Bradley Manning Sentenced To 35 Years:

You can not prove his motives. Reagrdless of that fact, the FACT is, there were war crimes that were exposed. Apparently you havent been paying attention to anything regarding this topic besides the smearing and shooting of the messenger.

there were no war crimes exposed. NONE. ZILCH. NADA.
[ame=]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Uploaded on Apr 3, 2010

Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents. After the initial shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths ocurred. Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting documents on April 5th 2010 on Collateral Murder

here is one of many, Dullard.
a doctored video? bwahahahaha

that is not a war crime.

A doctored video? Are you fucking retarded? Dont answer that. We have our answer already.

it is you, who are retarded. it has been proven that a lot of wikileaks so-called "proof videos" were doctored to fit the Assange agenda.
A doctored video? Are you fucking retarded? Dont answer that. We have our answer already.

it is you, who are retarded. it has been proven that a lot of wikileaks so-called "proof videos" were doctored to fit the Assange agenda.

And you have not validated that claim. You are going to have to back that up.

I did.

It was all over the news at some point, I am surprised, that you have not heard about it :rolleyes:
here is a NYT article on the issue:

you can not get more left established than NYT :)

But in its zeal to make the video a work of antiwar propaganda, WikiLeaks also released a version that didn’t call attention to an Iraqi who was toting a rocket-propelled grenade and packaged the manipulated version under the tendentious rubric “Collateral Murder.” (See the edited and non-edited videos here.)
Then how do you explain Libby?

I mean, if Bush could manipulate everything the was you say...Libby wouldn't have been indicted, much less convicted.

You can't have it both ways.

It looked just as bad on Bush that Libby was convicted as it would if he HAD leaked the Plame identity.

Use some critical thinking skills instead of believing the crap that is spoon fed to you by the leftwing propaganda machine.
Libby was a sacrificial bone Bush threw at the media. If the DOJ hadn't of been politicized, Fitzgerald would've gone after Cheney.

Just because you disagree with me, it has nothing to do with my "critical thinking skills".

That's a critique, not an insult.

Many on the believe whatever they are told to believe.

If you have some evidence, present it.

Steven Colbert?

My God... no wonder you people are so stupid... you get all your info from Comedy Central and think you've been informed.


dude, he interviewed the liar Assange and pressured him as nobody. so Assange himself admitted the video WAS doctored.

Is NYT article also Comedy central?

or you are one of assange worshiper dupes as well?

it seems like you acted like a cretin this time :eusa_whistle:
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Steven Colbert?

My God... no wonder you people are so stupid... you get all your info from Comedy Central and think you've been informed.


dude, he interviewed the liar Assange and pressured him as nobody. so Assange himself admitted the video WAS doctored.

Is NYT article also Comedy central?

or you are one of assange worshiper dupes as well?

it seems like you acted like a cretin this time :eusa_whistle:

Not at all.... I think Assange is an opportunistic whore... Manning on the other hand is just a moron.

What's your point? That a doctored video means the shit they released is of no relevance?

That's fucking absurd. Your thought processes are suspect, seriously suspect.

Dupe? Really?

Is asking you to back up a claim makes one a dupe now. You realize that calling people names because they don’t take everything you say as gold does not establish a trustworthy position.

Anyway, I will comment on the link in a bit, using a government computer atm and all the wiki leaks and anything related to them is blacklisted on all government machines.

Dupe? Really?

Is asking you to back up a claim makes one a dupe now. You realize that calling people names because they don’t take everything you say as gold does not establish a trustworthy position.

Anyway, I will comment on the link in a bit, using a government computer atm and all the wiki leaks and anything related to them is blacklisted on all government machines.

read the links before jumping in flame. One already made himself look like....emmm... low information voter.

This video being doctored by Assange was a scandal more than 2 years ago. If you missed it - it is not my problem. It was covered even by NYT and CNN, with them not being very anti-wikileaks overall.

It still is nevertheless Assange's doctored video.

and the term "dupe" was not aimed at you, but the original poster of the "war crimes"( check the timings)
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What manning released wasn't limited to war crimes, if there was anything at all about war crimes anyway.
What would you call the gratuitous machine-gunning of civilians, including journalists and a two-year old child, from an attack helicopter?

manning released sensitive data without regard to it's content, who it could harm or what consequenses his actions could have. He released it to a leftist agitator who eagerly used the information to embarrass the country. He didn't do it out of a sense of justice, to right a wrong, or "expose" criminals.
Even if this were true, are you more concerned with his motive than with its effects? Other than exposure of a lot of incriminating and embarrassing information are you aware of any specific harm being caused to the Nation by Manning's revelations? If so, please be specific. Otherwise you have your opinion and others have theirs -- period.

He did it out of malice. He was bitter about not being allowed to announce his love for cock while in the military. They should have dragged him out of court and blown his fucking brains out.[/COLOR]
I suggest you try evaluating this situation through the lens of objectivity rather than homophobia and consider the ultimate effect of Manning's action. What harm has it done vs what good will it do?

The bottom line is, his motivation aside, Manning took an obviously great risk in handing all that information over to Assange and he is now paying one hell of a price for it.
Steven Colbert?

My God... no wonder you people are so stupid... you get all your info from Comedy Central and think you've been informed.


dude, he interviewed the liar Assange and pressured him as nobody. so Assange himself admitted the video WAS doctored.

Is NYT article also Comedy central?

or you are one of assange worshiper dupes as well?

it seems like you acted like a cretin this time :eusa_whistle:

Not at all.... I think Assange is an opportunistic whore... Manning on the other hand is just a moron.

What's your point? That a doctored video means the shit they released is of no relevance?

That's fucking absurd. Your thought processes are suspect, seriously suspect.

yes. it is NOT a "war crime" if it is doctored to make it look like it is.
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dude, he interviewed the liar Assange and pressured him as nobody. so Assange himself admitted the video WAS doctored.

Is NYT article also Comedy central?

or you are one of assange worshiper dupes as well?

it seems like you acted like a cretin this time :eusa_whistle:

Not at all.... I think Assange is an opportunistic whore... Manning on the other hand is just a moron.

What's your point? That a doctored video means the shit they released is of no relevance?

That's fucking absurd. Your thought processes are suspect, seriously suspect.

yes. it is NOT a "war crime" if it is doctored to make it look like it is.

Ok, so what is your fucking point, or, do you even have one?
Not at all.... I think Assange is an opportunistic whore... Manning on the other hand is just a moron.
I might agree with that assessment. But it has nothing to do with the end result of their actions, which I believe will ultimately benefit the American People.

More specifically, something menacingly insidious has been going on at the higher levels of our government. An Orwellian transformation is taking place in which our government has assumed a position of unaccountability for its actions. This position is facilitated via a veil of arbitrary secrecy. So I really don't care that Assange is "an opportunistic whore" and Manning is "just a moron." I'm concerned with what they did. And until I am made aware of some specific harm their actions have caused I am grateful for their revelations.

Well, ok, that is at least a reasoned response. Personally however, I really don't want these kinds of people, including Snowden, taking it upon themselves to just release this kind of stuff. There are processes that can and should be gone through if one feels there is wrongdoing.

Just releasing classified info for all the world to see ain't the way to go.

And for the record... I'm neither of the "hero" or "traitor" mindset... yet.
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