Brag post: I'm trying to hit 95th percentile in chess. It's been a few years since I hadn't played as a kid and I just want to keep my brain young.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Very little study of openings beyond the first 5-7 moves. Not alot of tactic practice. Just playing and letting the brain paths reconnect.

I still don't know if I would have beaten my gradeschool self, the brain picked up and could see every combination it seemed back then and I cared more if I won or not.

Regardless, almost at 95%. I presume it would require 99.8% percentile or something to feel I could become a GM. Not going to happen, especially as I don't study classic games (though I will watch them from time to time on youtube); but the challenge is over a lifetime.

I also read recently that a man from Italy became the oldest GM in history and I believe he was at least in his late 80s, so, maybe I will care enough one day to try. :)

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Thinking 7 moves possibilities ahead is usually enough.

Well that's just the openings, I don't often think 7 moves ahead in mid game or end game. Openings are easier to remember and calculate because there is less direct confrontation from the opponent unless they push a gambit or something.
Well that's just the openings, I don't often think 7 moves ahead in mid game or end game. Openings are easier to remember and calculate because there is less direct confrontation from the opponent unless they push a gambit or something.
It takes a certain frame of mind. I don't do it anymore. :auiqs.jpg:

I talked today with a guy whose younger son beat me at chess.

He beat the guy that was all into chess, too. :aargh:

Seriously, a 10 year old beat an older man that's all into chess. And me.

Meh, i was only doing 3 moves ahead, and he was doing routine plans, but he could improvise, too.

That kid was good. I'm not so good anymore and won't claim to be.
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It takes a certain frame of mind. I don't do it anymore. :auiqs.jpg:

I talked today with a guy whose younger son beat me at chess.

He beat the guy that was all into chess, too. :aargh:
Yeah, when I was a kid I played OTB (other the board) as opposed to online now. Something about the game then seemed to be in 4D. I think of the movie Limitless, its how I saw the game,.as most that age might. I seemed to see every combination and threat, thought at least three.moves.ahead in eac instance. It was amazing how often I could lure a player into making a move they believed was a winner, not understanding that I had my next moves figured out based on that move I elicited. My mistake was moving too quickly after their move which had to cause them to think harder. I should have feigned deep thought as one does playing poker hehe. I dont do that nearly as.much anymore (set traps) which leads me to believe I am not as as I was then.
Yeah, when I was a kid I played OTB (other the board) as opposed to online now. Something about the game then seemed to be in 4D. I think of the movie Limitless, its how I saw the game,.as most that age might. I seemed to see every combination and threat, thought at least three.moves.ahead in eac instance. It was amazing how often I could lure a player into making a move they believed was a winner, not understanding that I had my next moves figured out based on that move I elicited. My mistake was moving too quickly after their move which had to cause them to think harder. I should have feigned thought as one does playing poker hehe. I dont do that nearly as.much anymore (set traps) which leads me to believe I am not as as I was then.
He just happened to be talking about some kid beating him TODAY and you fell for it.
Because he does that. Now go dream about being a GM. Hah Hah Ha!
I wont ever be a GM. I believe it was the great Paul Morphy who had a quote attributed to him that said, "to be good at chess is gentlemanly, to be great at chess is a wasted life". I can tell you this, I believe if I really wanted it bad enough, G-d willing, I could achieve GM status. It wouldnt be easy though. That said, I refer to the quote I have heard attributed to Morphy.
I wont ever be a GM. I believe it was the great Paul Morphy who had a quote attributed to him that said, "to be good at chess is gentlemanly, to be great at chess is a wasted life". I can tell you this, I believe if I really wanted it bad enough, G-d willing, I could achieve GM status. It wouldnt be easy though. That said, I refer to the quote I have heard attributed to Morphy.
Very little study of openings beyond the first 5-7 moves. Not alot of tactic practice. Just playing and letting the brain paths reconnect.

I still don't know if I would have beaten my gradeschool self, the brain picked up and could see every combination it seemed back then and I cared more if I won or not.

Regardless, almost at 95%. I presume it would require 99.8% percentile or something to feel I could become a GM. Not going to happen, especially as I don't study classic games (though I will watch them from time to time on youtube); but the challenge is over a lifetime.

I also read recently that a man from Italy became the oldest GM in history and I believe he was at least in his late 80s, so, maybe I will care enough one day to try. :)

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Are you playing people or against a computer?

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