Brain Candy

Billionaires are in the news almost every day. This made me wonder who was THE wealthiest person who ever lived. So I looked it up, pretty certain that he was alive today. WRONG!

Mansa Musa was the ruler of Mali in the thirteenth century with wealth estimated in today's dollars at $400 billion.

Everyone reading this is better off by far than Mansa Musa was.
1. He never enjoyed air conditioning in his stifling hot climate.
2. He knew nothing compared to what eveyone reading this knows.
3. No ice cream or chocolate cake or cookies.
4. No dental work for rotten teeth.
5. No antibiotics or medicines as we have to relieve pain and heal us.
6. He never played tennis, or snow skied, orsaw movies or videos of far away places.
7. He did not have instant access to information he might need or want, which we have been able to look up very easily in our massive libraries across America.
8. Anywhere Mansa traveled would have been slow and hot, unlike us in cars and commercial aviation, all air conditioned, with books and movies passengers can watch.

You can easily imagine more things to add to your list that was denied the wealthiest man ever to live! Go, fish.


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