristas didn't mean it when they gave every customer a lecture on racial tolerance.

#BoycottStarbucks surfaces after video shows arrest of two black men at Philadelphia location

It sounds like there is more to the story. My bet is they indeed came there waiting for a friend and took a seat. To the employees it looked like they were squatting. My guess is they were asked to order to leave and they choose to be defiant. The employees got nervous and called the police.

I highly doubt 1. They would call the police before asking them to order or leave or 2. The police would arrest them for just loitering.

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...I agree--if they became defiant--and I agree with you they did--then the employees have EVERY right and duty evict them and to call the police

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