Breaking: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

I could find dozens of sources you won't like any of them. That's because you lean right my friend whether you know it or not. The people who don't think something fishy went on in 2000 are righties. You sure you aren't a righty? You sure seem like one. Then the people who still insist Bush didn't lie us into Iraq are also righties. So while you pretend to be some kind of mushy wishy luke warm moderate independent, I got news for ya pal, you're a bushy. And you seem like a Trumpy too although you won't admit it.

You believe the election BS, the Bush lied BS and don't believe the birther or the Benghazi BS. I don't believe any of it, that makes you a partisan nut job and me just a nut job, because I don't believe your left wing or the right wing BS, it is all BS.

And I would bet all sorts of left wing nut sites would claim Bush stole elections, lied and on and on because they have the extreme left wing nutters hooked.

Blitzer: Impeaching him?

Trump: Absolutely, for the war, for the war.

Blitzer: Because of the conduct of the war.

Trump: Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.


Blitzer: Their argument is, they weren’t lying, that that was the intelligence that he was presented, and it was not as if he was just lying about it.

Trump: I don’t believe that.

Blitzer: You believe that it was a deliberate lie?

Trump: I don’t believe it. And I don’t think you believe it either, Wolf. You are a very, very intelligent young man. I don’t think you believe it either.

Yes, Trump Said Bush 'Lied' -

Who cares what Trump said? You says he lies all the time and he is giving an opinion, no facts, just an opinion that can change in a heartbeat. LOL! you put credibility in Trump, you are one stupid guy.

So you admit Trump is a horrible president and a liar who hasn't said one true thing?

There He Goes Again: On NAFTA Trump Fails To Live Up To What He Says, And American Workers Will Pay For It
It’s business as usual, not what he promised on the campaign trail.

I have said all along that he lies, that is why he and Hillary didn't get my vote. Where have you been?
I didn't say anyone cheated. If I were to believe your election BS, with no real evidence, then I would need to believe Obama was born in Kenya and Clinton orchestrated Benghazi, none are true and all are extreme left wing, right wing whacko BS. Partisan BS is killing this country.

Just because you were conned doesn't mean what I'm telling you isn't true.

Let's just note a few of Jeb's actions that set the stage for the anointment of his brother as president:

  • Under Jeb's governorship, Florida Secretary of State Kathryn Harris implemented a so-called felon purge (felons, unfortunately, are almost always disenfranchised in Florida) of the state's voter registration list through a firm called ChoicePoint. However, the denial of the right to vote as a result of the pre-election striking of names of voters included - by intention - the names of people who weren't felons but had similar names. If this voter suppression had not been implemented, it is very possible that Gore would have won Florida flat out by thousands more votes.

  • Jeb allowed, or perhaps even told, Kathryn Harris to certify his brother as the winner of the Florida presidential election even though the vote count was still being challenged legally and a court-mandated recount was imminent. Harris's declaration on November 27, 2000, created a media meme that Bush was the "official" winner, even though the outcome of the election - due to thousands and thousands of uncertain ballots - was still in doubt.

  • It was confirmed that calls from Jeb and George to cousin John Ellis, who was "advising" the FOX election "decision desk," led to FOX calling the Florida election for George W. Bush at 2:16 AM on the Wednesday morning after election day. Not wanting to be scooped by FOX, the other major media outlets quickly followed suit.
These are just three examples of thievish actions Jeb Bush took that created a context of "official victory" that allowed Antonin Scalia to lead the Supreme Court in a 5-4 coup, halting a recount in Florida and nullifying the votes of the US electorate that likely would have resulted in a Gore victory.

Don't Forget Jeb Bush Played Key Role in Stealing the Presidency for His Brother

You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

British people aren't as gullible as you.

The Chilcot report, the UK government’s official report on the catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, was released on Wednesday morning, seven years after it was initially convened. The report delivers a pretty devastating verdict on the war, concluding that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the West and war was avoidable.

When you read the British government’s intelligence assessments, they predict, plus or minus a few details, exactly what happened after the war. The UK had ample warning that Iraq would collapse after the invasion and make the problem of terrorism worse — but it went to war anyway.

Why? Basically, the report suggests, because the US decided to. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair decided that the UK couldn’t afford the hit to the US-UK relationship that would come from seriously challenging the Bush administration’s rush to war, so he decided to back America to the hilt.

While the UK government made a huge number of mistakes before the war, the takeaway from Chilcot is clear: It’s America’s fault. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America’s shame.

How Tony Blair lied to Parliament to fulfil his war promise to Bush

Only a brainwashed stupid American could read all this and still not understand Bush lied us into Iraq.

And no Hillary voting to invade does not make them equally negligent.

Hillary and Kerry, along with Gore and Bill Clinton all said the intel was there were WMD's in Iraq. Left wing nut job sites are not credible because they like right wing nut job sites slant the news to the left or right. I can't believe people are dumb enough to follow those sites.

Stop it! Just stop it. Did Bill invade Iraq? No he fucking didn't. So I don't give a fuck what he said papa. Did he lie us into war? No he fucking didn't. Saddam was a bad man but in 2002 there were no fucking WMD's and Bush knew it.

Your reading comprehension sucks big time, never said Clinton lied about Iraq, never said Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton said the same thing Bush said, there were WMDs in Iraq.
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...
The story is from The Washington Compost....... They have no credibility.

YOU have no credibility. The Washington Post is the most respected media outlet in the country with a much higher approval rating than your orange baboob.
W took a superpower with a booming economy and a budget surplus, and after outspending, outporking, and outsocializing LBJ for eight years, returned a trillion dollar deficit and a depression.

And that's not even counting his 911/Iraq treason and flooding our high schools with pills by socializing senior drugs.

And you STILL have YET to identify ONE THING W did that was actually CONSERVATIVE....
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...
The story is from The Washington Compost....... They have no credibility.

YOU have no credibility. The Washington Post is the most respected media outlet in the country with a much higher approval rating than your orange baboob.
Blackwater is the worst of the 911 terror TREASON crew.

If they tried to get Trump, that's a great sign Trump is a TRUTHER...
Just because you were conned doesn't mean what I'm telling you isn't true.

Let's just note a few of Jeb's actions that set the stage for the anointment of his brother as president:

  • Under Jeb's governorship, Florida Secretary of State Kathryn Harris implemented a so-called felon purge (felons, unfortunately, are almost always disenfranchised in Florida) of the state's voter registration list through a firm called ChoicePoint. However, the denial of the right to vote as a result of the pre-election striking of names of voters included - by intention - the names of people who weren't felons but had similar names. If this voter suppression had not been implemented, it is very possible that Gore would have won Florida flat out by thousands more votes.

  • Jeb allowed, or perhaps even told, Kathryn Harris to certify his brother as the winner of the Florida presidential election even though the vote count was still being challenged legally and a court-mandated recount was imminent. Harris's declaration on November 27, 2000, created a media meme that Bush was the "official" winner, even though the outcome of the election - due to thousands and thousands of uncertain ballots - was still in doubt.

  • It was confirmed that calls from Jeb and George to cousin John Ellis, who was "advising" the FOX election "decision desk," led to FOX calling the Florida election for George W. Bush at 2:16 AM on the Wednesday morning after election day. Not wanting to be scooped by FOX, the other major media outlets quickly followed suit.
These are just three examples of thievish actions Jeb Bush took that created a context of "official victory" that allowed Antonin Scalia to lead the Supreme Court in a 5-4 coup, halting a recount in Florida and nullifying the votes of the US electorate that likely would have resulted in a Gore victory.

Don't Forget Jeb Bush Played Key Role in Stealing the Presidency for His Brother

You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

British people aren't as gullible as you.

The Chilcot report, the UK government’s official report on the catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, was released on Wednesday morning, seven years after it was initially convened. The report delivers a pretty devastating verdict on the war, concluding that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the West and war was avoidable.

When you read the British government’s intelligence assessments, they predict, plus or minus a few details, exactly what happened after the war. The UK had ample warning that Iraq would collapse after the invasion and make the problem of terrorism worse — but it went to war anyway.

Why? Basically, the report suggests, because the US decided to. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair decided that the UK couldn’t afford the hit to the US-UK relationship that would come from seriously challenging the Bush administration’s rush to war, so he decided to back America to the hilt.

While the UK government made a huge number of mistakes before the war, the takeaway from Chilcot is clear: It’s America’s fault. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America’s shame.

How Tony Blair lied to Parliament to fulfil his war promise to Bush

Only a brainwashed stupid American could read all this and still not understand Bush lied us into Iraq.

And no Hillary voting to invade does not make them equally negligent.

Hillary and Kerry, along with Gore and Bill Clinton all said the intel was there were WMD's in Iraq. Left wing nut job sites are not credible because they like right wing nut job sites slant the news to the left or right. I can't believe people are dumb enough to follow those sites.

Stop it! Just stop it. Did Bill invade Iraq? No he fucking didn't. So I don't give a fuck what he said papa. Did he lie us into war? No he fucking didn't. Saddam was a bad man but in 2002 there were no fucking WMD's and Bush knew it.

Your reading comprehension sucks big time, never said Clinton lied about Iraq, never said Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton said the same thing Bush said, there were WMDs in Iraq.

Read and see why you are mostly wrong

Meme says Bill Clinton, George W. Bush had basically the same policy on Iraq

Bush, by contrast, would later make much more sweeping claims.

For instance, in a weekly radio address on Sept. 14, 2002, Bush said of Hussein-era Iraq, "Today this regime likely maintains stockpiles of chemical and biological agents, and is improving and expanding facilities capable of producing chemical and biological weapons. Today Saddam Hussein has the scientists and infrastructure for a nuclear weapons program, and has illicitly sought to purchase the equipment needed to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon. Should his regime acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year."

Then, during his State of the Union address on Jan. 28, 2003 -- on the eve of the war -- Bush said, "The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein had an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a nuclear weapon and was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb. The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production."

So while it’s true that both Clinton and Bush mentioned weapons of mass destruction in relation to Iraq, Bush’s claim was much more expansive.
Just because you were conned doesn't mean what I'm telling you isn't true.

Let's just note a few of Jeb's actions that set the stage for the anointment of his brother as president:

  • Under Jeb's governorship, Florida Secretary of State Kathryn Harris implemented a so-called felon purge (felons, unfortunately, are almost always disenfranchised in Florida) of the state's voter registration list through a firm called ChoicePoint. However, the denial of the right to vote as a result of the pre-election striking of names of voters included - by intention - the names of people who weren't felons but had similar names. If this voter suppression had not been implemented, it is very possible that Gore would have won Florida flat out by thousands more votes.

  • Jeb allowed, or perhaps even told, Kathryn Harris to certify his brother as the winner of the Florida presidential election even though the vote count was still being challenged legally and a court-mandated recount was imminent. Harris's declaration on November 27, 2000, created a media meme that Bush was the "official" winner, even though the outcome of the election - due to thousands and thousands of uncertain ballots - was still in doubt.

  • It was confirmed that calls from Jeb and George to cousin John Ellis, who was "advising" the FOX election "decision desk," led to FOX calling the Florida election for George W. Bush at 2:16 AM on the Wednesday morning after election day. Not wanting to be scooped by FOX, the other major media outlets quickly followed suit.
These are just three examples of thievish actions Jeb Bush took that created a context of "official victory" that allowed Antonin Scalia to lead the Supreme Court in a 5-4 coup, halting a recount in Florida and nullifying the votes of the US electorate that likely would have resulted in a Gore victory.

Don't Forget Jeb Bush Played Key Role in Stealing the Presidency for His Brother

You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

British people aren't as gullible as you.

The Chilcot report, the UK government’s official report on the catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, was released on Wednesday morning, seven years after it was initially convened. The report delivers a pretty devastating verdict on the war, concluding that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the West and war was avoidable.

When you read the British government’s intelligence assessments, they predict, plus or minus a few details, exactly what happened after the war. The UK had ample warning that Iraq would collapse after the invasion and make the problem of terrorism worse — but it went to war anyway.

Why? Basically, the report suggests, because the US decided to. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair decided that the UK couldn’t afford the hit to the US-UK relationship that would come from seriously challenging the Bush administration’s rush to war, so he decided to back America to the hilt.

While the UK government made a huge number of mistakes before the war, the takeaway from Chilcot is clear: It’s America’s fault. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America’s shame.

How Tony Blair lied to Parliament to fulfil his war promise to Bush

Only a brainwashed stupid American could read all this and still not understand Bush lied us into Iraq.

And no Hillary voting to invade does not make them equally negligent.

Hillary and Kerry, along with Gore and Bill Clinton all said the intel was there were WMD's in Iraq. Left wing nut job sites are not credible because they like right wing nut job sites slant the news to the left or right. I can't believe people are dumb enough to follow those sites.

Stop it! Just stop it. Did Bill invade Iraq? No he fucking didn't. So I don't give a fuck what he said papa. Did he lie us into war? No he fucking didn't. Saddam was a bad man but in 2002 there were no fucking WMD's and Bush knew it.

Your reading comprehension sucks big time, never said Clinton lied about Iraq, never said Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton said the same thing Bush said, there were WMDs in Iraq.
Clinton ‘said we needed a regime change’

Clinton was hardly friendly toward Hussein, but he did not take actions to use military might to oust the Iraqi leader from power.

approach was about containing Hussein, not about ousting him. Containment was also the mission of the years-long no-fly zones over Iraq that were enforced by George H.W. Bush, Clinton and, before the war began, George W. Bush.

The meme cites the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act. Clinton did sign that law, which passed with just 38 dissenters in the House and by unanimous consent in the Senate. The law said it "should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."

However, the methods of regime change mentioned in the law are U.S. support for home-grown anti-Hussein movements, including humanitarian aid, broadcasting assistance and military goods and training. The recipients of such aid would need to include "a broad spectrum of Iraqi individuals, groups, or both, opposed to the Saddam Hussein regime" and be "committed to democratic values, to respect for human rights, to peaceful relations with Iraq's neighbors, to maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity, and to fostering cooperation among democratic opponents of the Saddam Hussein regime."

That’s a big difference from Bush’s decision to use military force to attack and enter Iraq and topple Hussein by force.
Just because you were conned doesn't mean what I'm telling you isn't true.

Let's just note a few of Jeb's actions that set the stage for the anointment of his brother as president:

  • Under Jeb's governorship, Florida Secretary of State Kathryn Harris implemented a so-called felon purge (felons, unfortunately, are almost always disenfranchised in Florida) of the state's voter registration list through a firm called ChoicePoint. However, the denial of the right to vote as a result of the pre-election striking of names of voters included - by intention - the names of people who weren't felons but had similar names. If this voter suppression had not been implemented, it is very possible that Gore would have won Florida flat out by thousands more votes.

  • Jeb allowed, or perhaps even told, Kathryn Harris to certify his brother as the winner of the Florida presidential election even though the vote count was still being challenged legally and a court-mandated recount was imminent. Harris's declaration on November 27, 2000, created a media meme that Bush was the "official" winner, even though the outcome of the election - due to thousands and thousands of uncertain ballots - was still in doubt.

  • It was confirmed that calls from Jeb and George to cousin John Ellis, who was "advising" the FOX election "decision desk," led to FOX calling the Florida election for George W. Bush at 2:16 AM on the Wednesday morning after election day. Not wanting to be scooped by FOX, the other major media outlets quickly followed suit.
These are just three examples of thievish actions Jeb Bush took that created a context of "official victory" that allowed Antonin Scalia to lead the Supreme Court in a 5-4 coup, halting a recount in Florida and nullifying the votes of the US electorate that likely would have resulted in a Gore victory.

Don't Forget Jeb Bush Played Key Role in Stealing the Presidency for His Brother

You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

British people aren't as gullible as you.

The Chilcot report, the UK government’s official report on the catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, was released on Wednesday morning, seven years after it was initially convened. The report delivers a pretty devastating verdict on the war, concluding that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the West and war was avoidable.

When you read the British government’s intelligence assessments, they predict, plus or minus a few details, exactly what happened after the war. The UK had ample warning that Iraq would collapse after the invasion and make the problem of terrorism worse — but it went to war anyway.

Why? Basically, the report suggests, because the US decided to. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair decided that the UK couldn’t afford the hit to the US-UK relationship that would come from seriously challenging the Bush administration’s rush to war, so he decided to back America to the hilt.

While the UK government made a huge number of mistakes before the war, the takeaway from Chilcot is clear: It’s America’s fault. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America’s shame.

How Tony Blair lied to Parliament to fulfil his war promise to Bush

Only a brainwashed stupid American could read all this and still not understand Bush lied us into Iraq.

And no Hillary voting to invade does not make them equally negligent.

Hillary and Kerry, along with Gore and Bill Clinton all said the intel was there were WMD's in Iraq. Left wing nut job sites are not credible because they like right wing nut job sites slant the news to the left or right. I can't believe people are dumb enough to follow those sites.

Stop it! Just stop it. Did Bill invade Iraq? No he fucking didn't. So I don't give a fuck what he said papa. Did he lie us into war? No he fucking didn't. Saddam was a bad man but in 2002 there were no fucking WMD's and Bush knew it.

Your reading comprehension sucks big time, never said Clinton lied about Iraq, never said Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton said the same thing Bush said, there were WMDs in Iraq.

"There's a difference between what Clinton did and said and George W. Bush's decision to overtly invade and topple the Hussein regime with force," said Lance Janda, a military historian at Cameron University. "We'll never know if Clinton would have done that. We know, however, that Bush did, and he and his supporters have to live with that alone. They don't get to cravenly try to share responsibility with a man who was long out of office when we invaded."

Clinton did cite weapons of mass destruction in a speech about Iraq that year, but it was much more limited -- it focused on Hussein’s holdings of chemical weapons, not the alleged nuclear or biological stockpiles that Bush later used as a justification for the Iraq War. Meanwhile, Clinton did sign a law backing regime change in Iraq, but it was limited to assistance to homegrown opposition groups, not to a ground war aimed at toppling Hussein, as Bush later pursued.

The meme contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, so we rate it Mostly False.

The same way you are mostly false Papa
Just because you were conned doesn't mean what I'm telling you isn't true.

Let's just note a few of Jeb's actions that set the stage for the anointment of his brother as president:

  • Under Jeb's governorship, Florida Secretary of State Kathryn Harris implemented a so-called felon purge (felons, unfortunately, are almost always disenfranchised in Florida) of the state's voter registration list through a firm called ChoicePoint. However, the denial of the right to vote as a result of the pre-election striking of names of voters included - by intention - the names of people who weren't felons but had similar names. If this voter suppression had not been implemented, it is very possible that Gore would have won Florida flat out by thousands more votes.

  • Jeb allowed, or perhaps even told, Kathryn Harris to certify his brother as the winner of the Florida presidential election even though the vote count was still being challenged legally and a court-mandated recount was imminent. Harris's declaration on November 27, 2000, created a media meme that Bush was the "official" winner, even though the outcome of the election - due to thousands and thousands of uncertain ballots - was still in doubt.

  • It was confirmed that calls from Jeb and George to cousin John Ellis, who was "advising" the FOX election "decision desk," led to FOX calling the Florida election for George W. Bush at 2:16 AM on the Wednesday morning after election day. Not wanting to be scooped by FOX, the other major media outlets quickly followed suit.
These are just three examples of thievish actions Jeb Bush took that created a context of "official victory" that allowed Antonin Scalia to lead the Supreme Court in a 5-4 coup, halting a recount in Florida and nullifying the votes of the US electorate that likely would have resulted in a Gore victory.

Don't Forget Jeb Bush Played Key Role in Stealing the Presidency for His Brother

You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

I could find dozens of sources you won't like any of them. That's because you lean right my friend whether you know it or not. The people who don't think something fishy went on in 2000 are righties. You sure you aren't a righty? You sure seem like one. Then the people who still insist Bush didn't lie us into Iraq are also righties. So while you pretend to be some kind of mushy wishy luke warm moderate independent, I got news for ya pal, you're a bushy. And you seem like a Trumpy too although you won't admit it.

You believe the election BS, the Bush lied BS and don't believe the birther or the Benghazi BS. I don't believe any of it, that makes you a partisan nut job and me just a nut job, because I don't believe your left wing or the right wing BS, it is all BS.

And I would bet all sorts of left wing nut sites would claim Bush stole elections, lied and on and on because they have the extreme left wing nutters hooked.

Hey dummy! Here's a lefty source for ya

Ex-Official: White House 'Cherry-Picked' Pre-War Intelligence

The Bush administration deliberately misused or ignored intelligence analysis in the buildup of the 2003 invasion into Iraq

Pillar said the administration drove intelligence officials to discover information that would help them meet their policy objectives.

"The Bush administration deviated from the professional standard not only in using policy to drive intelligence, but also in aggressively using intelligence to win public support for its decision to go to war," Pillar wrote. "This meant selectively adducing data — 'cherry-picking' — rather than using the intelligence community's own analytic judgments."

You were cleverly lied to my friend. Hate to break it to you. But I know why this is hard for you. What would the American people do if they knew definitively that GW Bush lied us into Iraq? He would have to be thrown in jail. And we don't do that to presidents. So best not to say out loud that he lied, but he did.

He also wrote that the intelligence community assessed that in Iraq, "war and occupation would boost political Islam and increase sympathy for terrorists' objectives."

So don't tell me Obama created Isis. We know Bush did.

He has accused Bush, no facts, just his opinion. Opinions aren't facts, I am surprised you don't know that. Of course you are a salesperson, so fact and opinion get blurred with you dishonest people.

Ok stupid

They should all be tried: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and America’s overlooked war crimes
You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

British people aren't as gullible as you.

The Chilcot report, the UK government’s official report on the catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, was released on Wednesday morning, seven years after it was initially convened. The report delivers a pretty devastating verdict on the war, concluding that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the West and war was avoidable.

When you read the British government’s intelligence assessments, they predict, plus or minus a few details, exactly what happened after the war. The UK had ample warning that Iraq would collapse after the invasion and make the problem of terrorism worse — but it went to war anyway.

Why? Basically, the report suggests, because the US decided to. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair decided that the UK couldn’t afford the hit to the US-UK relationship that would come from seriously challenging the Bush administration’s rush to war, so he decided to back America to the hilt.

While the UK government made a huge number of mistakes before the war, the takeaway from Chilcot is clear: It’s America’s fault. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America’s shame.

How Tony Blair lied to Parliament to fulfil his war promise to Bush

Only a brainwashed stupid American could read all this and still not understand Bush lied us into Iraq.

And no Hillary voting to invade does not make them equally negligent.

Hillary and Kerry, along with Gore and Bill Clinton all said the intel was there were WMD's in Iraq. Left wing nut job sites are not credible because they like right wing nut job sites slant the news to the left or right. I can't believe people are dumb enough to follow those sites.

Stop it! Just stop it. Did Bill invade Iraq? No he fucking didn't. So I don't give a fuck what he said papa. Did he lie us into war? No he fucking didn't. Saddam was a bad man but in 2002 there were no fucking WMD's and Bush knew it.

Your reading comprehension sucks big time, never said Clinton lied about Iraq, never said Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton said the same thing Bush said, there were WMDs in Iraq.
Clinton ‘said we needed a regime change’

Clinton was hardly friendly toward Hussein, but he did not take actions to use military might to oust the Iraqi leader from power.

approach was about containing Hussein, not about ousting him. Containment was also the mission of the years-long no-fly zones over Iraq that were enforced by George H.W. Bush, Clinton and, before the war began, George W. Bush.

The meme cites the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act. Clinton did sign that law, which passed with just 38 dissenters in the House and by unanimous consent in the Senate. The law said it "should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."

However, the methods of regime change mentioned in the law are U.S. support for home-grown anti-Hussein movements, including humanitarian aid, broadcasting assistance and military goods and training. The recipients of such aid would need to include "a broad spectrum of Iraqi individuals, groups, or both, opposed to the Saddam Hussein regime" and be "committed to democratic values, to respect for human rights, to peaceful relations with Iraq's neighbors, to maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity, and to fostering cooperation among democratic opponents of the Saddam Hussein regime."

That’s a big difference from Bush’s decision to use military force to attack and enter Iraq and topple Hussein by force.

The deciding factor was 911, up until then there was no need for anyone to go to Iraq. Clinton said he knew there were WMDs in Iraq.
You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

British people aren't as gullible as you.

The Chilcot report, the UK government’s official report on the catastrophic decision to invade Iraq, was released on Wednesday morning, seven years after it was initially convened. The report delivers a pretty devastating verdict on the war, concluding that Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the West and war was avoidable.

When you read the British government’s intelligence assessments, they predict, plus or minus a few details, exactly what happened after the war. The UK had ample warning that Iraq would collapse after the invasion and make the problem of terrorism worse — but it went to war anyway.

Why? Basically, the report suggests, because the US decided to. Then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair decided that the UK couldn’t afford the hit to the US-UK relationship that would come from seriously challenging the Bush administration’s rush to war, so he decided to back America to the hilt.

While the UK government made a huge number of mistakes before the war, the takeaway from Chilcot is clear: It’s America’s fault. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America’s shame.

How Tony Blair lied to Parliament to fulfil his war promise to Bush

Only a brainwashed stupid American could read all this and still not understand Bush lied us into Iraq.

And no Hillary voting to invade does not make them equally negligent.

Hillary and Kerry, along with Gore and Bill Clinton all said the intel was there were WMD's in Iraq. Left wing nut job sites are not credible because they like right wing nut job sites slant the news to the left or right. I can't believe people are dumb enough to follow those sites.

Stop it! Just stop it. Did Bill invade Iraq? No he fucking didn't. So I don't give a fuck what he said papa. Did he lie us into war? No he fucking didn't. Saddam was a bad man but in 2002 there were no fucking WMD's and Bush knew it.

Your reading comprehension sucks big time, never said Clinton lied about Iraq, never said Bush lied about Iraq. Clinton said the same thing Bush said, there were WMDs in Iraq.

"There's a difference between what Clinton did and said and George W. Bush's decision to overtly invade and topple the Hussein regime with force," said Lance Janda, a military historian at Cameron University. "We'll never know if Clinton would have done that. We know, however, that Bush did, and he and his supporters have to live with that alone. They don't get to cravenly try to share responsibility with a man who was long out of office when we invaded."

Clinton did cite weapons of mass destruction in a speech about Iraq that year, but it was much more limited -- it focused on Hussein’s holdings of chemical weapons, not the alleged nuclear or biological stockpiles that Bush later used as a justification for the Iraq War. Meanwhile, Clinton did sign a law backing regime change in Iraq, but it was limited to assistance to homegrown opposition groups, not to a ground war aimed at toppling Hussein, as Bush later pursued.

The meme contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, so we rate it Mostly False.

The same way you are mostly false Papa

Your one opinion is duly noted and dismissed.
You found an extreme left wing site opinion article? That is your proof? Lol! I can find right wing sites to prove Hillary was deeply involved and guilty in Benghazi. Lol! You dupes are lazy and funny.

I could find dozens of sources you won't like any of them. That's because you lean right my friend whether you know it or not. The people who don't think something fishy went on in 2000 are righties. You sure you aren't a righty? You sure seem like one. Then the people who still insist Bush didn't lie us into Iraq are also righties. So while you pretend to be some kind of mushy wishy luke warm moderate independent, I got news for ya pal, you're a bushy. And you seem like a Trumpy too although you won't admit it.

You believe the election BS, the Bush lied BS and don't believe the birther or the Benghazi BS. I don't believe any of it, that makes you a partisan nut job and me just a nut job, because I don't believe your left wing or the right wing BS, it is all BS.

And I would bet all sorts of left wing nut sites would claim Bush stole elections, lied and on and on because they have the extreme left wing nutters hooked.

Hey dummy! Here's a lefty source for ya

Ex-Official: White House 'Cherry-Picked' Pre-War Intelligence

The Bush administration deliberately misused or ignored intelligence analysis in the buildup of the 2003 invasion into Iraq

Pillar said the administration drove intelligence officials to discover information that would help them meet their policy objectives.

"The Bush administration deviated from the professional standard not only in using policy to drive intelligence, but also in aggressively using intelligence to win public support for its decision to go to war," Pillar wrote. "This meant selectively adducing data — 'cherry-picking' — rather than using the intelligence community's own analytic judgments."

You were cleverly lied to my friend. Hate to break it to you. But I know why this is hard for you. What would the American people do if they knew definitively that GW Bush lied us into Iraq? He would have to be thrown in jail. And we don't do that to presidents. So best not to say out loud that he lied, but he did.

He also wrote that the intelligence community assessed that in Iraq, "war and occupation would boost political Islam and increase sympathy for terrorists' objectives."

So don't tell me Obama created Isis. We know Bush did.

He has accused Bush, no facts, just his opinion. Opinions aren't facts, I am surprised you don't know that. Of course you are a salesperson, so fact and opinion get blurred with you dishonest people.

Ok stupid

They should all be tried: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and America’s overlooked war crimes

you have lots of extreme left wing opinions and no facts. I wouldn't expect any different from you, dumb dumb.
The deciding factor was 911, up until then there was no need for anyone to go to Iraq

I personally think every single traitor like you giving that answer should be put in front of a firing squad.

Even dismissing the reality that 911 was a CIA/Mossad fraud - false flag attack - if you were sub human enough to believe the BULLSHIT, then there WAS STILL NO REASON TO HIT IRAQ. Saddam was not practicing Islam, his kids were even worse. The "radical islamic types" feared Saddam and left Iraq long before he hit Kuwait.
The Republican Party's Iraq War...


Try this one on for size....

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | The Huffington Post

The desire to lie our way into Iraq existed long before W. It was present in Bill Clinton's all Zionist "National Security (for Israel only) Council."

Who gave the final speech on the Senate floor for the Iraq War??

Dianne Feinstein
There may have been high ups who wanted war with Iraq when Clinton was president but they didn't get it. And they also wanted him to go to war with Iran. To me, this is why Al Gore lost in 2000. He picked that pro go to war Jew Lieberman.
There may have been high ups who wanted war with Iraq when Clinton was president but they didn't get it.

Correct = they're known as Zionist Jews - SoState Madeleine Albright, CIA head George Tenet (the ADL's highest award winner in 05 for sponsoring 911 and getting away with it)., NSA Sandy the Burglar Berger, and Dem-Gop whoever is selling out to the Israel lobby more at the time William Cohen

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | The Huffington Post

they also wanted him to go to war with Iran

They have been trying to instigate a US war with Iran all along. Those "Americans" being held in Iran the "US" media keeps reporting about are ALL ZIONIST JEWS AND DUAL CITIZENS OF THE US AND ISRAEL. They are not "Americans." They are traitors trying to start a US war with Iran to help ISRAEL re-conquer the Promised Land defined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua.
There may have been high ups who wanted war with Iraq when Clinton was president but they didn't get it.

Correct = they're known as Zionist Jews - SoState Madeleine Albright, CIA head George Tenet (the ADL's highest award winner in 05 for sponsoring 911 and getting away with it)., NSA Sandy the Burglar Berger, and Dem-Gop whoever is selling out to the Israel lobby more at the time William Cohen

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | The Huffington Post

they also wanted him to go to war with Iran

They have been trying to instigate a US war with Iran all along. Those "Americans" being held in Iran the "US" media keeps reporting about are ALL ZIONIST JEWS AND DUAL CITIZENS OF THE US AND ISRAEL. They are not "Americans." They are traitors trying to start a US war with Iran to help ISRAEL re-conquer the Promised Land defined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua.

Well keep in mind John McCain was itching to go to war with Iran. Today I think we see Iran is not our problem unless we go making Iran our problem. And you can't say Obama is being controlled by them because Netenyahoo did not like Obama. In fact I'm sure he prefers Trump although I don't think he likes Trump but I think Israel is glad Republicans are back in charge. They are much more eager to defend Israel because I guess the bible tells them to. For some of them, like Bush, they believe the end of days and all the prophecies written are true and will come true one day and there is an inevidible war coming with the middle east and so they don't even try to avoid it. It's insane. They are insane.

I don't know if Gore/Clinton were in on it but then why did Gore choose Lieberman? Horrible choice and if you don't remember Lieberman was a Democratic traitor over Israel and his support of the Iraq war.

To me Israel and Jewish politicians have zero credibility with me when it comes to middle east affairs. Their loyalties are with Israel not the American people. He was not serving Connecticut when he was sitting on Bush's lap.

Joe Lieberman’s new betrayal: The transparent cynicism in his Iran warmongering
There may have been high ups who wanted war with Iraq when Clinton was president but they didn't get it.

Correct = they're known as Zionist Jews - SoState Madeleine Albright, CIA head George Tenet (the ADL's highest award winner in 05 for sponsoring 911 and getting away with it)., NSA Sandy the Burglar Berger, and Dem-Gop whoever is selling out to the Israel lobby more at the time William Cohen

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | The Huffington Post

they also wanted him to go to war with Iran

They have been trying to instigate a US war with Iran all along. Those "Americans" being held in Iran the "US" media keeps reporting about are ALL ZIONIST JEWS AND DUAL CITIZENS OF THE US AND ISRAEL. They are not "Americans." They are traitors trying to start a US war with Iran to help ISRAEL re-conquer the Promised Land defined in Ch1 of Book of Joshua.


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