Breaking : BBC : Navy Yard Incident : SWAT Team ***ORDERED***To stand down

Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Eric Holder flooded the market with guns. there is no keeping them out of psychos hands now
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.


Yes, if they only had the strict gun laws that Chicago has.... oh, wait...


Mexico has one one of toughest anti-guns law. That has not prevented the members of the drug cartlel from getting them.

I heard this on the news yesterday as well. Very disturbing if true. I thought after Columbine we were done with the wait for an all clear before we go in to make it all clear.
Seriously their damn motto is to PROTECT & serve. WTF

But the gun grabbers insist that we need not carry firearms because the government will protect us.

I believe it. NOT>

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Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Did he use an so called Assault Rifle?

Did he have high capacity magazines?

Did he buy the gun at a gun show, or from a private party?



And no.

You want to lay the blame at the someones feet...lay it at the feet of gun grabbers.

They have REFUSED to vote on a stand alone mental health firearm bill that didn't include other gun grabber initiatives.


Because they aren't interested in solving the problem...only in the advancement of their gun grabbing agenda.

If a stand alone bill passes, it does nothing to realize their goal.

It took this latest mass shooting to change that.

Senators call for vote on mental health bill - Burgess Everett -
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Navy Yard: Swat team 'stood down' at mass shooting scene

By Debbie Siegelbaum BBC News, Washington


One of the first teams of heavily armed police to respond to Monday's shooting in Washington DC was ordered to stand down by superiors, the BBC can reveal.



Can you say incompetence?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Never let a good crisis go to waste

Especially if it can promote furthering stronger gun laws
yes indeed
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.
What would you suggest the GOP (or any other entity) could do to prevent Aaron Alexis, or anyone else with money to spend, from obtaining a gun?

If you decide to respond, please give some thought to the drug war. It's been going on for four decades. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted on it. It has given rise to a dangerously militarized emerging police state and is responsible for an increasingly menacing Prison Industrial Complex. Yet any type of drug one might wish to buy is readily available within five miles of any inhabited place in the U.S., as they always have been and always will be.

Introduce a ban and it will instantly create another black market. There are hundreds of millions of unregistered guns at large in the U.S., every one of which will eventually be worth many times its present value if guns are banned or made extremely difficult to obtain. And the bottom line will be a population in which only the outlaws are armed while the law-abiding are voluntarily disarmed.

Where guns in America are concerned, the metaphorical toothpaste is out of the tube.
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Go fuck yourself douche bag. No AR15. The Navy failed.

He shouldn't have had the clearance moron.

You are area chick. I got you. :lol: I know who you post as.

Wasn't he vetted by the sale company as Traitor Snowden? I wonder if he had the same incompetent? I LOVE the GOP privatize America, it's worked out so well.
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Did he use an so called Assault Rifle?

Did he have high capacity magazines?

Did he buy the gun at a gun show, or from a private party?



And no.

You want to lay the blame at the someones feet...lay it at the feet of gun grabbers.

They have REFUSED to vote on a stand alone mental health firearm bill that didn't include other gun grabber initiatives.


Because they aren't interested in solving the problem...only in the advancement of their gun grabbing agenda.

If a stand alone bill passes, it does nothing to realize their goal.

It took this latest mass shooting to change that.

Senators call for vote on mental health bill - Burgess Everett -

All guns should have a 10 day waiting period.
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Gotcha, he wouldn't have been able to get a gun if the GOP hadn't given him one. You know, like you can't get pot because drugs are illegal?

What is a fact is that in a Navy yard because of the Democrats, none of his victims had guns.

Notice the trend that laws tend to work only on people who follow the law...

Wasn't one of the victims an armed guard?
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Gotcha, he wouldn't have been able to get a gun if the GOP hadn't given him one. You know, like you can't get pot because drugs are illegal?

What is a fact is that in a Navy yard because of the Democrats, none of his victims had guns.

Notice the trend that laws tend to work only on people who follow the law...

Wasn't one of the victims an armed guard?

Sure was. He then took that pistol and used it to kill countless more.

The right wingers are so beyond stupid words can't describe it,..
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

The swat team could have done its real job.
Taken a child from a safe and loving home in order to drug it to appease unionized schoolteachers......
Drugs are illegal yet people still do them, Drunk Driving is illegal yet people still do it .. Take away the guns the criminals WILL STILL GET THEM and US LAW abiding citizens will be at their MERCY.. You libs are freaking crazy
Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

The swat team could have done its real job.
Taken a child from a safe and loving home in order to drug it to appease unionized schoolteachers......

Something seems to be lost in the translation here. I suspect that this message is actually an encrypted code of some sort, since it seems to be utter gbberish....
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Just think, if he didn't have access to a gun, the swat team wouldn't have even needed to be there.

The failure of the GOP to act after Newtown keeps adding to the carnage this country is suffering.

Did he use an so called Assault Rifle?

Did he have high capacity magazines?

Did he buy the gun at a gun show, or from a private party?



And no.

You want to lay the blame at the someones feet...lay it at the feet of gun grabbers.

They have REFUSED to vote on a stand alone mental health firearm bill that didn't include other gun grabber initiatives.


Because they aren't interested in solving the problem...only in the advancement of their gun grabbing agenda.

If a stand alone bill passes, it does nothing to realize their goal.

It took this latest mass shooting to change that.

Senators call for vote on mental health bill - Burgess Everett -

All guns should have a 10 day waiting period.

But no ID to vote?

Only one of these things are listed in our BoRs.
Guess which one
Simple question...

Had you been in the Navy Yard that day, would you have preferred to be helpless or armed?

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