Bragger in Chief?........You Judge


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
As has become typical among brain-washed Trump lap dogs, all sources of fact check quickly become "fake news." Facts that are unbecoming to a narcissist, MUST be countered as jealous propaganda against the narcissist.

So, although this thread will also be rejected by those who choose to believe their feelings rather than their brains, for others who can still muster some sense of objectivity, the following is compiled from the Associated Press fact-checkers:

TRUMP: Speaking of the NATO alliance, “Our partners must meet their financial obligations. And now, based on our very strong and frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that. In fact, I can tell you the money is pouring in. Very nice. Very nice.”

THE FACTS: No new money has come pouring in from NATO allies.
TRUMP: “According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs America’s taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.”

THE FACTS: That’s not exactly what that report says. It says immigrants “contribute to government finances by paying taxes and add expenditures by consuming public services.”
TRUMP: “We’ve saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price” of the F-35 jet fighter.

THE FACTS: The cost savings he persists in bragging about were secured in full or large part before he became president.
TRUMP: “Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

THE FACTS: Trump is taking credit for corporate jobs decisions that largely predate his election. In the case of Intel, construction of the Chandler, Arizona, factory referred to by Trump actually began during Barack Obama’s presidency.
TRUMP: His budget plan will offer “one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history.”

THE FACTS: Three times in recent years, Congress raised defense budgets by larger percentages than the $54 billion, or 10 percent, increase that Trump proposes.
TRUMP: “We will provide massive tax relief for the middle class.”

THE FACTS: Trump has provided little detail on how this would happen. Independent analyses of his campaign’s tax proposals found that most of the benefits would flow to the wealthiest families. The richest 1 percent would see an average tax cut of nearly $215,000 a year, while the middle one-fifth of the population would get a cut of just $1,010, according to the Tax Policy Center, a joint project by the Brookings Institution and Urban Institute.
TRUMP: “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force.”

THE FACTS: That’s true, but for the vast majority of them, it’s because they choose to be.
That 94 million figure includes everyone aged 16 and older who doesn’t have a job and isn’t looking for one. So it includes retirees, parents who are staying home to raise children, and high school and college students who are studying rather than working.
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Trump is POTUS 45, just like you predicted.

I believe everything you say.

You are always correct.
As has become typical among brain-washed Trump lap dogs, all sources of fact check quickly become "fake news." Facts that are unbecoming to a narcissist, MUST be countered as jealous propaganda against the narcissist.

So, although this thread will also be rejected by those who choose to believe their feelings rather than their brains, for others who can still muster some sense of objectivity, the following is compiled from the Associated Press fact-checkers:

TRUMP: Speaking of the NATO alliance, “Our partners must meet their financial obligations. And now, based on our very strong and frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that. In fact, I can tell you the money is pouring in. Very nice. Very nice.”

THE FACTS: No new money has come pouring in from NATO allies.

TRUMP: “According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs America’s taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.”

THE FACTS: That’s not exactly what that report says. It says immigrants “contribute to government finances by paying taxes and add expenditures by consuming public services.”

TRUMP: “We’ve saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price” of the F-35 jet fighter.

THE FACTS: The cost savings he persists in bragging about were secured in full or large part before he became president.

TRUMP: “Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

THE FACTS: Trump is taking credit for corporate jobs decisions that largely predate his election. In the case of Intel, construction of the Chandler, Arizona, factory referred to by Trump actually began during Barack Obama’s presidency.

TRUMP: His budget plan will offer “one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history.”

THE FACTS: Three times in recent years, Congress raised defense budgets by larger percentages than the $54 billion, or 10 percent, increase that Trump proposes.

TRUMP: “We will provide massive tax relief for the middle class.”

THE FACTS: Trump has provided little detail on how this would happen. Independent analyses of his campaign’s tax proposals found that most of the benefits would flow to the wealthiest families. The richest 1 percent would see an average tax cut of nearly $215,000 a year, while the middle one-fifth of the population would get a cut of just $1,010, according to the Tax Policy Center, a joint project by the Brookings Institution and Urban Institute.

TRUMP: “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force.”

THE FACTS: That’s true, but for the vast majority of them, it’s because they choose to be.

That 94 million figure includes everyone aged 16 and older who doesn’t have a job and isn’t looking for one. So it includes retirees, parents who are staying home to raise children, and high school and college students who are studying rather than working.
All lies. Next.
Long ago I came to realize that if everything the politicians have said and promised over the years were true then our streets would be paved with gold. It would drive me crazy to let the OP list get to me. Nobody much cares anyways and so I save the details for discussion of specific issues, especially for the big stuff where people's lives are at stake.
Remember when GHB labeled someone else's proposed budget plan, "voodoo economics"?
That phrase should be resurrected.
As has become typical among brain-washed Trump lap dogs, all sources of fact check quickly become "fake news." Facts that are unbecoming to a narcissist, MUST be countered as jealous propaganda against the narcissist.

So, although this thread will also be rejected by those who choose to believe their feelings rather than their brains, for others who can still muster some sense of objectivity, the following is compiled from the Associated Press fact-checkers:

TRUMP: Speaking of the NATO alliance, “Our partners must meet their financial obligations. And now, based on our very strong and frank discussions, they are beginning to do just that. In fact, I can tell you the money is pouring in. Very nice. Very nice.”

THE FACTS: No new money has come pouring in from NATO allies.
TRUMP: “According to the National Academy of Sciences, our current immigration system costs America’s taxpayers many billions of dollars a year.”

THE FACTS: That’s not exactly what that report says. It says immigrants “contribute to government finances by paying taxes and add expenditures by consuming public services.”
TRUMP: “We’ve saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by bringing down the price” of the F-35 jet fighter.

THE FACTS: The cost savings he persists in bragging about were secured in full or large part before he became president.
TRUMP: “Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart and many others have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

THE FACTS: Trump is taking credit for corporate jobs decisions that largely predate his election. In the case of Intel, construction of the Chandler, Arizona, factory referred to by Trump actually began during Barack Obama’s presidency.
TRUMP: His budget plan will offer “one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history.”

THE FACTS: Three times in recent years, Congress raised defense budgets by larger percentages than the $54 billion, or 10 percent, increase that Trump proposes.
TRUMP: “We will provide massive tax relief for the middle class.”

THE FACTS: Trump has provided little detail on how this would happen. Independent analyses of his campaign’s tax proposals found that most of the benefits would flow to the wealthiest families. The richest 1 percent would see an average tax cut of nearly $215,000 a year, while the middle one-fifth of the population would get a cut of just $1,010, according to the Tax Policy Center, a joint project by the Brookings Institution and Urban Institute.
TRUMP: “Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force.”

THE FACTS: That’s true, but for the vast majority of them, it’s because they choose to be.
That 94 million figure includes everyone aged 16 and older who doesn’t have a job and isn’t looking for one. So it includes retirees, parents who are staying home to raise children, and high school and college students who are studying rather than working.

Hey...thanks for the links.
Remember when GHB labeled someone else's proposed budget plan, "voodoo economics"?
That phrase should be resurrected.

I would not call Obama's form of fiscal policy "voodoo economics".

I'd call it stupid economics.
All presidents twist the truth. Its the american way. This nation founded on christian principles....except we don't follow the bible.
Remember when the grinning self absorbed Barry Hussein was flushed with victory and a majority in both houses and he said: "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". That should settle any argument about political elitism.
Remember when the grinning self absorbed Barry Hussein was flushed with victory and a majority in both houses and he said: "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". That should settle any argument about political elitism.

No, President Obama Did NOT Say Anything About "The Back Of The Bus"
On the campaign trail, President Obama and other Democrats often use an extended metaphor about government as a car, and elections deciding who drives and who sits in the back seat. The phrase "back of the bus" has clear racial overtones, and despite the fact that Obama has used the car metaphor for months without mentioning any buses, Glenn Beck and Fox News claimed last week that Obama was attempting to stir up racial divides.

President Obama In Philadelphia: Republicans "Don't Know How To Drive. They Can Ride With Us If They Want To, But They Got To Get In The Back Seat."
Not one right winger is HONEST enough to openly admit that Trump LIES, like a fucking cheap rug.

They'd rather accuse me of biases and REFUSE to even look at what Trump states versus proven facts..........The kool-aid they're drinking must be orange flavored.
Remember when the grinning self absorbed Barry Hussein was flushed with victory and a majority in both houses and he said: "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". That should settle any argument about political elitism.

No, President Obama Did NOT Say Anything About "The Back Of The Bus"
On the campaign trail, President Obama and other Democrats often use an extended metaphor about government as a car, and elections deciding who drives and who sits in the back seat. The phrase "back of the bus" has clear racial overtones, and despite the fact that Obama has used the car metaphor for months without mentioning any buses, Glenn Beck and Fox News claimed last week that Obama was attempting to stir up racial divides.

President Obama In Philadelphia: Republicans "Don't Know How To Drive. They Can Ride With Us If They Want To, But They Got To Get In The Back Seat."

Now you pricks are in the backseat ;)
Remember when GHB labeled someone else's proposed budget plan, "voodoo economics"?
That phrase should be resurrected.

I take it that a sense of deja vu has also hit you.

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