#BoycottStarbucks Trending on Twitter After Getting 2 Blacks Arrested for Using Bathroom

I have been waiting for people in innumerable restaurants and coffee shops and always told I had to order something. If the restaurant had a waiting area I was allowed to wait there. Not many restaurants will allow non customers to take up a seat.

I have no idea where you live, but we've always been seated and then flagged down our remaining party member if he/she was just wandering around looking for us.

Either that or tell the waitress "If you find anyone looking for two midgets, send them over."

but this isn't a restaurant with waitresses
you do that at a restaurant--not Starbucks

I answered that earlier. We've grabbed ourselves a table and waited for our third and/or fourth to join us before ordering. You know. Like ya do.
you mentioned ''waitress''...sure --at a restaurant --but not Starbucks
Yes, they were. The man they were meeting showed up with drinks for all three of them.
why didn't they get something while waiting?---that sounds more reasonable/believable

Why would they, if he was? It's ironic. My sister and I have 'loitered' (it's only loitering if you're black. When you're white, you are just waiting for a friend) at Starbucks. I don't think anybody even noticed. We just sat at a table. It's rude not to, when you're brunching. You don't start until everyone is there.
why wouldn't they?--that's what Starbucks customers do!!--especially to pass the time
possible --yes--likely-no

so!!! please prove how this is racial....I've been waiting for th

I said so in the post you quoted. Further, People AT THAT STARBUCKS said they did the same damn thing, and nothing happened to them. Nobody gave a shit.
!!!!!that doesn't prove it at all---not even close!!!
race had NOTHING to do with it

I won't be addressing you further. Mental illness makes me nervous.
I have been waiting for people in innumerable restaurants and coffee shops and always told I had to order something. If the restaurant had a waiting area I was allowed to wait there. Not many restaurants will allow non customers to take up a seat.

I have no idea where you live, but we've always been seated and then flagged down our remaining party member if he/she was just wandering around looking for us.

Either that or tell the waitress "If you find anyone looking for two midgets, send them over."

but this isn't a restaurant with waitresses
you do that at a restaurant--not Starbucks

I answered that earlier. We've grabbed ourselves a table and waited for our third and/or fourth to join us before ordering. You know. Like ya do.
you mentioned ''waitress''...sure --at a restaurant --but not Starbucks
why didn't they get something while waiting?---that sounds more reasonable/believable

Why would they, if he was? It's ironic. My sister and I have 'loitered' (it's only loitering if you're black. When you're white, you are just waiting for a friend) at Starbucks. I don't think anybody even noticed. We just sat at a table. It's rude not to, when you're brunching. You don't start until everyone is there.
why wouldn't they?--that's what Starbucks customers do!!--especially to pass the time
possible --yes--likely-no

so!!! please prove how this is racial....I've been waiting for th

I said so in the post you quoted. Further, People AT THAT STARBUCKS said they did the same damn thing, and nothing happened to them. Nobody gave a shit.
!!!!!that doesn't prove it at all---not even close!!!
race had NOTHING to do with it

I won't be addressing you further. Mental illness makes me nervous.
that's what people usually say when they lose an argument
Why is this even a story?

Its just white people acting white. Its like being surprised when a lion roars. White people (and non black people) love (I repeat) LOVE to call the cops on black people. That's a little buzz for them.

Knowing that they call the calvary and minimum get black men body slammed n have the cuffs slapped on them is one of the perks of living in system of white supremacy.

Black men harmed, killed, beaten, jailed is essential in a system of white supremacy.

Thats why many of the posters in USMB defend it. And the thing I expect it. I understand what system I am living in.
Oh, and if this isn't a race thing, I'm sure all y'all can find me a YouTube video showing the same situation transpiring with white people involved, who were peacefully minding their own business but were arrested for "loitering" while they waited for their friend to join them.
Why is this even a story?

Its just white people acting. Its like being surprised when a lion roars. White people love to call the cops on black people. That's a little buzz for them.

Knowing that they call the calvary and minimum get black men body slammed n have the cuffs slapped on them is one of the perks of living in system of white supremacy.

Black men harmed, killed, beaten, jailed is essential in a system of white supremacy.

Thats why many of the posters in USMB defend it. And the thing I expect it. I understand what system I am living in.
you are living in your dreamworld where ALL whiteys are EVIL
Oh, and if this isn't a race thing, I'm sure all y'all can find me a YouTube video showing the same situation transpiring with white people involved, who were peacefully minding their own business but were arrested for "loitering" while they waited for their friend to join them.
read the previous posts!!
I was stopped by cops 2 times for ------------walking--just walking !!!
stopped by another cop for -------------------biking--yes, just biking--doing NOTHING wrong
I'm white
Why is this even a story?

Its just white people acting. Its like being surprised when a lion roars. White people love to call the cops on black people. That's a little buzz for them.

Knowing that they call the calvary and minimum get black men body slammed n have the cuffs slapped on them is one of the perks of living in system of white supremacy.

Black men harmed, killed, beaten, jailed is essential in a system of white supremacy.

Thats why many of the posters in USMB defend it. And the thing I expect it. I understand what system I am living in.
you are living in your dreamworld where ALL whiteys are EVIL

No, I'm pretty sure he knows "not all white people" - but even that is something that minimizes the truth of what it's like to be a PoC in a white man's world. The bottom line is? White men are becoming a a minority in the very near future. And white women who WISH they were white men, and look down on all minorities are in for a very rude awakening in the not-so-distant future.
Oh, and if this isn't a race thing, I'm sure all y'all can find me a YouTube video showing the same situation transpiring with white people involved, who were peacefully minding their own business but were arrested for "loitering" while they waited for their friend to join them.
read the previous posts!!
I was stopped by cops 2 times for ------------walking--just walking !!!
stopped by another cop for -------------------biking--yes, just biking--doing NOTHING wrong
I'm white

Bullshit. And you're how old? If it happened to you several times a year for your entire life, we'd have something to talk about. All this means is you could have learned a life lessons, but you didn't.
Oh, and if this isn't a race thing, I'm sure all y'all can find me a YouTube video showing the same situation transpiring with white people involved, who were peacefully minding their own business but were arrested for "loitering" while they waited for their friend to join them.
read the previous posts!!
I was stopped by cops 2 times for ------------walking--just walking !!!
stopped by another cop for -------------------biking--yes, just biking--doing NOTHING wrong
I'm white

Bullshit. And you're how old? If it happened to you several times a year for your entire life, we'd have something to talk about. All this means is you could have learned a life lessons, but you didn't.
sorry to blow your ship out of the water--but whites get harassed also
you are calling me a liar?? is that it??
I used to bike to work everyday except when it was below 20' and/or snow
so at around 515 am a cop started stalking me as I was WALKING to work
I have been waiting for people in innumerable restaurants and coffee shops and always told I had to order something. If the restaurant had a waiting area I was allowed to wait there. Not many restaurants will allow non customers to take up a seat.

I have no idea where you live, but we've always been seated and then flagged down our remaining party member if he/she was just wandering around looking for us.

Either that or tell the waitress "If you find anyone looking for two midgets, send them over."

but this isn't a restaurant with waitresses
you do that at a restaurant--not Starbucks

I answered that earlier. We've grabbed ourselves a table and waited for our third and/or fourth to join us before ordering. You know. Like ya do.

If you were asked if you were customers, what would you have said?
Oh, and if this isn't a race thing, I'm sure all y'all can find me a YouTube video showing the same situation transpiring with white people involved, who were peacefully minding their own business but were arrested for "loitering" while they waited for their friend to join them.
read the previous posts!!
I was stopped by cops 2 times for ------------walking--just walking !!!
stopped by another cop for -------------------biking--yes, just biking--doing NOTHING wrong
I'm white

Bullshit. And you're how old? If it happened to you several times a year for your entire life, we'd have something to talk about. All this means is you could have learned a life lessons, but you didn't.
another time I was riding my bike at around 330pm through the front part of a high school
it was just after the train bombings and I had a backpack with a big piece of wood in it
the lady cop stopped me...I asked her why--she said ''you look like a robbery suspect from the area'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahahahah -- now that's bullshit
Guess the baristas didn't mean it when they gave every customer a lecture on racial tolerance.

#BoycottStarbucks surfaces after video shows arrest of two black men at Philadelphia location
It had nothing to do with racism or tolerance.

Most businesses will simply not allow you to come in and occupy spacer while ordering nothing. They have every right to do so and the rule applies to everyone.

the same thing would have happened to white people and that is fact only a fool would deny.
It has nothing to do with race. Go into any restaurant or coffee shop, sit down and don't order you will be told to leave. Say you are waiting for someone and you will be asked what you want while you are waiting. It is a business. If you are not on the premises for a business purpose, you are a tresspasser. The two men were rightfully arrested.
No, they were arrested for pottying while black.
They were not customers.
We both know whites would never have been confronted.

Lucky the cops didn't shoot them.
Wrong you know no such thing and are lying.

they were arrested for trespassing as any one white or black would have been
..you know what I would've done--if they told me I needed to buy something--I would've BOUGHT something!!! what a genius I am!!!! OMG--BRILLIANT--buy something and not be a jackass with a chip on your shoulder
..most of these ''racist''/''obviously'' [ hahaha ] racist stories are because of jackass blacks with a chip on their shoulders---''FU policeman, I won't do what you lawfully order me to do''
Guess the baristas didn't mean it when they gave every customer a lecture on racial tolerance.

#BoycottStarbucks surfaces after video shows arrest of two black men at Philadelphia location
Well, I used to boycott Starbucks just because they are insanely overpriced...I was ahead of the curve for once. Ok, because of this NOW I want to break my boycott, I loathe racially mandated social activism. I just can't afford it...so, I will keep on boycotting politically correct overpriced uber cafes and drink Folgers black silk instead in my home instead...
you are living in your dreamworld where ALL whiteys are EVIL
where have I said all whites r evil?

Of course you didn't, but they just need to leave that effed up lie sitting there, hoping it appears normal and acceptable.
These are the kind of things the poster you are cuddling up to fantasises about:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA
you are living in your dreamworld where ALL whiteys are EVIL
where have I said all whites r evil?

Of course you didn't, but they just need to leave that effed up lie sitting there, hoping it appears normal and acceptable.
These are the kind of things the poster you are cuddling up to fantasises about:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

That should wake her up a little.

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