#BoycottStarbucks Trending on Twitter After Getting 2 Blacks Arrested for Using Bathroom

We declined to bring charges against the two men because there was a lack of evidence that a crime was committed,” Waxman said. It was a white woman manager that called because buckwheat and his side kick Grimmy, didn't order a bagle and coffee.....they said they was waiting on a friend, who showed up just as the two were excorted out the door.

A white women.....black men when are you gonna learn...white people, especially them prized mops you so desire...COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BLACK ASS'S!!

But no doubt, 2mar buckwheat and grimmy will be crawled under some white ass later on in the afternoon!!

Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?

They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO

Bitch, please.....they were waiting on a friend.....bottom line, as stated in the video, there were several whites there that ordered NOTHING AND SAID SO....listen, if your gonna send for me, palease get your fuckin facts straight or put me on ignore......I ain't got time for a Trump nut today!!

When the employee asked to either order something leave they should have done one or the other. They didn't. Got just what they asked for. Two useless niggas looking for a payday.

This is such a big story because it's very usually for Starbucks to treat any customer like this. Starbucks has built there reputation on how they treat their customers. I've spent hours in Starbucks sitting beside a fireplace sipping a single cup of coffee using their wifi to connect to my office. For many students and sales people, Starbucks is home away home spending hours doing homework, preparing for sales presentation, meeting customers, or just lounging in their overstuffed chairs and couches. The Starbuck's culture and environment has payed off big for the company with over 29,000 locations and over 22 billion in sales.

We declined to bring charges against the two men because there was a lack of evidence that a crime was committed,” Waxman said. It was a white woman manager that called because buckwheat and his side kick Grimmy, didn't order a bagle and coffee.....they said they was waiting on a friend, who showed up just as the two were excorted out the door.

A white women.....black men when are you gonna learn...white people, especially them prized mops you so desire...COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BLACK ASS'S!!

But no doubt, 2mar buckwheat and grimmy will be crawled under some white ass later on in the afternoon!!

Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?

They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO

The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.
Starbucks ceo: Reprehensible outcome in Philadelphia event

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Starbucks is a very liberal corporation - and that's the difference between the two parties. We take a stand even when it's one of our own. Meanwhile, evangelicals are supporting the scum of the earth in the name of the almighty GOP.
I don't think we should condemn Starbucks. Lets deal with the bigotted bitch who caused all of the ruckus.
Do you have any evidence that she is bigoted?
She’s white :eek:
Being white coupled with what she did is a strong indicator of bigotry. White patrons observed and commented on the chain of events...some having placed themselves in the same status as the black subjects in the past without experiencing similar results.
Try as you may to refute it...the manager has, been outed as a bigot .
You are full of shit. The manager followed company policy. You have provided no evidence whatsoever that she is a bigot.

The company is openly and proudly racist, not the manager.
Starbucks policies are about as PC and anti-racist as any large corporation. There's a little book titled, "How Starbucks Saved My Life". It explained in some detail the Starbucks culture as well as telling an interesting true story.

The jest of the story is that of a man who had it all by his fifties: a mansion in the suburbs, a wife and loving children, a six-figure salary, and an Ivy League education. Within a few years, he lost his job, got divorced, and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. With no money or health insurance, and a shattered life, he walked into a Starbucks and black women employee ask him if he was looking for a job which as he said in his book changed his life forever.

How Starbucks Saved My Life - Wikipedia
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We declined to bring charges against the two men because there was a lack of evidence that a crime was committed,” Waxman said. It was a white woman manager that called because buckwheat and his side kick Grimmy, didn't order a bagle and coffee.....they said they was waiting on a friend, who showed up just as the two were excorted out the door.

A white women.....black men when are you gonna learn...white people, especially them prized mops you so desire...COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BLACK ASS'S!!

But no doubt, 2mar buckwheat and grimmy will be crawled under some white ass later on in the afternoon!!

Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?

They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO

The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.

Maybe they might want to make an announcement then? Change their corporate motto? I'm fine with Caribou, they are our 'home grown' go to for coffee. But Starbucks still needs to be honest with where they are now if they don't want this snowball to avalanche.

You know how ill-mannered we snowflakes are.
I just read the Starbucks CEO statement where he apologized for the “outcome” of the blatant racial discrimination of 2 innocent Black citizens, but I can’t seem to find where he said the employee who started this mess was fired.

White Supremacists own Corporate America. & they work in tandem with the Race Soldiers. This manager is just a foot soldier. She knew what she was doing. She (Holly Hylton - The Starbucks manager) could have gotten those 2 black gentlemen killed because we all know when police arrive to a scene were black men are

Plus they sent six cops.

You can only imagine the shit she was saying for them to send six cops

White people call the police on black people ALL THE TIME.

They look for reasons to harm black people. It's got so bad the even the the police have complained about them calling the police on black men.

And one more thing. Those black men who got arrested over this were real estate brokers. So that kinda puts the, "well you know if black people got an education and acted right, you won't have no problem" lie to bed
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I just read the Starbucks CEO statement where he apologized for the “outcome” of the blatant racial discrimination of 2 innocent Black citizens, but I can’t seem to find where he said the employee who started this mess was fired.

White Supremacists own Corporate America. & they work in tandem with the Race Soldiers. This manager is just a foot soldier. She knew what she was doing. She (Holly Hylton - The Starbucks manager) could have gotten those 2 black gentlemen killed because we all know when police arrive to a scene were black men are

Plus they sent six cops.

You can only imagine the shit she was saying for them to send six cops

White people call the police on black people ALL THE TIME.

They look for reasons to harm black people. It's got so bad the even the the police have complained about them calling the police on black men.

Coffee is a carcinogen. Ban coffee and legalize pot which is not a carcinogen.

QUESTION: Why was Starbucks so quick to throw its employees and the police officers under the bus?

ANSWER: Because in 2018 America, perpetrators are often considered to be victims, and victims are often considered to be perpetrators.

QUESTION: Why was Starbucks so quick to throw its employees and the police officers under the bus?

ANSWER: Because in 2018 America, perpetrators are often considered to be victims, and victims are often considered to be perpetrators.

In Middle Georgia I went to a rural convenience store and asked to use their restroom. I was told no restroom for customers and I said this is an emergency so I went potty on the outside of their building and was told we are calling the cops. I said I will be long gone before the cops get here.
you are living in your dreamworld where ALL whiteys are EVIL
where have I said all whites r evil?

Of course you didn't, but they just need to leave that effed up lie sitting there, hoping it appears normal and acceptable.
These are the kind of things the poster you are cuddling up to fantasises about:

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA
Once again

How would you treat you enemy ?

We declined to bring charges against the two men because there was a lack of evidence that a crime was committed,” Waxman said. It was a white woman manager that called because buckwheat and his side kick Grimmy, didn't order a bagle and coffee.....they said they was waiting on a friend, who showed up just as the two were excorted out the door.

A white women.....black men when are you gonna learn...white people, especially them prized mops you so desire...COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BLACK ASS'S!!

But no doubt, 2mar buckwheat and grimmy will be crawled under some white ass later on in the afternoon!!

Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?

They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO

The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.

Maybe they might want to make an announcement then? Change their corporate motto? I'm fine with Caribou, they are our 'home grown' go to for coffee. But Starbucks still needs to be honest with where they are now if they don't want this snowball to avalanche.

You know how ill-mannered we snowflakes are.

Because some blacks were assholes, you're willing to see a major corporation, consisting of thousands of employees and shareholders, be screwed?

What kind of society do you want?
...here we have it again--black person refusing to comply [ crime ] --then the MSM make them out as victims of RACISM-evil white GESTAPO chaining them to a chair--beating them

..the critical point is, if they think they were asked to leave because of racism, they have to have UNDENIABLE evidence ...which I don't see it

..it doesn't matter if other white people are not being thrown out---I get traffic tickets for speeding--but see many others speeding that do not
..the situations have to be identical
..every time we see the race card played for stupid crap [ race card/etc ] like this, it's just more votes for Trump
...I'm sure it's been said, but a lot of places lock their bathrooms because they only want paying customers to use them
..what is the problem here???!!!???
..if other whites went to this Starbucks, asked to use the bathroom and were allowed, this is wrong....did that happen?? any proof??
two Starbucks employees told them two men had asked to use the restroom
Protesters Rally Outside Philadelphia Starbucks After Arrests Of 2 Black Men
..also--people are different ...some employees might be stricter about the rules than others
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We declined to bring charges against the two men because there was a lack of evidence that a crime was committed,” Waxman said. It was a white woman manager that called because buckwheat and his side kick Grimmy, didn't order a bagle and coffee.....they said they was waiting on a friend, who showed up just as the two were excorted out the door.

A white women.....black men when are you gonna learn...white people, especially them prized mops you so desire...COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BLACK ASS'S!!

But no doubt, 2mar buckwheat and grimmy will be crawled under some white ass later on in the afternoon!!

Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?

They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO

The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.

Maybe they might want to make an announcement then? Change their corporate motto? I'm fine with Caribou, they are our 'home grown' go to for coffee. But Starbucks still needs to be honest with where they are now if they don't want this snowball to avalanche.

You know how ill-mannered we snowflakes are.

Most Starbuck stores are located in shopping centers and near major shopping and restaurant areas. In these stores, the atmosphere is usually very casual and laid back. My experience has been you can sit in one of these stores for hours and no one is going to suggest you leave. I was in a Starbucks in New York last year and believe me, no one would want to sit in one these places for long. It was crowded and noisy, the kind of place you grab a cup of coffee on the way to work.

Starbucks policies are all about social responsibility, business code of conduct, human rights, equal opportunity, healthcare, and all the things that drives conservatives nuts. This of course is the primary reason why this story is relished so by conservatives; the most liberal and pc oriented major business ejects two black men presenting an opportunity to build a case of discrimination.

Policies | Starbucks Coffee Company
I just read the Starbucks CEO statement where he apologized for the “outcome” of the blatant racial discrimination of 2 innocent Black citizens, but I can’t seem to find where he said the employee who started this mess was fired.

White Supremacists own Corporate America. & they work in tandem with the Race Soldiers. This manager is just a foot soldier. She knew what she was doing. She (Holly Hylton - The Starbucks manager) could have gotten those 2 black gentlemen killed because we all know when police arrive to a scene were black men are

Plus they sent six cops.

You can only imagine the shit she was saying for them to send six cops

White people call the police on black people ALL THE TIME.

They look for reasons to harm black people. It's got so bad the even the the police have complained about them calling the police on black men.

And one more thing. Those black men who got arrested over this were real estate brokers. So that kinda puts the, "well you know if black people got an education and acted right, you won't have no problem" lie to bed

The apology was nothing more than caving in to SJWs and fools who call racism and discrimination where there is none.

The issue is not about race no matter how much you scream that race is the issue. They were taking up space and not buying the product or service and that makes them trespassers. Their race is incidental and white people would have been treated the same/

That is fact you cannot refute.

The number of cops is irrelevant.

Black people call the police on white people ALL THE TIME as well.

Blacks such as the real estate brokers in this case look for ways to violate the law in a trivial manner and then complain about racism when they are called out for it.

Your spin is horseshit and that is fact

We declined to bring charges against the two men because there was a lack of evidence that a crime was committed,” Waxman said. It was a white woman manager that called because buckwheat and his side kick Grimmy, didn't order a bagle and coffee.....they said they was waiting on a friend, who showed up just as the two were excorted out the door.

A white women.....black men when are you gonna learn...white people, especially them prized mops you so desire...COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR BLACK ASS'S!!

But no doubt, 2mar buckwheat and grimmy will be crawled under some white ass later on in the afternoon!!

Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?

They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO

The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.

Maybe they might want to make an announcement then? Change their corporate motto? I'm fine with Caribou, they are our 'home grown' go to for coffee. But Starbucks still needs to be honest with where they are now if they don't want this snowball to avalanche.

You know how ill-mannered we snowflakes are.

Most Starbuck stores are located in shopping centers and near major shopping and restaurant areas. In these stores, the atmosphere is usually very casual and laid back. My experience has been you can sit in one of these stores for hours and no one is going to suggest you leave. I was in a Starbucks in New York last year and believe me, no one would want to sit in one these places for long. It was crowded and noisy, the kind of place you grab a cup of coffee on the way to work.

Starbucks policies are all about social responsibility, business code of conduct, human rights, equal opportunity, healthcare, and all the things that drives conservatives nuts. This of course is the primary reason why this story is relished so by conservatives; the most liberal and pc oriented major business ejects two black men presenting an opportunity to build a case of discrimination.

Policies | Starbucks Coffee Company

Starbucks can be considered a model, as you describe it,for what liberals want of our society.

Yet we can see that, even when liberals get what they want, it does not lead to racial harmony.

At least one lib was talking ominously of how Starbucks needs to do this or that, before this "avalanches".

This bodes ill for the future, if demographic shift gives liberals the power to remake society as they see fit.

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