Break gridlock on global challenges or risk an unstable future, says report


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Break gridlock on global challenges or risk an unstable future, says report

October 28, 2013

The Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations has launched a report, Now for the Long Term, on the successes and failures in addressing global challenges over recent decades.

Published by the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University, the report calls for a radical shake-up in politics and business to deliver progress on climate change, reduce economic inequality, improve corporate practices, and address the chronic burden of disease, while providing practical recommendations for action.

The report’s recommendations include:
Creating a C20-C30-C40 Coalition to counteract climate change; a new coalition made up of G20 countries, 30 companies, and 40 cities. The coalition could accelerate action on climate change, with measurable targets for initiatives that include energy-efficient buildings, faster market penetration of efficient vehicles, and tracking emissions.
Establishing a Voluntary Taxation and Regulatory Exchange to address tax abuse and avoidance and harmonize company taxation arrangements, promote information sharing, and enhance transparency and governance.
Establishing sunset clauses for publicly funded international institutions to ensure regular reviews of accomplishments and mandates to ensure they are fit for 21st century purpose.
Introducing CyberEx, a new early warning platform, aimed at promoting a better understanding of common cyber threats, identifying preventative measures, and minimizing future attacks for the shared benefit of government, corporate and individual interests.
Removing perverse subsidies on hydrocarbons and agriculture, and redirect support to the poor.
Fight non-communicable diseases with a new action-focused, city-based network, “Fit Cities,” which would involve food, beverage and alcohol providers, in collaboration with public health and city authorities, as well as civil society, to reduce the burden on health systems.

Break gridlock on global challenges or risk an unstable future, says report | KurzweilAI

Quite interesting little plan they're coming up with. :cool:

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