Brace Yourself for Barack Obama’s Flash Mob-Style State of the Union Address


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
LOl, what's it tell you when they have to beg the people to watch this thug who is pretending to care to about us and our country? it says: the people are sick and tired of you both, now slink off into the sunset and take all the thugs you've unleashed on our lives like the BLM, OWS, etc and get the hell out.

Brace Yourself for Barack Obama’s Flash Mob-Style State of the Union Address

After the last dismal seven, hardly anyone’s interested in tuning in on President Barack Obama’s last State of the Union address, come January 12. So borrowing from social media, the Obamas seek to boost viewership by making the 2016 State of the Union Flash Mob style.

What if they threw a party and no one ever came is only Martin O’Malley’s problem.

With millions struggling through the current wobbly economy and spending more sleepless nights worrying about what kind of future Obama is leaving for their children and grandchildren, 2016’s State of the Union is about as welcome as the the next epic flood.

It’s winter and America is as jobless as it’s ever been. Waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop has become wondering when Obama’s promise to take away the coal and oil plain folk rely on to get them through the cold months will happen.

Big on braggadocio, Obama already let it out of the bag—over Christmas—that: “I’ve got 12 months left to squeeze every ounce of change I can while I’m still in office. And that’s what I intend to do.” (Canada Free Press, Dec. 27, 2015

Given the more than seven-year-long damage he’s wreaked upon America, the little people he cares least about should take him at his word.

But, even amidst Obama’s signature braggadocio and 11th-hour defiance, there’s something new in this year’s SOTU invite, sent out by Organizing for America (OFA) on behalf of Barack and Michelle. This time out, the Obamas are not just asking you to watch the SOTU, but almost begging. All that’s missing on their invite is “pretty please”.

“Say you’ll watch President Obama’s last State of the Union” is the heading on OFA’s invitation to John Q. Public. For those too busy to know what OFA is, it is self-described as: “We’re the people who don’t just support progressive change - we’re fighting for it”.

Though there’s a space for adding names beside the words “I’m in” at the bottom of the invitation, the SOTU invite is really directed to other organizers/activists:

“On January 12, President Obama is giving his final State of the Union Address and organizers from around the country are committing to watch and get ready for the fight ahead”.

Organizers and activists might be getting ready “for the fight ahead”, but millions of Americans will be doing what they’ve always done during the last seven long years—surviving Obama and all he throws at them.

The-hardly-heard-from-these-days Michelle Obama sent out the same kind of “Say you’ll watch” the SOTU within days of the first OFA one:

“Twenty-six years ago, I fell in love with Barack because of his compassion and his desire to make life better for other people. It’s just who he is—and it’s who he tries to be every day as President.

“He only has 12 months left as your President, and I know he’s anxious to make the most of every opportunity to make change. And trust me, you’d better believe that you being right there alongside him, doing the hard work of organizing, matters to him.

all of it here:
Brace Yourself for Barack Obama’s Flash Mob-Style State of the Union Address
LOL Scares you absolutely to death that President Barack Obama will pass the baton on 20Jan17 on a high note. A strong economy, a low rate of unemployment, and almost all the nations in the world following our leadership.

When/if Hillary wins, I think it would be a good idea for a co-SOTU in early 2017.

Not sure what Stephanie's latest bitch-fest is about (does anyone ever actually read her posts?) but were in the year 2015 and it would be really kind of nice to see the President embrace technology and get away from a 10,000 word speech and give a presentation using Keynote or PowerPoint and do it at the Kennedy Center instead of the House of Representatives. Our kids are now raised viewing such presentations, most corporate decisions are based on such presentations, they are able to be much more detailed and they allow for a greater understanding of complex subjects.

Still, the co-SOTU in 2017 would be awesome; maybe Hillary could usher in the new practice.
Hard to believe Obama is on his last State of the Union address.

He still has a lot to do in his last year. If 2016 is anything close to what he accomplished in 2015 we will be in good hands when he hands the baton of leadership to Hillary
LOL Scares you absolutely to death that President Barack Obama will pass the baton on 20Jan17 on a high note. A strong economy, a low rate of unemployment, and almost all the nations in the world following our leadership.
Your standards are fuckin pathetic :thup:
Hard to believe Obama is on his last State of the Union address.

He still has a lot to do in his last year. If 2016 is anything close to what he accomplished in 2015 we will be in good hands when he hands the baton of leadership to Hillary
She is entitled. Get it right CITIZEN

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