

Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
When parents send their children off to college, mom and dad hope they'll return more cultivated, knowledgeable, and astute--able to see issues from all points of view. But, unfortunately there's only one view allowed on most college campuses: a rabid brand of liberalism that must be swallowed hook, line, and sinker.
America's university system is one of the largest brainwashing machines on the planet. Leftists who dominate the universities--from the administration to the student government, from the professors to the student media--use their power to mold impressionable minds. The universities, far from being a place for open discussion, are really dungeons of the mind that indoctrinate students to become socialists, atheists, race-baiters, and narcissists.

Unfortunately it is just not the upper levels of academia that engage in begins in the grade schools of our public so called educational system.

Public school is a 12 year brainwash on children.​

This is all that public school tells us to our children of the next generation.
  1. Truth comes from authority.
  2. Intelligence means remember and repeat.
  3. Non compliance requires strict punishment.
  4. Creativity is not rewarded. Only recollection and repetition.
  5. Social conformity is enforced by the leftist ideology. school is,5 years ago
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When parents send their children off to college, mom and dad hope they'll return more cultivated, knowledgeable, and astute--able to see issues from all points of view. But, unfortunately there's only one view allowed on most college campuses: a rabid brand of liberalism that must be swallowed hook, line, and sinker.
America's university system is one of the largest brainwashing machines on the planet. Leftists who dominate the universities--from the administration to the student government, from the professors to the student media--use their power to mold impressionable minds. The universities, far from being a place for open discussion, are really dungeons of the mind that indoctrinate students to become socialists, atheists, race-baiters, and narcissists.
I did not send mine off for that. I sent them to get degrees and accreditations that would get them into a career, paying enough to support a good lifestyle and a secure future.
It worked. I am satisfied.
I did not send mine off for that. I sent them to get degrees and accreditations that would get them into a career, paying enough to support a good lifestyle and a secure future.
It worked. I am satisfied.
What university did they go to?
It appears that the children of White 6 and WinterBorn are the exceptions to the rule

Apparently millions of college kids were cheated by the university they attended and now need plumbers and electricians to pay off their student loans for them
It appears that the children of White 6 and WinterBorn are the exceptions to the rule

Apparently millions of college kids were cheated by the university they attended and now need plumbers and electricians to pay off their student loans for them
Yes.......a few strong minded students that were raised right do not succumb to all the brainwashing...they are a minority unfortunately.

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It appears that the children of White 6 and WinterBorn are the exceptions to the rule

Apparently millions of college kids were cheated by the university they attended and now need plumbers and electricians to pay off their student loans for them
Maybe millions should have been raised better and not been sent to college with the idea "they'll return more cultivated, knowledgeable, and astute--able to see issues from all points of view."

If yours or millions went to become more cultivated, knowledgeable and astute to look at issues, more power to them. Mine went for degrees in finance and Nursing. Those pay better right out of college, in fields in demand with long range futures, and career paths, than being cultivated, knowledgeable, astute and able to see issues from all points of view. Neither I nor they could afford what you described as goals. We settled for degrees in good paying career fields, in demand, instead.
They are pretty happy with the outcome. There is a lot to be said for not having to struggle after college and not having any student loans to pay off or depend on the government to forgive. It just depends on what you want out of college, I guess.
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Belongs in book reviews. Who wants to be involved in a Ben Shapiro thread?

Switching one cult mindset for another.

Ben is a hack, a plagiarist and a fraud.

He is just repackaging John Gatto's ideas, while concealing some very important truths behind them.

While I haven't not read this book, I know enough about Ben and his partisan and polemic ideas, to know that he, is just as guilty of brainwashing the masses, as those he accuses of doing the brainwashing.

Indeed, he is a limited hangout, to obfuscate the reality behind the facts of what he really is intending and needing to hide.

Dividing and ruling has always been a better strategy than true enlightenment.
we get out of edication exactly what we put into it.

if the kids want to jerk off at "turning point" meetings or piss their opportunity away at the frat party there is not much i can do for them.
Bit late to regret something which has been clear for over a decade ?

Without a rebellion based on force I cannot see any big changes soon , let alone to avoid the otherwise imminent full system collapse .

Where are the Self Organising Collectives and Direct Action groups ?
we get out of edication exactly what we put into it.

if the kids want to jerk off at "turning point" meetings or piss their opportunity away at the frat party there is not much i can do for them.
Part of this is true, there is an education available at institutions where the agenda is schooling. . . however. ..

. . . if one is not aware of the difference between education and schooling? One will be as lost as if they are not aware of the difference between propaganda and news. :sigh2:

The agenda of the institutions ARE, as pointed out in that video I posted, to see, who can educate themselves the best, and to have their peers and the schooling establishment see who will conform to the will of the establishment the best, and thus by social convention, see who needs to be banished from decent society with function five, "The Selective Function," to move on to six. . .

The Propaedeutic Function​

". . . And the Sixth is the creepiest of all! And I think it is partly what Tragedy and Hope is about--a fancy Roman name, the Propaedeutic Function. Because as early as Roman bigtime thinkers, it was understood that to continue a social form required that some people be trained that they were the custodians of this. So, some small fraction of the kids are being ready to take over the project.

That’s the guy--the honor lecturer [Inglis], and it will not surprise you that his ancestors include the major-general of the siege of the Luknow of India--famous for tying the mutineers’ on the muzzle of the cannons and blowing them apart, or somebody who was forced to flee NYC, a churchman at the beginning of the American Revolution, because he wrote a refutation of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense.

They were going to tar and feather him. He fled and was rewarded by the British by making him the Bishop of Nova Scotia. Those are Inglis’ ancestors!

So, Al Inglis is certainly--when I learned of this and wrote to Harvard, asking for access to the Inglis Lecture. Strike me dead, Lord, if I’m exaggerating at all. I was told “We have no Inglis Lecture--hasn’t been for years, and we have no records.

It was the same that happened when I discovered that Elwood B. Cubberly, the most influential schoolman of the 20th century and the bionomics genius had been the elementary school editor of Houghton Mifflin, and I wrote Houghton Mifflin--Is there any record? And they said, “We have no record of anyone named Elwood P. Cubberly.


Now Harvard is telling me, “There is no Inglis Lecture. A week passed and I got a call from Harvard, from some obscure office at Harvard, saying “What is your interest in the Ingles Lecture?” I knew that I was on thin ice.

And I said, “Well, James Conant referred me in his books to the man the Inglis Lecture is named after, and I was just wondering if I could get some background on this fellow, and a list of the lectures.

And in due time, I got a list of the lectures and instructions [on] how to access the texts, but not easily. Enough hoops that someone who has to mow the lawn and burp the baby wouldn’t jump through those hoops. I was able to prove Harper’s [magazine] wouldn’t publish [it in] the cover essay I wrote, which Lew Laflin [?] named Against School, but I had called The Artificial Extension of Childhood because I think that is the key mechanism at work here.

So, they wouldn’t print the information about Cubberley because Houghton Mifflin denied it. It was only months after that I looked through my extensive library of incredibly dull books about schooling, and I opened [one]--and on the facing page said Elwood B. Cubberly, Editor and Chief of Elementary School, publishing arm of Houghton Mifflin.

By the way, the secondary Editor and Chief was Alexander Ingles. So you see how this cousinage works.”

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