Bravo: Restore Marriage Back To A Respectable State Ben Carson Champion

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Good to see you pushing to restore marriage back to a respectable state Ben Carson. Don't let homosexual activists lies detour you as they are calling everyone who doesn't support their filthy lies and deceptions a bigot, hater, homophobe, etc.

Homosexuals aren't being discriminated against they are simply doing what they do best, compulsively and obsessively lying and deceiving.

Not one homosexual activist has ever contested the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very own existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Homosexual activists even became scholars then went through history attempting to label every homosexual union recorded throughout history as a marriage because marriage was never about honouring that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. But homosexual activists demonstrate to obsessively and compulsively try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue. I was in two relationships but was never married as several heterosexual couples are. But if homosexual activists thought it helped their bias agenda, they would call my relationships a marriage.

Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honouring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honour of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honouring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honour in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honouring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honours the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance of such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activists demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

If it were up to gays to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honour in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that's what marriage was created for and in honour of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.

Heed my warning, keep religion out of it because you are pitting belief vs belief which opens a can of worms and escalates homosexual activist lie and deceptions upon you where as I demonstrate facts which falsify homosexual activist so called belief ;) as you are welcome to as well.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Ben Carson 2016 I don t want to talk about the gay issue - POLITICO

Perhaps some day I will fill you in, in extraordinary detail, why Christians are being discriminated against Ben Carson. My pleasure.
Good to see you pushing to restore marriage back to a respectable state Ben Carson. Don't let homosexual activists lies detour you as they are calling everyone who doesn't support their filthy lies and deceptions a bigot, hater, homophobe, etc.

Homosexuals aren't being discriminated against they are simply doing what they do best, compulsively and obsessively lying and deceiving.

Now let me see if I remember you. You're the guy who got tricked into sex with a homosexual who looked like a woman...and believes that he 'stole' your heterosexuality.

Or am I thinking of another poster?
It's him alright, I'm the homo that had him every which way I wanted him.

There was no trick, he was gagging for it and when I say he was gagging I mean he was GAGGING

He just had gayboy remorse and can't live with himself for giving into his true homosexual desires

Hear me now, DAVID JEFFERY SPETCH is a HOMO and an excellent lover!!!

Notice homosexuals and homosexual activists will avoid contesting with so much as a shred of validity that thousands of years of heterosexual unions being honored with marriage proves that marriage is about honoring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we owe our existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions as clearly demonstrated within the composition beginning this very thread.

Instead they will compulsively and obsessively lie and deceive in attempt to make their delusions the issue because they are factually exploited for making a mockery of marriage. As always they do this in attempt to confuse or detour the issue because they don't stand a chance vs the facts which so easily expose them for the compulsive liars and deceivers and discriminators that they themselves prove to be so they just keep right on lying and deceiving because that is the best they have as they themselves demonstrate.

You may find more on the Canadian portion of these forums by me.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Good to see you pushing to restore marriage back to a respectable state Ben Carson. Don't let homosexual activists lies detour you as they are calling everyone who doesn't support their filthy lies and deceptions a bigot, hater, homophobe, etc.

Homosexuals aren't being discriminated against they are simply doing what they do best, compulsively and obsessively lying and deceiving.

Not one homosexual activist has ever contested the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very own existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Homosexual activists even became scholars then went through history attempting to label every homosexual union recorded throughout history as a marriage because marriage was never about honouring that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. But homosexual activists demonstrate to obsessively and compulsively try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue. I was in two relationships but was never married as several heterosexual couples are. But if homosexual activists thought it helped their bias agenda, they would call my relationships a marriage.

Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honouring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honour of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honouring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honour in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honouring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honours the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance of such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activists demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

If it were up to gays to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honour in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that's what marriage was created for and in honour of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.

Heed my warning, keep religion out of it because you are pitting belief vs belief which opens a can of worms and escalates homosexual activist lie and deceptions upon you where as I demonstrate facts which falsify homosexual activist so called belief ;) as you are welcome to as well.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Ben Carson 2016 I don t want to talk about the gay issue - POLITICO

Perhaps some day I will fill you in, in extraordinary detail, why Christians are being discriminated against Ben Carson. My pleasure.

You do know that if gays can marry legally, that doesn't prevent heterosexuals from marrying legally...

...or is that fact a bit too complex for your melon?
It's him alright, I'm the homo that had him every which way I wanted him.

There was no trick, he was gagging for it and when I say he was gagging I mean he was GAGGING

He just had gayboy remorse and can't live with himself for giving into his true homosexual desires

Hear me now, DAVID JEFFERY SPETCH is a HOMO and an excellent lover!!!


David, thanks for the personal message, yes I'd like to catch up for some man on man fun again and yes I too would like it as soon as possible.

This time though not in your dirty squalid one bedroom apartment, the stench of unwashed underpants and week old dirty dishes didn't do much for setting a romantic scene

See you soon, you cheeky thing!
Good to see you pushing to restore marriage back to a respectable state Ben Carson. Don't let homosexual activists lies detour you as they are calling everyone who doesn't support their filthy lies and deceptions a bigot, hater, homophobe, etc.

Homosexuals aren't being discriminated against they are simply doing what they do best, compulsively and obsessively lying and deceiving.

Not one homosexual activist has ever contested the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very own existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Homosexual activists even became scholars then went through history attempting to label every homosexual union recorded throughout history as a marriage because marriage was never about honouring that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. But homosexual activists demonstrate to obsessively and compulsively try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue. I was in two relationships but was never married as several heterosexual couples are. But if homosexual activists thought it helped their bias agenda, they would call my relationships a marriage.

Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honouring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honour of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honouring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honour in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honouring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honours the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance of such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activists demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

If it were up to gays to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honour in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that's what marriage was created for and in honour of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.

Heed my warning, keep religion out of it because you are pitting belief vs belief which opens a can of worms and escalates homosexual activist lie and deceptions upon you where as I demonstrate facts which falsify homosexual activist so called belief ;) as you are welcome to as well.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Ben Carson 2016 I don t want to talk about the gay issue - POLITICO

Perhaps some day I will fill you in, in extraordinary detail, why Christians are being discriminated against Ben Carson. My pleasure.

Yes, brother, AMEN!!!

Let's go back to the days where a man clubbed a woman over the head, dragged her into the cave, stupzed her and then later boinked a whore in the next cave! Outstanding and oh so forward thinking. Wheeeee!!!

David, thanks for the personal message, yes I'd like to catch up for some man on man fun again and yes I too would like it as soon as possible.

This time though not in your dirty squalid one bedroom apartment, the stench of unwashed underpants and week old dirty dishes didn't do much for setting a romantic scene

See you soon, you cheeky thing!

Good to see you pushing to restore marriage back to a respectable state Ben Carson. Don't let homosexual activists lies detour you as they are calling everyone who doesn't support their filthy lies and deceptions a bigot, hater, homophobe, etc.

Homosexuals aren't being discriminated against they are simply doing what they do best, compulsively and obsessively lying and deceiving.

Not one homosexual activist has ever contested the fact that thousands of years of only heterosexual unions being honoured with marriage proves that marriage is about honouring the unity of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very own existence and that sexual unity is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Homosexual activists even became scholars then went through history attempting to label every homosexual union recorded throughout history as a marriage because marriage was never about honouring that if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective. But homosexual activists demonstrate to obsessively and compulsively try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue. I was in two relationships but was never married as several heterosexual couples are. But if homosexual activists thought it helped their bias agenda, they would call my relationships a marriage.

Homosexual activists have managed to temporarily make a complete mockery of marriage on some parts of the globe and they did this by ignoring and avoiding the very foundation of what marriage is about. Instead they scrambled to make marriage about anything else other than what marriage has always been about. For hundreds or even thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honouring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexual unions. Even different variations of the human race getting married was also always in honour of the unity of male and female. They even deceptively tried to make marriage to be about being with who you love. They again ignored the fact that love may have been present in many marriages but marriage itself was always between heterosexual unions of which beside that primary fact to do with this issue, not every heterosexual couple got married out of love.They also tried to make the issue about heterosexual couples who are not able to birth children and can still get married. That was when they were trying to make the issue of marriage into "marriage isn't about procreation." What they avoided, I find quite obvious, is the fact that heterosexual couples that can not have children still doesn't disrespect that marriage was created for and in honour of heterosexual unions. Marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. None of us would even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions which quite obviously makes heterosexual unions, well above all other unions, worth honouring..if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human population, we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and where is the honour in that?

The primary foundation of what marriage is = Thousands of years prove that marriage is exclusively about honouring heterosexual unions because for thousands of years since marriage was created, only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage.

They take the one thing that heterosexuals have had for thousands of years which honours the unity and the importance of heterosexual unions, and they treat both marriage and heterosexuality like it's a piece of garbage that doesn't deserve to be respected. Homosexuals are not heterosexuals and the two are not equal. One leads to decay and the other leads to life. As humans we equally have the right to marry the opposite sex. Even our ancestors realized the significance of such unions yet homosexual activists don't even have the capacity to understand something so simple all by themselves. Instead, all homosexual activists demonstrate to care about is forcing themselves on some sort of pedestal with every lie and deception they can possibly fathom to do it.

They do it while demonstrating that to them, heterosexual unions are no more significant than any other union of any other sexual orientation even though our very existence proves that it is!

If it were up to gays to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and what is there to be proud of or where is the honour in that?

which is the very obvious evidence proving that homosexuality does not and never did equal heterosexuality. It is homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the reality of what they are while they try and put the blame on everyone else for their very own non acceptance of what they themselves are.

As humans we all have the equal right to marry the opposite sex because that's what marriage was created for and in honour of. Homosexual activists making up lies such as false claims of discrimination does not change this fact.

Heed my warning, keep religion out of it because you are pitting belief vs belief which opens a can of worms and escalates homosexual activist lie and deceptions upon you where as I demonstrate facts which falsify homosexual activist so called belief ;) as you are welcome to as well.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Ben Carson 2016 I don t want to talk about the gay issue - POLITICO

Perhaps some day I will fill you in, in extraordinary detail, why Christians are being discriminated against Ben Carson. My pleasure.

You do know that if gays can marry legally, that doesn't prevent heterosexuals from marrying legally...

...or is that fact a bit too complex for your melon?

That reference to melon I found to be very squishy.

We need a ref on this one.

Oh, Delta4Embassy ....
Ben Carson is hoping to be the first black president of the Confederate States of America.

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