Brave Chicago Teachers: Why they strike


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math."

As Chicago Teachers Strike, 79 Percent of Students Can't Read - Katie Pavlich

Fucking sabotaged the Chicago school system! This is the base of the Democrat Party. See what they do?

Arrest them all!

Bust the Union.
Is it any wonder why those kids are so dumb........Look at the garbage they need to learn from.........
Every teacher should be fired. Every single one. Let Walmart run the school system
Wait...I thought that when teachers do a shitty job we were supposed to give them MORE money???!

Silly me.
Are 80% of the students really underperformers?

Seems to me the teachers are working very hard to destroy the hopes and futures of this generation of students

Why is that allowed?
People that know nothing about the Chicago Public School system shouldn't be speaking on it.

The biggest issue with CPS is the parenting skills of the student's parents. Most of them just see the teachers as babysitters. Break the unions and they won't be able to find teachers for the worst areas of the city.
People that know nothing about the Chicago Public School system shouldn't be speaking on it.

The biggest issue with CPS is the parenting skills of the student's parents. Most of them just see the teachers as babysitters. Break the unions and they won't be able to find teachers for the worst areas of the city.

Shhhh, don't get in the way of a good old fashion undeducated rant.
People that know nothing about the Chicago Public School system shouldn't be speaking on it.

The biggest issue with CPS is the parenting skills of the student's parents. Most of them just see the teachers as babysitters. Break the unions and they won't be able to find teachers for the worst areas of the city.

The people in the worst areas of the city are the ones most in favor of Charter Schools. They should be out with torches and pitchforks taking control of their school system and keeping the fucking Neo-Marxist degenerates masquerading as "teachers" out of the classroom
People that know nothing about the Chicago Public School system shouldn't be speaking on it.

The biggest issue with CPS is the parenting skills of the student's parents. Most of them just see the teachers as babysitters. Break the unions and they won't be able to find teachers for the worst areas of the city.

At least those few whose parents do care will be able to be saved. Now everyone goes down with the sinking Chicago ship.

If the children either through their own efforts or those of their parents cannot be educated, then find something else to do with them. Bring back reform schools. Open military boot camp type schools.
Chicago is a prime example of Democraps' policies.....striking teachers during a recession, kids with failing grades and gangs killing at a higher rate than troops dying in war overseas.

That is the Democrap "middle America."
Like Detroit, Newark and Camden, Chicago is another great example of civilization ending disaster that is One Party Democrat rule.
The Results of Radicalism in Chicago's Education System

By Greg Lewis

"You've got a mouthful of gimme, a hand full of much obliged."

-Clarence Williams, "Gulf Coast Blues"

The difference between the lowdown character in Clarence Williams' "Gulf Coast Blues" and the striking Chicago Teachers Union is that the teachers don't bother to offer a "much obliged." For the past three decades, Chicago's mouthful-of-gimme education elite has singlehandedly done more than any other school system in America to insure that the city's students will never rise out of poverty through gaining a meaningful education.

There's something like karmic justice involved here. Illegally elected Mayor Rahm Emanuel, along with Barack Obama and former Chicago education czar and now U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, is faced with the perverse clash between the leftist teachers' union all of these characters blindly love and Emanuel's, Obama's, and Duncan's leftist "philosophy" of education. Both are purposely committed with malice aforethought to do exactly the opposite of what a true education philosophy should -- which is to say that they're designed to reduce students to placeholders in the classroom with no hope of receiving the skills they need to succeed in a real-world capitalist economy while making sure that the professionals who keep them in this position continue to do so.

Imposition of the left's education philosophy has a long history in the U.S., in Chicago and elsewhere.


What the Chicago school system has done to its students ranks among the most egregious crimes against a people -- in this case, the largely African-American population of the city of Chicago -- that I can imagine. And the idea that the teachers who perpetrate this criminality on their charges are holding out for higher pay and benefits serves only to highlight the reasons we've got to give the Obama administration and his radical Chicago cronies the boot in November.

Read more: Articles: The Results of Radicalism in Chicago's Education System
I think every one of you who seem to have the answer for Chicago's schools should go teach there for a year. I lived there for 15 years, and I know what these teachers are up against. Just out of curiosity, how would you suggest handling a student who tells you to "fuck off"? Oh, and contacting the kids parents doesn't do any good, because the single mother tells you to "fuck off" too.

An awful lot of these kids have almost no responsible parental supervision, and many of them are being recruited into gangs before they are even out of elementary school. Parents who care send their kids to private school in Chicago, because they know their kids are at risk in the public schools. You can fire all the current teachers and replace them with new teachers, but that would actually make things worse. At least these teachers have learned to deal with being threatened on a daily basis.

If you don't live there, you are just a clueless person with an opinion.

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