Breaking: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Dude has contracts in the ME so why is this a big deal?
Not to mention they were in the limelight for this very thing..
This is one of those things you need to wait on evidence instead of anonymous officials and playing detective TRYING to establish a connection.
Prince is an easy target. He is surrounded by scandals and lies.

& has had eyes on him not only because of his scandals & lies, but because he has donated big league to a trump super PAC.... & the fact that devos got a job in trump's administration had nothing to do with that either.

nooooooooooo pay for play there.....
Name a single President that has not appointed people that donated to their campaign. I'll wait.
Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

Democrats like Zionist Traitor Dianne Feinstein told more lies trying to manipulate us into attacking Iraq than W and Cheney summed together. Ms. Feinstein's entire political career is all about manipulating the US to fight wars to help Israel.
She and her POS husband have made a lot of money from wars.
Dianne Feinstein is one of the worst traitors in US history.

If Trump is serious about "draining the Swamp," Ms. Feinstein's murky blob will flow out very soon...
according to comey, the investigation started back in july. a boatload of trump's cronies have links to russia & the little looksey into all of it is still ongoing. exactly how much trump is involved - if at all personally - is yet to be determined.

This report talks about a back channel in January. Why would he need a third party establish a back channel if he already had connections? Seems odd, of course politics has never made sense.

that is yet to be determined. if trump was brokering some kind of deal pre inauguration concerning lifting sanctions, then there might be a problem.

He already had back channels, if he worked with the Russians as the left claims. Why would he need a new back channel.

i don't know. perhaps it was all innocent. perhaps not. are you saying no red flags should be raised with erik prince involved? considering all his baggage & the way his dear sister tried to remove herself from his shadow, & there are others who are tied to russia in a very non kosher way.... there is absolutely nothing to see here so the intel community & the senate investigations should just move along?

btw... is all this suspicion just coming from the left? ms. lindsey, john mccain, et al would beg to differ.

I am saying investigate away, however if the claims are that Trump had the Russians hack the election as claimed, why would Erik Prince need to make a back channel for Trump if Trump already had back channels? The only thing that comes to my mind is that Trump didn't have contact with the Russians before the election. That I think is a valid point.

Now, Prince and Trump and Russia, I am not sure what Prince was doing since he had no involvement with the election or the transition team. A backdoor in to a foreign country is pretty common from what I have gathered through my reading of the issue. For past Presidents it happened very often. BTW, McCain is a joke, he has been since the late 90's, how that idiot stays in office is completely beyond me.

perhaps to keep trump & putin in separate corners, giving the illusion that they aren't in the same bed? who knows.... but erik prince donated lots of cash to trump's campaign & there's a reason why his sister got the job as Sec. of Education....
Dude has contracts in the ME so why is this a big deal?
Not to mention they were in the limelight for this very thing..
This is one of those things you need to wait on evidence instead of anonymous officials and playing detective TRYING to establish a connection.
Prince is an easy target. He is surrounded by scandals and lies.

& has had eyes on him not only because of his scandals & lies, but because he has donated big league to a trump super PAC.... & the fact that devos got a job in trump's administration had nothing to do with that either.

nooooooooooo pay for play there.....
Name a single President that has not appointed people that donated to their campaign. I'll wait.

hmmmmm....... me thinx it was more than just money in this case. nearly every one of his cabinet picks are completely ill prepared & downright hostile to the very departments they are supposta headup.
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Devos a enemy of the United states.

she certainly is no friend of school children.

DeVos Design Flaw: Math and Reading Scores in Michigan are Tanking
Submitted by Dustin Beilke on January 26, 2017 - 2:22pm
From 1991 to 1993, Ravitch worked for then-Secretary of Education Alexander in the George H.W. Bush administration as an Assistant Secretary. In her open letter on Huffington Post, Ravitch writes that DeVos is "unprepared, unqualified and unfit" for the office, and "would be the first Secretary of Education in our history to be hostile to public education."

These are pretty strong words from one of the nation's most respected education experts. But Ravitch knows that through their many foundations, non-profit organizations and political organizations, DeVos's family has spent countless millions pushing school vouchers and other policies that privatize public schools throughout the nation, but particularly in Michigan where the result has been disastrous.
DeVos Design Flaw: Math and Reading Scores in Michigan are Tanking
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...

Remember when Blackwater/Haloburton and Bush lied us into Iraq? Now we are seeing that there really is very little difference between Trump and Bush.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky Calls for Investigation Into Trump’s Ties to Blackwater Founder Erik Prince

The same corporations are calling all the shots.

Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night, Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

Trump has subsequently walked it back a bit, but he shouldn’t have. I’ve followed the issue of Iraq’s WMD programs for 20 years, and won a $1,000 bet in 2003 that if the U.S. invaded, we would find nothing. There’s no question that the Bush administration lied enthusiastically about what it knew about Iraq and WMD.

There is an enormous amount of powerful evidence to prove it:

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheney kicked off the push for war in August 2002 by claiming: “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Cheney’s speech had not been vetted by the CIA, and John McLaughlin, the CIA’s deputy director, shortly afterward told Congress that the likelihood of Iraq initiating a WMD attack “would be low.” Another CIA official later recalled that the agency’s reaction to Cheney’s speech was, “Where is he getting this stuff from?”
  • The Bush administration said that aluminum tubes Iraq had tried to import were “only really suited for nuclear weapons programs” — even as Bush himself was being told the State Department and Energy Department believed (correctly, of course) they were intended to be used as conventional rockets.
  • Bush declared in his 2003 State of the Union address that “Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” even though his administration had been repeatedly warned this was dubious (and it turned out to originate with crudely forged documents).
  • Colin Powell doctored intercepted Iraqi communications for his U.N. presentation to make them appear more alarming.
… and much more.

There’s also one specific story proving they lied that I think hasn’t received enough attention: the curious case of Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law Hussein Kamel who said Saddam had NO WMD's. So why did Cheney claimed this:

We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Among other sources, we’ve gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors — including Saddam’s own son-in-law [Hussein Kamel].


So now you believe Trump? isn't he a liar?
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.
Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

Democrats like Zionist Traitor Dianne Feinstein told more lies trying to manipulate us into attacking Iraq than W and Cheney summed together. Ms. Feinstein's entire political career is all about manipulating the US to fight wars to help Israel.
OK, I'll give you that one. Lieberman too.

Guys like papa say Hillary voted for Iraq but then he admits she's a liar so how does that prove anything? If the rich own both parties then of course Hillary went along. I think papa is experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Also, guys like hw bush warned what would happen if we invaded Baghdad. So I can only assume haloburton and blackwater wanted perpetual war perpetual profits.
This report talks about a back channel in January. Why would he need a third party establish a back channel if he already had connections? Seems odd, of course politics has never made sense.

that is yet to be determined. if trump was brokering some kind of deal pre inauguration concerning lifting sanctions, then there might be a problem.

He already had back channels, if he worked with the Russians as the left claims. Why would he need a new back channel.

i don't know. perhaps it was all innocent. perhaps not. are you saying no red flags should be raised with erik prince involved? considering all his baggage & the way his dear sister tried to remove herself from his shadow, & there are others who are tied to russia in a very non kosher way.... there is absolutely nothing to see here so the intel community & the senate investigations should just move along?

btw... is all this suspicion just coming from the left? ms. lindsey, john mccain, et al would beg to differ.

I am saying investigate away, however if the claims are that Trump had the Russians hack the election as claimed, why would Erik Prince need to make a back channel for Trump if Trump already had back channels? The only thing that comes to my mind is that Trump didn't have contact with the Russians before the election. That I think is a valid point.

Now, Prince and Trump and Russia, I am not sure what Prince was doing since he had no involvement with the election or the transition team. A backdoor in to a foreign country is pretty common from what I have gathered through my reading of the issue. For past Presidents it happened very often. BTW, McCain is a joke, he has been since the late 90's, how that idiot stays in office is completely beyond me.

perhaps to keep trump & putin in separate corners, giving the illusion that they aren't in the same bed? who knows.... but erik prince donated lots of cash to trump's campaign & there's a reason why his sister got the job as Sec. of Education....

Was it the same reason that others have donated to Hillary's campaign, because they expected favors from her if she became President? What about McCain and Obama and Kerry and Gore? This crap goes on and on and has gone on for decades, why do you have a problem now and not before?
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...

Remember when Blackwater/Haloburton and Bush lied us into Iraq? Now we are seeing that there really is very little difference between Trump and Bush.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky Calls for Investigation Into Trump’s Ties to Blackwater Founder Erik Prince

The same corporations are calling all the shots.

Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night, Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

Trump has subsequently walked it back a bit, but he shouldn’t have. I’ve followed the issue of Iraq’s WMD programs for 20 years, and won a $1,000 bet in 2003 that if the U.S. invaded, we would find nothing. There’s no question that the Bush administration lied enthusiastically about what it knew about Iraq and WMD.

There is an enormous amount of powerful evidence to prove it:

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheney kicked off the push for war in August 2002 by claiming: “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Cheney’s speech had not been vetted by the CIA, and John McLaughlin, the CIA’s deputy director, shortly afterward told Congress that the likelihood of Iraq initiating a WMD attack “would be low.” Another CIA official later recalled that the agency’s reaction to Cheney’s speech was, “Where is he getting this stuff from?”
  • The Bush administration said that aluminum tubes Iraq had tried to import were “only really suited for nuclear weapons programs” — even as Bush himself was being told the State Department and Energy Department believed (correctly, of course) they were intended to be used as conventional rockets.
  • Bush declared in his 2003 State of the Union address that “Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” even though his administration had been repeatedly warned this was dubious (and it turned out to originate with crudely forged documents).
  • Colin Powell doctored intercepted Iraqi communications for his U.N. presentation to make them appear more alarming.
… and much more.

There’s also one specific story proving they lied that I think hasn’t received enough attention: the curious case of Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law Hussein Kamel who said Saddam had NO WMD's. So why did Cheney claimed this:

We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Among other sources, we’ve gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors — including Saddam’s own son-in-law [Hussein Kamel].


So now you believe Trump? isn't he a liar?
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.

So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!
Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

Democrats like Zionist Traitor Dianne Feinstein told more lies trying to manipulate us into attacking Iraq than W and Cheney summed together. Ms. Feinstein's entire political career is all about manipulating the US to fight wars to help Israel.
OK, I'll give you that one. Lieberman too.

Guys like papa say Hillary voted for Iraq but then he admits she's a liar so how does that prove anything? If the rich own both parties then of course Hillary went along. I think papa is experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Also, guys like hw bush warned what would happen if we invaded Baghdad. So I can only assume haloburton and blackwater wanted perpetual war perpetual profits.

I am really in your head, and you still can't get it right. Lol!
Remember when Blackwater/Haloburton and Bush lied us into Iraq? Now we are seeing that there really is very little difference between Trump and Bush.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky Calls for Investigation Into Trump’s Ties to Blackwater Founder Erik Prince

The same corporations are calling all the shots.

Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night, Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

Trump has subsequently walked it back a bit, but he shouldn’t have. I’ve followed the issue of Iraq’s WMD programs for 20 years, and won a $1,000 bet in 2003 that if the U.S. invaded, we would find nothing. There’s no question that the Bush administration lied enthusiastically about what it knew about Iraq and WMD.

There is an enormous amount of powerful evidence to prove it:

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheney kicked off the push for war in August 2002 by claiming: “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Cheney’s speech had not been vetted by the CIA, and John McLaughlin, the CIA’s deputy director, shortly afterward told Congress that the likelihood of Iraq initiating a WMD attack “would be low.” Another CIA official later recalled that the agency’s reaction to Cheney’s speech was, “Where is he getting this stuff from?”
  • The Bush administration said that aluminum tubes Iraq had tried to import were “only really suited for nuclear weapons programs” — even as Bush himself was being told the State Department and Energy Department believed (correctly, of course) they were intended to be used as conventional rockets.
  • Bush declared in his 2003 State of the Union address that “Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” even though his administration had been repeatedly warned this was dubious (and it turned out to originate with crudely forged documents).
  • Colin Powell doctored intercepted Iraqi communications for his U.N. presentation to make them appear more alarming.
… and much more.

There’s also one specific story proving they lied that I think hasn’t received enough attention: the curious case of Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law Hussein Kamel who said Saddam had NO WMD's. So why did Cheney claimed this:

We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Among other sources, we’ve gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors — including Saddam’s own son-in-law [Hussein Kamel].


So now you believe Trump? isn't he a liar?
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.

So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!

For every truth be told he told 6 lies
Remember when Democrats lied about Bush lying about going to war?

In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night, Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

Trump has subsequently walked it back a bit, but he shouldn’t have. I’ve followed the issue of Iraq’s WMD programs for 20 years, and won a $1,000 bet in 2003 that if the U.S. invaded, we would find nothing. There’s no question that the Bush administration lied enthusiastically about what it knew about Iraq and WMD.

There is an enormous amount of powerful evidence to prove it:

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheney kicked off the push for war in August 2002 by claiming: “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Cheney’s speech had not been vetted by the CIA, and John McLaughlin, the CIA’s deputy director, shortly afterward told Congress that the likelihood of Iraq initiating a WMD attack “would be low.” Another CIA official later recalled that the agency’s reaction to Cheney’s speech was, “Where is he getting this stuff from?”
  • The Bush administration said that aluminum tubes Iraq had tried to import were “only really suited for nuclear weapons programs” — even as Bush himself was being told the State Department and Energy Department believed (correctly, of course) they were intended to be used as conventional rockets.
  • Bush declared in his 2003 State of the Union address that “Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” even though his administration had been repeatedly warned this was dubious (and it turned out to originate with crudely forged documents).
  • Colin Powell doctored intercepted Iraqi communications for his U.N. presentation to make them appear more alarming.
… and much more.

There’s also one specific story proving they lied that I think hasn’t received enough attention: the curious case of Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law Hussein Kamel who said Saddam had NO WMD's. So why did Cheney claimed this:

We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Among other sources, we’ve gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors — including Saddam’s own son-in-law [Hussein Kamel].


So now you believe Trump? isn't he a liar?
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.

So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!

For every truth be told he told 6 lies

So he is the same as any other politician and yet you will believe the partisan BS. Lol! Please spare me your Bush lied BS, that is all it is.
Interesting. I don't think post election meetings will sink Trump.

silly you.... trump will sink trump.

The man has a mouth that he cannot control.

& teeny tiny cheeto dust laden twitter fingers.

Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up.

if he's proven guilty. see how that works? i have never used the word 'when' .... too bad, so sad that word is never uttered when it comes to hillary.


Well Hillary was never charge of anything her tax and foundations are transparent and yet trumpeters still screaming lock her up.

Trump was sued for fraud and still hiding is Tax returns. Followed by Russians connections. Trumpets are silent........ Lock him up.
In the Republican presidential debate in South Carolina on Saturday night, Donald Trump said something about the Bush administration and the Iraq War that is essentially illegal for Republican politicians.

“They lied,” he said. “They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none.”

Trump has subsequently walked it back a bit, but he shouldn’t have. I’ve followed the issue of Iraq’s WMD programs for 20 years, and won a $1,000 bet in 2003 that if the U.S. invaded, we would find nothing. There’s no question that the Bush administration lied enthusiastically about what it knew about Iraq and WMD.

There is an enormous amount of powerful evidence to prove it:

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheney kicked off the push for war in August 2002 by claiming: “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.” Cheney’s speech had not been vetted by the CIA, and John McLaughlin, the CIA’s deputy director, shortly afterward told Congress that the likelihood of Iraq initiating a WMD attack “would be low.” Another CIA official later recalled that the agency’s reaction to Cheney’s speech was, “Where is he getting this stuff from?”
  • The Bush administration said that aluminum tubes Iraq had tried to import were “only really suited for nuclear weapons programs” — even as Bush himself was being told the State Department and Energy Department believed (correctly, of course) they were intended to be used as conventional rockets.
  • Bush declared in his 2003 State of the Union address that “Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” even though his administration had been repeatedly warned this was dubious (and it turned out to originate with crudely forged documents).
  • Colin Powell doctored intercepted Iraqi communications for his U.N. presentation to make them appear more alarming.
… and much more.

There’s also one specific story proving they lied that I think hasn’t received enough attention: the curious case of Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law Hussein Kamel who said Saddam had NO WMD's. So why did Cheney claimed this:

We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Among other sources, we’ve gotten this from the firsthand testimony of defectors — including Saddam’s own son-in-law [Hussein Kamel].


So now you believe Trump? isn't he a liar?
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.

So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!

For every truth be told he told 6 lies

So he is the same as any other politician and yet you will believe the partisan BS. Lol! Please spare me your Bush lied BS, that is all it is.
Boy you must be a special kind of dumb to not see bush and Chaney and rumsfeld lied us into Iraq. Seriously.

And if they didn't lie they are stupid but I don't think they are because invading Iraq paid off very well for them.

They were ready to invade in 1999. Look up PNAC. They planned it all out before Jeb stole Florida.
So now you believe Trump? isn't he a liar?
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.

So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!

For every truth be told he told 6 lies

So he is the same as any other politician and yet you will believe the partisan BS. Lol! Please spare me your Bush lied BS, that is all it is.
Boy you must be a special kind of dumb to not see bush and Chaney and rumsfeld lied us into Iraq. Seriously.

And if they didn't lie they are stupid but I don't think they are because invading Iraq paid off very well for them.

They were ready to invade in 1999. Look up PNAC. They planned it all out before Jeb stole Florida.

Yeah, Florida was another Democratic Party lie.
It's the occasional truth that got so many to vote for him in the Republican primaries. This was one of them. It's pretty much a fact bush "misled" us if you don't see it you're a bigger moron than I thought.

So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!

For every truth be told he told 6 lies

So he is the same as any other politician and yet you will believe the partisan BS. Lol! Please spare me your Bush lied BS, that is all it is.
Boy you must be a special kind of dumb to not see bush and Chaney and rumsfeld lied us into Iraq. Seriously.

And if they didn't lie they are stupid but I don't think they are because invading Iraq paid off very well for them.

They were ready to invade in 1999. Look up PNAC. They planned it all out before Jeb stole Florida.

Yeah, Florida was another Democratic Party lie.
Yea with Jeb Bush being the Governor and Republican Catherine Harris overseeing the election, yea right, it was the Democrats who cheated there.

Oh, and it was Ken Blackwell who stole Ohio. But we don't use words like stole and lied with presidents, even though that's exactly what Bush did. Stole and lied.
So when it agrees with your politics he is telling the truth but when he disagrees he is lying. Lol! What a bunch of idiots!

For every truth be told he told 6 lies

So he is the same as any other politician and yet you will believe the partisan BS. Lol! Please spare me your Bush lied BS, that is all it is.
Boy you must be a special kind of dumb to not see bush and Chaney and rumsfeld lied us into Iraq. Seriously.

And if they didn't lie they are stupid but I don't think they are because invading Iraq paid off very well for them.

They were ready to invade in 1999. Look up PNAC. They planned it all out before Jeb stole Florida.

Yeah, Florida was another Democratic Party lie.
Yea with Jeb Bush being the Governor and Republican Catherine Harris overseeing the election, yea right, it was the Democrats who cheated there.

Oh, and it was Ken Blackwell who stole Ohio. But we don't use words like stole and lied with presidents, even though that's exactly what Bush did. Stole and lied.

I didn't say anyone cheated. If I were to believe your election BS, with no real evidence, then I would need to believe Obama was born in Kenya and Clinton orchestrated Benghazi, none are true and all are extreme left wing, right wing whacko BS. Partisan BS is killing this country.
For every truth be told he told 6 lies

So he is the same as any other politician and yet you will believe the partisan BS. Lol! Please spare me your Bush lied BS, that is all it is.
Boy you must be a special kind of dumb to not see bush and Chaney and rumsfeld lied us into Iraq. Seriously.

And if they didn't lie they are stupid but I don't think they are because invading Iraq paid off very well for them.

They were ready to invade in 1999. Look up PNAC. They planned it all out before Jeb stole Florida.

Yeah, Florida was another Democratic Party lie.
Yea with Jeb Bush being the Governor and Republican Catherine Harris overseeing the election, yea right, it was the Democrats who cheated there.

Oh, and it was Ken Blackwell who stole Ohio. But we don't use words like stole and lied with presidents, even though that's exactly what Bush did. Stole and lied.

I didn't say anyone cheated. If I were to believe your election BS, with no real evidence, then I would need to believe Obama was born in Kenya and Clinton orchestrated Benghazi, none are true and all are extreme left wing, right wing whacko BS. Partisan BS is killing this country.

Just because you were conned doesn't mean what I'm telling you isn't true.

Let's just note a few of Jeb's actions that set the stage for the anointment of his brother as president:

  • Under Jeb's governorship, Florida Secretary of State Kathryn Harris implemented a so-called felon purge (felons, unfortunately, are almost always disenfranchised in Florida) of the state's voter registration list through a firm called ChoicePoint. However, the denial of the right to vote as a result of the pre-election striking of names of voters included - by intention - the names of people who weren't felons but had similar names. If this voter suppression had not been implemented, it is very possible that Gore would have won Florida flat out by thousands more votes.

  • Jeb allowed, or perhaps even told, Kathryn Harris to certify his brother as the winner of the Florida presidential election even though the vote count was still being challenged legally and a court-mandated recount was imminent. Harris's declaration on November 27, 2000, created a media meme that Bush was the "official" winner, even though the outcome of the election - due to thousands and thousands of uncertain ballots - was still in doubt.

  • It was confirmed that calls from Jeb and George to cousin John Ellis, who was "advising" the FOX election "decision desk," led to FOX calling the Florida election for George W. Bush at 2:16 AM on the Wednesday morning after election day. Not wanting to be scooped by FOX, the other major media outlets quickly followed suit.
These are just three examples of thievish actions Jeb Bush took that created a context of "official victory" that allowed Antonin Scalia to lead the Supreme Court in a 5-4 coup, halting a recount in Florida and nullifying the votes of the US electorate that likely would have resulted in a Gore victory.

Don't Forget Jeb Bush Played Key Role in Stealing the Presidency for His Brother

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