Breaking! Alleged White House 'Mole' Eric Ciaramella Worked With Anti-Trump Dossier Hoaxer

Weeding out deep state plants will take a 2nd Term of Trump. These people can't help themselves, they just don't get who the president is and what policies he was elected to pursue. He's not a whistle-blower, he's just a CIA leaker.
Weeding out deep state plants will take a 2nd Term of Trump. These people can't help themselves, they just don't get who the president is and what policies he was elected to pursue. He's not a whistle-blower, he's just a CIA leaker.
Trump can't deny what he did. Too many people have testified that indeed he was using bribery to get dirt on a political rival from the new President of Ukraine.
The whistle blower is a real American.
This is not surprising at all. This guy was a back-up insurance policy for the Deep State.

Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Worked Closely with Anti-Trump Dossier Hoaxer
Funny how the Deep State Intelligence Community, Obama Agency Directors' and Co-Conspirators' circles always seem to overlap, always seem to have worked together at some point on the same objective, always seem to be connected to each other. It's like peeling back the layers of an onion - there are many layers and they go deep - down to the heart of the onion, but they are all still part of the same foul-smelling onion....
Some kid in his early 30s, who has not worked in the white house for over 2 years is very likely NOT the whistle blower that Trump admin workers went to, as a trusted fellow, to complain about the president' s wrong doings and alleged illegality.

Also, the IG said the whistle blower is someone who was hands on, in the Whitehouse.

This guy you are smearing, works in the Pentegon for the past couple of years...not the Whitehouse or in the admin?
Weeding out deep state plants will take a 2nd Term of Trump. These people can't help themselves, they just don't get who the president is and what policies he was elected to pursue. He's not a whistle-blower, he's just a CIA leaker.
Trump can't deny what he did. Too many people have testified that indeed he was using bribery to get dirt on a political rival from the new President of Ukraine.
The whistle blower is a real American.
No, the people who've testified have only given their opinions and speculation. Trump has released pure evidence as in the transcript. The Whistleblower is trying to get a duly elected president impeached. He's trying to undo the will of the American people. He's no real American. He's an anti-American Deep State shill. He will go down in flames for his treachery.
So, whether this is the whistle blower or not and I'm sure we'll all take personal responsibility not to smear the wrong person. The whistle blower did their job, they only brought up a concern that was then and is being investigated. The whistle blower isn't going to be a witness in the impeachment or trial, never was going to be either. I'm not sure why the focus on the identify of this person, makes little difference as to the case before us.

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