Brazil Real Plunges as Minimum-Wage Hike Worsens Fiscal Outlook

This is the dumbest title ever, and no argument or proof what-so-ever of your claims. Bloomberg = news paper, not economic analysis.
Rio Times, Reuters, Trading Economics, Brazil Business, La Prensa, Australian Financial Review ...................

Do any of them quote economic analysis just as Bloomberg did not?

Sorry, but, you have a lot to learn if you THINK News Papers are "Reality".

Excuse me but a minimum wage increase does not reduce the money supply nor does it increase the money supply, it has no effect on money supply, therefore it has ZERO effect on the value of currency.

The psychology of people such as yourself, may serve to provide a small panic, that allows Institutional Investors moving billions of dollars to get suckers like you to sell their positions cover the Institution's shorts and make Banks BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Proving you the idiot, the News Papers the tool, and the Banks and myself smarter than you.
right there you proved yourself an economic buffoon.

I put that moron on ignore the day after he joined. He's as dumb as truth matters
Hold it right there mister!

I just so happen to think TM was the best poster we ever had.

No one could be proven wrong, so many times, and melt so hard, as her.

I miss that crazy bitch.

This douche can't hold a candle to her.

I'm not sure they teach economics in high school in the US. I am disappointed with the math they teach in school.
accounting, book keeping and economics are alternative math classes.

but you can literally do algebra all for years and never have an actual grasp of it.

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