Brakes Are For Quitters


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
It's true in flat-track racing, it's true in politics. The Rat party has not only quit, they can't even see the leader thru the dust any more. Consider last week.....on Wednesday Mueller showed he not only didn't write the report with his name on it, he hadn't even read it. Even the most virulent media rats agreed he'd soiled his skivvies on national TV. Fast forward to Friday....the President threatens Guatemala with financial mayhem and the asylum problem is solved. He did the same thing to Mehico and now there are over 20k of their soldiers on the borders with Guatemala and the US. Apprehensions are falling like Rat pretenders running for the WH...sure it's summer in the Sonoran Desert, so why risk death by dehydration or snake bite when you're not getting into the US? Another hundred miles of Wall is going up thanks to the Supremes the same day! Meanwhile the Rats want Ivanka's emails and Pelousy is calling the master tactician a "racist". Trump is dead-bang going to be reelected....brakes ain't in his vocabulary.

It's true in flat-track racing, it's true in politics. The Rat party has not only quit, they can't even see the leader thru the dust any more. Consider last week.....on Wednesday Mueller showed he not only didn't write the report with his name on it, he hadn't even read it. Even the most virulent media rats agreed he'd soiled his skivvies on national TV. Fast forward to Friday....the President threatens Guatemala with financial mayhem and the asylum problem is solved. He did the same thing to Mehico and now there are over 20k of their soldiers on the borders with Guatemala and the US. Apprehensions are falling like Rat pretenders running for the WH...sure it's summer in the Sonoran Desert, so why risk death by dehydration or snake bite when you're not getting into the US? Another hundred miles of Wall is going up thanks to the Supremes the same day! Meanwhile the Rats want Ivanka's emails and Pelousy is calling the master tactician a "racist". Trump is dead-bang going to be reelected....brakes ain't in his vocabulary.


Oh,dear heavens! Say it ain't so!

It's true in flat-track racing, it's true in politics. The Rat party has not only quit, they can't even see the leader thru the dust any more. Consider last week.....on Wednesday Mueller showed he not only didn't write the report with his name on it, he hadn't even read it. Even the most virulent media rats agreed he'd soiled his skivvies on national TV. Fast forward to Friday....the President threatens Guatemala with financial mayhem and the asylum problem is solved. He did the same thing to Mehico and now there are over 20k of their soldiers on the borders with Guatemala and the US. Apprehensions are falling like Rat pretenders running for the WH...sure it's summer in the Sonoran Desert, so why risk death by dehydration or snake bite when you're not getting into the US? Another hundred miles of Wall is going up thanks to the Supremes the same day! Meanwhile the Rats want Ivanka's emails and Pelousy is calling the master tactician a "racist". Trump is dead-bang going to be reelected....brakes ain't in his vocabulary.

MUELLER SAID that he actually attended almost none of the interviews related to his own investigation.
MUELLER ADMITTED that he and Comey WERE friends.
You can always tell when a democrat is losing the argument: When they got nothing left, they just call you a racist.

Basically, Mueller knows little more about the report than you or me. Both of us just sat down and read it and said: Huh?! Dang!
It's true in flat-track racing, it's true in politics. The Rat party has not only quit, they can't even see the leader thru the dust any more. Consider last week.....on Wednesday Mueller showed he not only didn't write the report with his name on it, he hadn't even read it. Even the most virulent media rats agreed he'd soiled his skivvies on national TV. Fast forward to Friday....the President threatens Guatemala with financial mayhem and the asylum problem is solved. He did the same thing to Mehico and now there are over 20k of their soldiers on the borders with Guatemala and the US. Apprehensions are falling like Rat pretenders running for the WH...sure it's summer in the Sonoran Desert, so why risk death by dehydration or snake bite when you're not getting into the US? Another hundred miles of Wall is going up thanks to the Supremes the same day! Meanwhile the Rats want Ivanka's emails and Pelousy is calling the master tactician a "racist". Trump is dead-bang going to be reelected....brakes ain't in his vocabulary.


Winning! :113:

Trump was wrong!

I'm not sick of it yet.
Mine was modified for flat tracking. Only flat tracker I ever owned.

You are correct though. I was a Husqvarna guy for years. ... :thup:

(although I had a Bultaco 360 El Bandito for about a year)

I had the El Montadero version of the coil, softer suspension. I also had the Frontera version of the 370 Pursang....fastest bike I was ever would trench through 4 gears and hit a hundred top-end. Never ran across a Husky rider I couldn't make cry. :badgrin:
Chris Wallace disgraced his father's name again by demanding Budget Director Mulvaney agree with him that Trump is a "racist". The scrawny little hook-nosed punk is totally out of the closet...he's a democrap through and through. His issue with Trump is Ivanka moved into a house down the street and her SS detail took parking places for his party guests. How petty is that? He went to zoning/variance meetings twice whining about it and now he uses his Sunday show to act like a stinkin CNN anchor. Not a word about what the President got accomplished this week....pitiful little peckerwood should have been fired on the spot.

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