If the following does not wake you up.....nothing will.

The actual covid, the government's response to covid, the fear generated by media, price gouging by corporate greed, and public gullibility enabled that. Let this be a reaching moment.
Much of the Gov't Response was due to Media Fearmongering. One detail. There was absolutely NO reason to shut down Schools. COVID 19 was not dangerous to Children.
Much of the Gov't Response was due to Media Fearmongering. One detail. There was absolutely NO reason to shut down Schools. COVID 19 was not dangerous to Children.
Your blob declared a national emergency right?
Much of the Gov't Response was due to Media Fearmongering. One detail. There was absolutely NO reason to shut down Schools. COVID 19 was not dangerous to Children.

Well unless yours was one of the 1,900 who died.

Then it was a bad thing.
They also were not available under your blob because of his trade war. Toilet paper was completely unattainable most of the time. I guess those of you who are full of shit (like yourself) don’t think toilet paper is a necessity either. LOL
They grow avocados in Florida.
Well unless yours was one of the 1,900 who died.

Then it was a bad thing.
Sad. But was that a reason to stop Schools for 2 Goddam Years? More kids die from Flu every year.
Sad. But was that a reason to stop Schools for 2 Goddam Years? More kids die from Flu every year.

Odd. It seems like one abortion is enough to ban them everywhere. If we can save one child? But as I said before. Republicans and especially Christian Republicans stop caring about the kid ten seconds after they come out of the play doh fun factory of life.
Odd. It seems like one abortion is enough to ban them everywhere. If we can save one child? But as I said before. Republicans and especially Christian Republicans stop caring about the kid ten seconds after they come out of the play doh fun factory of life.
What does Baby Murder have to do with COVID? Or the loss of Education for 2 years? Or Media Fearmongering? You commies are really hellbent on making filthy Abortion the main issue. You guys probably harvest Stem Cells to sell them for money.
What does Baby Murder have to do with COVID? Or the loss of Education for 2 years? Or Media Fearmongering? You commies are really hellbent on making filthy Abortion the main issue. You guys probably harvest Stem Cells to sell them for money.

I just find it humorous. One death of a fetus. Too many. 1900 deaths of living breathing children? Not enough.
I just find it humorous. One death of a fetus. Too many. 1900 deaths of living breathing children? Not enough.
The FLU kills far more. The POINT was , there was no need to close the Schools. COVID was not dangerous to HEALTHY Children. And I emphasize HEALTHY. All people with AIDS , Diabetes , or on Chemo were at risk.
You said it was just the flu. We have the flu every year. You even say it was far more dangerous.

The difference is that your blob had a trade war going and the result was that we had to stand in line for everything due to massive shortages.

You should tap out and save yourself further embarrassment.
Embarrassment? Sorry ,Red. It don't work that way. You should move to Canada where all the chickenshit Draft Dodgers ran to. Right up your alley. Along with "Picking up the Soap".
Xi and the CCP owns the Bidens and the democrat Party

They are the largest contributor to both

Republicans and Democrats Split on China Policy​

Most Americans see the US-China relationship as one primarily defined by competition—or even by conflict—rather than by cooperation. While Republicans and Democrats in Washington have adopted a similar line when it comes to China policy, Council polling finds that Republicans hold more negative views of China and are more likely to support policies that restrict US-China exchanges in trade, education, and technology.

  • A plurality of Republicans (42%) consider China an adversary—a country the United States is in conflict with—compared to just 17 percent of Democrats.
  • As a broad strategy, Republicans (67%) are far more likely than Democrats (39%) to view limiting China’s global influence as a very important goal for US foreign policy.
  • In terms of specific policies, majorities of Republicans favor restricting the exchange of scientific research between the United States and China (73%) and limiting the number of Chinese students studying in the United States (72%). Majorities of Democrats oppose limits on Chinese students (66%) and scientific exchange (59%).
  • Republicans also favor increasing tariffs on imports from China (83%) and significantly reducing trade between the two countries, even if this means greater costs for American consumers (77%). Democrats are more divided on trade: half oppose higher tariffs (50%, 45% support), and a narrow majority oppose significant trade reductions with China (53%, 44% support).

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