Brace For The Next Shortage. Chicken, And Eggs…

With a new bird flu making the rounds, chickens are be slaughtered wholesale.

And this one may very well be man made, and no accident…

And tthey are doing it on purpose to lessen the food supply. People are not getting this is all ENGINEERED!!
WEF build back beter you will OWN NOTHING and be happy that means food included.
Well shit, it is on YouTube so it has to be true. It is illegal to post false information on YouTube

My apologizes.
When you know your sources it is factual how the hell do you think Doctors get their retard information because they USE THE INTERNET to find information so dosing you with whatever must be good they found the information on the internet.

His information is correct and there is a culling on the food supply and WHITE people.
My due diligence does not include wasting 21 minutes to hear some guy rant on YouTube. This is the same tactic the Flat Earthers use. They put up videos and then complain when you won't spend your time watching them.

If you position is so weak you cannot even support your claims outside of a video, then you are just wasting all our time

Here lets’ get you some more links to play and fiddle with.

When you know your sources it is factual how the hell do you think Doctors get their retard information because they USE THE INTERNET to find information so dosing you with whatever must be good they found the information on the internet.

His information is correct and there is a culling on the food supply and WHITE people.

There is a bird flu outbreak that is for sure. That much is true.

The rest is stupid wacko conspiracy theory nonsense
Here lets’ get you some more links to play and fiddle with.

View attachment 629486

Nothing in there about it being Bill Gate's fault.

What do you have next?


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