BREAKING: Barack Obama's shocking ties to Moammar Gadhafi!!! and you "bow to our savior" attitude is sickening.

And, of course, if someone decided to capitalize on those Americans stuck in one area and kill them knowing that it is such an easy would be saying "Obama did everything he could but you cant predict how a crazy murderer may act"

Obviously an assessment of the safety of the people on the ferry vs the safety of sending a ferry out into rough seas was made and it was decided that they were safer in port.

Looks like that assessment was correct.....Americans are safe

I do not recalll ANYONE saying that Obama should have ordered the ferry to leave port.
To be frank...despite the great power you see him as having, I likely doubt he had the power to order a NON american vessel to do anything.

All we are saying is it would have been a better move to use our military to ensure no time was wasted getting them the hell out of there.

But what the hell...only 167 Americans.

Why should he risk pissing off the left by using the mil;itary to ensure the lives of 167 Americans were safe.

He preferred gambling and hoping no one blew the dam ferry up as it sat in the port fotr 72 hours with a big target on it saying.."167 defensless Americans sitting right here"

Well...he won the lets hail the king!

ok this is it -- i just said it was not about left or right and you are accusing him of making decisions based on who Obama is or is not going to piss off???? Are you kidding me with this???
Any leader of any organization or group that makes decisions based on who may or may not like it is naive and does not deserve the mantle of the office they hold.
There were ferry's and planes and trucks of hundreds of other countries trying to get out of Libya and i do not recall the word MILITARY used by any of those countries either.
Every day and every decision he makes is a gamble based on reactionary, knee-jerk, short-sighted, hypercritical boneheads like you Jarhead. That is the job. That is the life. That is the presidency.
Sure you have the right to question your leaders and question authority, but pick and choose the right battles. This is a battle that generated no heat, got no play and will fade within the next 48 hours.
Move onto something of significance (and do not even think of accusing me of saying that american lives are insignificant).
Last edited:
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

Just because WND and Fox Nation publish something doesn't mean it's truthful. You always need to check up on those publications.

Wright and Fara(fuk)con went to Lybia the same year that Donald Rumsfeld went to Baghdad to shake hands with Saddam 1984.

Also in 1982 when the Raygun Administration placed sanctions on Lybia for supporting terrorist they took Iraq off the list of nations who support terrorist.

The D-day operation was postponed for 24 hour because of bad weather. What makes you think that is the Presidents call and not the military?
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

That's by far the funniest shit I've seen in over a month. FoxNation? World Net Daily? a/k/a conspiracy theory outlets? Good grief you people are gullible. It's truly sad how unenlightened people on the radical right can be.

There's more places to learn the truth than what's inside that tiny box you share.
oh all The people that Obama has connections to and people on the left are up in arms about a phone call with a fake Koch that proved Walker didnt really know who Koch is personally. Then they act like that phone call was exposing the biggest political conspiracy ever yet brush off all the crazy connections obama has. The hippocrisy annoys me.

How does hippocrisy[sic] even apply here? That's a strawman if ever I saw one. and you "bow to our savior" attitude is sickening.

And, of course, if someone decided to capitalize on those Americans stuck in one area and kill them knowing that it is such an easy would be saying "Obama did everything he could but you cant predict how a crazy murderer may act"

Obviously an assessment of the safety of the people on the ferry vs the safety of sending a ferry out into rough seas was made and it was decided that they were safer in port.

Looks like that assessment was correct.....Americans are safe

I do not recalll ANYONE saying that Obama should have ordered the ferry to leave port.
To be frank...despite the great power you see him as having, I likely doubt he had the power to order a NON american vessel to do anything.

All we are saying is it would have been a better move to use our military to ensure no time was wasted getting them the hell out of there.

But what the hell...only 167 Americans.

Why should he risk pissing off the left by using the mil;itary to ensure the lives of 167 Americans were safe.

He preferred gambling and hoping no one blew the dam ferry up as it sat in the port fotr 72 hours with a big target on it saying.."167 defensless Americans sitting right here"

Well...he won the lets hail the king!

Woulda...coulda ....shoulda

Have the Marines storm the shores of Tripoli once again

In hindsight....his assessment proved to be the correct one
These lefties still are in denial about the FACT that Obama's past associations would prevent him from passing the basic background screening done by every police department in America.

How ironic? Obama wouldnt' have qualified to serve on the Wasilla Police Dept under Mayor Palin:lol:

They can't grasp that. In part because of their simple worship of him. In other part of their inability to grasp the concept that there are still organizations out there that value integrity and patriotism (police, military, fire) that would exclude a person with far left communist associations. But it's all true.

You are kidding me with this right???? he could not pass a background screening based on his past associations????
NO its not true you dunce !!!
and right now it is not about left or right ..... it is about common sense

Just an FYI....Barak Obama would NOT pass clearance to be a body guard for President Obama.
And if you know anything about "security clearance" is ALL about past and present associations.

Oh look! This silliness again! :lmao:
Obviously an assessment of the safety of the people on the ferry vs the safety of sending a ferry out into rough seas was made and it was decided that they were safer in port.

Looks like that assessment was correct.....Americans are safe

I do not recalll ANYONE saying that Obama should have ordered the ferry to leave port.
To be frank...despite the great power you see him as having, I likely doubt he had the power to order a NON american vessel to do anything.

All we are saying is it would have been a better move to use our military to ensure no time was wasted getting them the hell out of there.

But what the hell...only 167 Americans.

Why should he risk pissing off the left by using the mil;itary to ensure the lives of 167 Americans were safe.

He preferred gambling and hoping no one blew the dam ferry up as it sat in the port fotr 72 hours with a big target on it saying.."167 defensless Americans sitting right here"

Well...he won the lets hail the king!

ok this is it -- i just said it was not about left or right and you are accusing him of making decisions based on who Obama is or is not going to piss off???? Are you kidding me with this???
Any leader of any organization or group that makes decisions based on who may or may not like it is naive and does not deserve the mantle of the office they hold.
There were ferry's and planes and trucks of hundreds of other countries trying to get out of Libya and i do not recall the word MILITARY used by any of those countries either.
Every day and every decision he makes is a gamble based on reactionary, knee-jerk, short-sighted, hypercritical boneheads like you Jarhead. That is the job. That is the life. That is the presidency.
Sure you have the right to question your leaders and question authority, but pick and choose the right battles. This is a battle that generated no heat, got no play and will fade within the next 48 hours.
Move onto something of significance (and do not even think of accusing me of saying that american lives are insignificant).

Sure there were other countries...but putting aside the reason why....NO OTHER NATION IS HATED BY PEOPLE IN THAT REGION LIKE AMERICA IS...with the exception of Israel.

Many seem to consider it a job well done if they can brag about killing an American.

And by the way....if you truly do not believe that poiliticians at all levels...including not make decisions taking into consideration how their voter base will react...well...then you are not qualified to start OR end the lesson you so eloquently claimed to end.
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

Thx for posting this again....i posted it yesterday...

i am convinced now more than ever that Obama is an Islam Nation-supporting anti-Colonialist Marxist...

Says one of Glenn Beck's loyal followers.

Sadly, becuase it is about Obama, you are not interested in finding out whether or not such a thing has validity.

I am not saying "such is fact"....but I AM saying..."we should see what is true about it" is quite interesting that Obama has not mentioned his name once...yet he mentioned Mubaraks name quite often during the same type of siutuation.

Does that not raise your eyebrow?

But everytime some story comes up from the said publications and is proved false or at least found to be riddled with half truths combined to portray a non-facted based reality, most folks on the right ignore the proof and keep right on spouting the false story as if it were never proven false.
BTW, Gadhafi said , "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Is he a birther now haha!!!???

But seriously, this explains a whole lot about Obama's strange activities.

I am amused that you are taking your cue from Gadhafi. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I think they're all smoking/drinking/popping the same thing.
Who cares.... Don't we have real issue to focus on?

What a fool.....Obama is dissembling our nation and you say "who cares"....

If you think he's "dissembling" the nation, then why can't you stick to those issues where you think that's happening? But noooooo, you fools have to have your daily "fixes" of conspiracy theories. And you wonder why you're never, ever taken seriously.
Shocking..I tells ya..shocking.

Still voting for Obama in 2012..but I will be damned shocked...
Obviously an assessment of the safety of the people on the ferry vs the safety of sending a ferry out into rough seas was made and it was decided that they were safer in port.

Looks like that assessment was correct.....Americans are safe

I do not recalll ANYONE saying that Obama should have ordered the ferry to leave port.
To be frank...despite the great power you see him as having, I likely doubt he had the power to order a NON american vessel to do anything.

All we are saying is it would have been a better move to use our military to ensure no time was wasted getting them the hell out of there.

But what the hell...only 167 Americans.

Why should he risk pissing off the left by using the mil;itary to ensure the lives of 167 Americans were safe.

He preferred gambling and hoping no one blew the dam ferry up as it sat in the port fotr 72 hours with a big target on it saying.."167 defensless Americans sitting right here"

Well...he won the lets hail the king!

Woulda...coulda ....shoulda

Have the Marines storm the shores of Tripoli once again

In hindsight....his assessment proved to be the correct one

Storm the shores?

Why must you exaggerate what I am saying?

Contacting the Libyan government and telling them we are sending over a ship so we may evacuate our citizens while they are dealing with the civil unrest in their streets is by no means storming the shores.

I question why you must take a suggestion of a simple NON AGRESSIVE action and refute it by implyiung that it is an invasion.
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

What's with the photochopped image cletus?
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

Thx for posting this again....i posted it yesterday...

i am convinced now more than ever that Obama is an Islam Nation-supporting anti-Colonialist Marxist...

Because Gadhafi tells you so.

I recall during the summer of the Iranian protests, they were all siding with Achmedinejad too. During Egypt's uprising, they were siding with Mubarack and the thugs on camels and horseback who rode through the square striking down the protesters, and that's just for starters. You do have to wonder just how much they hate Barack Obama that they would side with the bad guys every...single...time. It's pathetic.
I for one am shocked....SHOCKED I say :eek:

I am not shocked that FoxNews would report this

Yeah....the thought of a news organization pointing out inconsistancies as it pertains to our governments actions.....
They must have an agenda!

Fox has no such story that I can find. Fox Nation, WND and do. But is seems to be springing from a common well......:doubt:
All true patriotic Americans should heap praise on Pres. Obama for orchestrating the heroic rescue of U.S. citizens out of Lybia. :clap2:

Fuck U

BO is about as "patriotic" as you and all supporters of the Islam Nation are...

China managed to send in one of their navy ships.....BO said and did jackshit...
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

Thx for posting this again....i posted it yesterday...

i am convinced now more than ever that Obama is an Islam Nation-supporting anti-Colonialist Marxist...

Sorry man! I just did a thread on it too. Yeah, it's a crazy thought. That our Navy, USMC, USCG can't get on shore to rescue them while Gadhafi is ordering bombers to bomb people? Wow.

We're not going to start a war with Libya, you fool. The Libyan government has refused to allow U.S. airplanes to land in the country to rescue citizens. Some 600 Americans have chosen to stay, but most are trying to get out, including 35 ambassadors and embassy workers, and 300 have now departed Tripoli by ferry which was kept from leaving due to high seas. (You have read other accounts of ferries capsizing in high seas, I hope.)
I for one am shocked....SHOCKED I say :eek:

I am not shocked that FoxNews would report this

They didn't.

The US State Department did: Bad weather stalls US evacuation from Libya - Yahoo! News

Fox only relayed the story.

Apparantly, the ferry got out today. Thank God.

But it doesn't change the fact that Obama risked it when we didn't have to. We could've had them out within a few hours if Obama ordered it. He didn't.

So ...All Americans were SAFELY evacuated

Ferry carrying Americans able to leave Libya -

No wonder Fox News is outraged

I'm sure Rush is too...he was going on and on earlier about how this was Carter's 2nd term (comparing this to the Iranian Embassy crisis. I bet he would have had an orgasm if the Libyans had seized Americans.

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