BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Funny how people will defend murders and try to re-cast them as victims in an effort to push a political agenda.

Well ..... actually, it's sad.

Some people believe the people at Waco were the victims because the FBI wasn't under any kind of threat. I did not ever see the videos of Waco and have not researched the story. I do find it interesting that it has the appearance of a stand off such as Waco and that today is April 9th. Where is FOX News? CNN? ABC? CBS? Anyone? Why the blackout of news on this story. I remember Waco even though I wasn't watching it. It was non stop television coverage from morning til night. What has changed? Listen......

If the military come to their senses and leave the rancher alone and everything goes back to normal I won't give it another thought. ( Waco anniversary April 19th )
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Funny how people will defend murders and try to re-cast them as victims in an effort to push a political agenda.

Well ..... actually, it's sad.

Some people believe the people at Waco were the victims because the FBI wasn't under any kind of threat. I did not ever see the videos of Waco and have not researched the story. I do find it interesting that it has the appearance of a stand off such as Waco and that today is April 9th. Where is FOX News? CNN? ABC? CBS? Anyone? Why the blackout of news on this story. I remember Waco even though I wasn't watching it. It was non stop television coverage from morning til night. What has changed? Listen......

If the military come to their senses and leave the rancher alone and everything goes back to normal I won't give it another thought. ( Waco anniversary )

ruby ridge was just wrong. There's no defense for what the FBI did.

Waco? shots were fired at law enforceemtn, which led to the siege. The Feds feared for the kids, maybe wrongly, but in good faith. But they screwed up in assaulting the place.

the Rancher? He's mad the fed govt has regulations covering his use of federal land. Cry me a river.
How about those kids in the day care in the Oklahoma Federal Building? Timothy McVeigh was taking "revenge" for Waco and killed all those children and all the others in that building who died.
Ted Gunderson believes there was someone else behind the Oklahoma Federal Building. ( Gunderson was FBI Chief for 27 years with a sterling reputation ) His report on the bombing is in the Gunderson files. Look it up, Bodie. People who were conveniently not there at the time of the bombing, etc. Who knows. Alot of speculation about the Oklahoma bombing and who was behind it. I do not believe anyone will know the full extent of the corruption and evil deals made inside America until we leave this earth.
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If there are really 200 militarized federal police - military equip surrounding this rancher and his cattle over some tortoise it should be on the television. I think we can all agree this story warrants a news report on a major news station. Why it isn't being reported should concern us all. That is my final 2 cents on this story.
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Oh my goodness! All this for a few tortoise turtles? Seriously?! This comment from him is very telling.......

Bundys feel that this is an assault on liberty, state sovereignty, and property rights;

“We’ve tried to do this through the legal and we’ve tried to do it through the political, and what we’re at right now, I guess we’re going to have to try to stand,” Cliven Bundy said. “We the people have to stand on the ground and get our state sovereignty back, and also take some liberty and freedoms back to where we have at least access to this land.”

“The story is a lot about the cattle, but the bigger story is about our loss of freedom,” Carol Bundy added. “They have come and taken over this whole corner of the county. They’ve taken over policing power, they’ve taken over our freedom, and they’re stealing cattle.”

“And our sheriff says he just doesn’t have authority, our governor says he doesn’t have authority, and we’re saying, why are we a state?”

“I’m a producer,” Cliven Bundy said. “I produce edible commodity from the desert forage, and all of these things are governed under state law. So, in other words, this type of government has eliminated all of our state law, eliminated our state sovereignty, and has took control over our public lands and even took control over our Clark County sheriff. They’ve taken the whole county over. The whole state, almost.”

“This is just about power of the government,” Carol Bundy said.

I think something is seriously wrong with our govt using military force on a private civilian! Very disturbing story! Incredible that the Governor cannot do anything about this!

Property rights? It's NOT his property he is grazing on. Don't you think the property owners (the Federal government) has the right to make the policies about their own land?

You mean the public's land right?? The base line problem in plain view.
Funny how people will defend murders and try to re-cast them as victims in an effort to push a political agenda.

Well ..... actually, it's sad.

There was a video of the botched raid, I saw it before it magically disappeared. The dead ATF agents enter through a window on the 2nd floor followed almost immediately by the 4th member still on the roof spraying automatic gun fire into said window.

It hasn't disappeared, I've seen it.

I'm sorry that those murders chose to hide behind women and children like the sniveling cowards that were.
How about those kids in the day care in the Oklahoma Federal Building? Timothy McVeigh was taking "revenge" for Waco and killed all those children and all the others in that building who died.

What about them,different case ,no reliance,other than a nut case raging against a perceived over bearing Gov.
Funny how people will defend murders and try to re-cast them as victims in an effort to push a political agenda.

Well ..... actually, it's sad.

There was a video of the botched raid, I saw it before it magically disappeared. The dead ATF agents enter through a window on the 2nd floor followed almost immediately by the 4th member still on the roof spraying automatic gun fire into said window.

It hasn't disappeared, I've seen it.

I'm sorry that those murders chose to hide behind women and children like the sniveling cowards that were.

So you were there right? The cowards were the feds,knocking on the front door while coming in the back locked and loaded,they fucked that up from the very 1st moment.

Why do our fellow citizenry happily praise an over bearing Gov??
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Oh my goodness! All this for a few tortoise turtles? Seriously?! This comment from him is very telling.......

Bundys feel that this is an assault on liberty, state sovereignty, and property rights;

“We’ve tried to do this through the legal and we’ve tried to do it through the political, and what we’re at right now, I guess we’re going to have to try to stand,” Cliven Bundy said. “We the people have to stand on the ground and get our state sovereignty back, and also take some liberty and freedoms back to where we have at least access to this land.”

“The story is a lot about the cattle, but the bigger story is about our loss of freedom,” Carol Bundy added. “They have come and taken over this whole corner of the county. They’ve taken over policing power, they’ve taken over our freedom, and they’re stealing cattle.”

“And our sheriff says he just doesn’t have authority, our governor says he doesn’t have authority, and we’re saying, why are we a state?”

“I’m a producer,” Cliven Bundy said. “I produce edible commodity from the desert forage, and all of these things are governed under state law. So, in other words, this type of government has eliminated all of our state law, eliminated our state sovereignty, and has took control over our public lands and even took control over our Clark County sheriff. They’ve taken the whole county over. The whole state, almost.”

“This is just about power of the government,” Carol Bundy said.

I think something is seriously wrong with our govt using military force on a private civilian! Very disturbing story! Incredible that the Governor cannot do anything about this!

Property rights? It's NOT his property he is grazing on. Don't you think the property owners (the Federal government) has the right to make the policies about their own land?

Um, its not the federal governments land it is "public land" ( his, yours, mine) which the government decided they were going to make public lands far after the cows had been grazing there, BLM changed the rules and he feels they did not have the right to tell him how he could use public lands.

I get he is not paying his bill to the BLM but he was quite clear he would pay his town and not the BLM, he states the Feds had no reason to come in and claim the land not be used in the manner it had been. Strange thing, if he paid them he would be allowed to use the land.

The thing I find strange about that is if he paid them verses not paying what effect would that have on the turtles, the reason why the feds started to demand payment? Either way the cows would be grazing, yes? Either way the turtles would still be affected by cows grazing. So why demand payment to allow the cows to graze? That makes no sense to me.

Surrounding his land with armed men, snipers, etc. because cows are grazing seems far over the flppin top. Paying millions to have a company come in and take his cows is also ridiculous. Millions more for snipers and armed men to surround his farm over cows is silly.

Why not use the funds above to build a fence?
There was a video of the botched raid, I saw it before it magically disappeared. The dead ATF agents enter through a window on the 2nd floor followed almost immediately by the 4th member still on the roof spraying automatic gun fire into said window.

It hasn't disappeared, I've seen it.

I'm sorry that those murders chose to hide behind women and children like the sniveling cowards that were.

So you were there right? The cowards were the feds,knocking on the front door while coming in the back locked and loaded,they fucked that up from the very 1st moment.

Why do our fellow citizenry happily praise an over bearing Gov??

Yeah, sure they did - they slammed their bodies into those murderers' bullets. The scum.
Funny how Koresch was not accused of pedophile UNTIL the feds needed an excuse for their botched raid on his compound. Funny how the ATF fabricated reasons to raid the compound. Funny how not a single bullet hole was found coming FROM the compound on the cars in the lot out front and in the door from the main building. Funny how when the Congress went to investigate the door vanished.

What is real funny is how the FBI KNEW the compound was laced with gasoline in every building, wooden buildings, and yet they sent in two tanks with tear gas to set said buildings on fire.

The deaths at the compound rest solely with the FBI. There was absolutely no reason to storm the buildings, no one had attempted to leave, no one had fired out of the buildings. There was no threat to the community or the FBI.

Which part of the BATF's charter or area of responsibilities dealt with child welfare again?

And for the record, Ruby Ridge was in 1992 which means it was during GHWB's time in office. Clinton can eat Waco, but his hands are clean as far as Ruby Ridge is concerned. I don't particularly like Clinton, but let's give credit where credit is due.
There was absolutely no reason to storm the buildings, no one had attempted to leave,

So as long as you stay home after you murder someone .... you're in the clear ????
Strange thing, if he paid them he would be allowed to use the land.
Gee, funny how that works

The point was, the turtles would be affected with or without payment, yes?

Either way if the feds got their dollars for his cows grazing on 'public land" the turtles would still have less grass to eat, the reason the feds are stating they need payment and closed the land off from grazing.
How about those kids in the day care in the Oklahoma Federal Building? Timothy McVeigh was taking "revenge" for Waco and killed all those children and all the others in that building who died.

who's sticking up for that bombing?
Funny how people will defend murders and try to re-cast them as victims in an effort to push a political agenda.

Well ..... actually, it's sad.

There was a video of the botched raid, I saw it before it magically disappeared. The dead ATF agents enter through a window on the 2nd floor followed almost immediately by the 4th member still on the roof spraying automatic gun fire into said window.

loosen that tinfoil
April is the month for Luciferian Illuminati elitists. The history on month of April has earned it the name "cursed month". I wonder if they had this slated for their holidays? They need that blood sacrifice for their god you know.... There has always been horrific bloodshed in the month of April - far greater than any other month. Throughout history... This month of April..... We have already seen the Ft. Hood shooting, now this... April 19 & 20th are the high holy days for these Lucifereans.. and the "other" big one on May 1st. Looks like they may be getting an early start.

April, Bloody April: Waco Tragedy, Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine School Shooting and VA Tech Massacre - Yahoo Voices -

Lovebears, Waco Massacre happened on April 19th, the Luciferean high holy day that requires blood sacrifice. I've been watching for this date to come and go because I have a feeling they have something big planned this time. This could be it. We'll see. These elitists have great power and control what is happening in America to a greater degree then we fully realize yet.

The things I read on this website...
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Ruby Ridge was under Bush Sr

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