Breaking: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...

So there was no connection with Trump and the Russians before the election? That kind of hurts all the speculation that Trump had Russian connections before the election.

according to comey, the investigation started back in july. a boatload of trump's cronies have links to russia & the little looksey into all of it is still ongoing. exactly how much trump is involved - if at all personally - is yet to be determined.
& has had eyes on him not only because of his scandals & lies, but because he has donated big league to a trump super PAC.... & the fact that devos got a job in trump's administration had nothing to do with that either.

nooooooooooo pay for play there.....
ohhh like you REALLY give a shit

everybody associated with any kind of nefarious dealings to undermine our democracy should be put under a microscope & should they be found a willing asset to the russians should be charged with treason. so yeppers TN, i certainly DO give a shit.

make that two.

ya ya it's the exact same thing..... lol...... so where's the collusion to influence a presidential election? where are all the close ties to russia in obama's administration?

where's trump tax returns? that could clear up SO much fuzzy CONtroversy; wouldn't you agree, cruisader dude?

How do you know you voted for Hillary? Putin's mind control beam made you BELIEVE you voted Hillary when you actually voted Trump

as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!

you wouldn't? do you hate hillary THAT much, that you wouldn't want to see that happen to traitors if it turns out there WAS collusion?
If people commit treason, I want them dealt with accordingly. As long as their is actual evidence. I am one of the people that scream for govt accountability. I actually care. I have seen the way you shrugged off other stuff, that's why I find it hard to believe you ACTUALLY care about govt corruption.

shrug off what precisely? are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth, because they don't want to know the truth & i don't want to bang my head against the wall on some futile trumpet?
I don't even know how to respond to this... :/

i'm willing to bet it's because you can't. i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

& if i am incorrect in something, i will be the first to say so. once in a blue moon, i give up trying to reason with a poster because it's futile... like i said.

since you say i have shrugged stuff off , then you must have some kind of example. & if you can't come up with anything... i call bullshit. but that's ok, TN... i like you anyways, despite yourself.
read your last post...
ohhh like you REALLY give a shit

everybody associated with any kind of nefarious dealings to undermine our democracy should be put under a microscope & should they be found a willing asset to the russians should be charged with treason. so yeppers TN, i certainly DO give a shit.

make that two.

ya ya it's the exact same thing..... lol...... so where's the collusion to influence a presidential election? where are all the close ties to russia in obama's administration?

where's trump tax returns? that could clear up SO much fuzzy CONtroversy; wouldn't you agree, cruisader dude?

How do you know you voted for Hillary? Putin's mind control beam made you BELIEVE you voted Hillary when you actually voted Trump

as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!

They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL
you wouldn't? do you hate hillary THAT much, that you wouldn't want to see that happen to traitors if it turns out there WAS collusion?
If people commit treason, I want them dealt with accordingly. As long as their is actual evidence. I am one of the people that scream for govt accountability. I actually care. I have seen the way you shrugged off other stuff, that's why I find it hard to believe you ACTUALLY care about govt corruption.

shrug off what precisely? are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth, because they don't want to know the truth & i don't want to bang my head against the wall on some futile trumpet?
I don't even know how to respond to this... :/

i'm willing to bet it's because you can't. i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

& if i am incorrect in something, i will be the first to say so. once in a blue moon, i give up trying to reason with a poster because it's futile... like i said.

since you say i have shrugged stuff off , then you must have some kind of example. & if you can't come up with anything... i call bullshit. but that's ok, TN... i like you anyways, despite yourself.
read your last post...

huh? i think i know myself & how i reply better than you. but all means...... show some proof or it's just fake news. take all the time you need.
everybody associated with any kind of nefarious dealings to undermine our democracy should be put under a microscope & should they be found a willing asset to the russians should be charged with treason. so yeppers TN, i certainly DO give a shit.

make that two.

ya ya it's the exact same thing..... lol...... so where's the collusion to influence a presidential election? where are all the close ties to russia in obama's administration?

where's trump tax returns? that could clear up SO much fuzzy CONtroversy; wouldn't you agree, cruisader dude?

How do you know you voted for Hillary? Putin's mind control beam made you BELIEVE you voted Hillary when you actually voted Trump

as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!

They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL

uh-huh. & with russia's help the left has had all kinds of commie friendlies right smack in the administration for years!!!!
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...
The story is from The Washington Compost....... They have no credibility.
"Fake News" Excuse.
If people commit treason, I want them dealt with accordingly. As long as their is actual evidence. I am one of the people that scream for govt accountability. I actually care. I have seen the way you shrugged off other stuff, that's why I find it hard to believe you ACTUALLY care about govt corruption.

shrug off what precisely? are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth, because they don't want to know the truth & i don't want to bang my head against the wall on some futile trumpet?
I don't even know how to respond to this... :/

i'm willing to bet it's because you can't. i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

& if i am incorrect in something, i will be the first to say so. once in a blue moon, i give up trying to reason with a poster because it's futile... like i said.

since you say i have shrugged stuff off , then you must have some kind of example. & if you can't come up with anything... i call bullshit. but that's ok, TN... i like you anyways, despite yourself.
read your last post...

huh? i think i know myself & how i reply better than you. but all means...... show some proof or it's just fake news. take all the time you need.
Lol what? You said this
are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth
then this
i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

ya ya it's the exact same thing..... lol...... so where's the collusion to influence a presidential election? where are all the close ties to russia in obama's administration?

where's trump tax returns? that could clear up SO much fuzzy CONtroversy; wouldn't you agree, cruisader dude?

How do you know you voted for Hillary? Putin's mind control beam made you BELIEVE you voted Hillary when you actually voted Trump

as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!

They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL

uh-huh. & with russia's help the left has had all kinds of commie friendlies right smack in the administration for years!!!!

So its just corruption from Russia you care about?
shrug off what precisely? are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth, because they don't want to know the truth & i don't want to bang my head against the wall on some futile trumpet?
I don't even know how to respond to this... :/

i'm willing to bet it's because you can't. i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

& if i am incorrect in something, i will be the first to say so. once in a blue moon, i give up trying to reason with a poster because it's futile... like i said.

since you say i have shrugged stuff off , then you must have some kind of example. & if you can't come up with anything... i call bullshit. but that's ok, TN... i like you anyways, despite yourself.
read your last post...

huh? i think i know myself & how i reply better than you. but all means...... show some proof or it's just fake news. take all the time you need.
Lol what? You said this
are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth
then this
i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

to me the definition of 'shrugging off' is deliberately not answering or being a hypocrite. i am not a (D) nor a (R) because politics is a dirty game no matter what side of the aisle. but to say both sides are equal is ridiculous. i will shrug someone off when i am beating my head against the wall trying to show them the light, despite unbiased verifiable links & they refuse to see what is b4 their very eyes. but it's usually it is them who go silently away.
ya ya it's the exact same thing..... lol...... so where's the collusion to influence a presidential election? where are all the close ties to russia in obama's administration?

where's trump tax returns? that could clear up SO much fuzzy CONtroversy; wouldn't you agree, cruisader dude?

How do you know you voted for Hillary? Putin's mind control beam made you BELIEVE you voted Hillary when you actually voted Trump

as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!
They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL

uh-huh. & with russia's help the left has had all kinds of commie friendlies right smack in the administration for years!!!!
So its just corruption from Russia you care about?

russia & corruption are interchangeable. i care about their cyber attack on our democracy & influencing a presidential election. & anybody that was knowingly a part of it is treasonous. whether you believe me or not... i would feel the same if it were a (D).

even obama. ya, i didn't like what he said on that hot mic. but don't conflate the two. obama was talking about having 'flexability' after he leaves office. not BEFORE he gets into office & not WHILE he is in office & he has not picked the majority of his staff who has had deep relations with russia. oh btw... putin & obama really do not like each other. i doubt there will be much of a relationship at all.
I don't even know how to respond to this... :/

i'm willing to bet it's because you can't. i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

& if i am incorrect in something, i will be the first to say so. once in a blue moon, i give up trying to reason with a poster because it's futile... like i said.

since you say i have shrugged stuff off , then you must have some kind of example. & if you can't come up with anything... i call bullshit. but that's ok, TN... i like you anyways, despite yourself.
read your last post...

huh? i think i know myself & how i reply better than you. but all means...... show some proof or it's just fake news. take all the time you need.
Lol what? You said this
are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth
then this
i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

to me the definition of 'shrugging off' is deliberately not answering or being a hypocrite. i am not a (D) nor a (R) because politics is a dirty game no matter what side of the aisle. but to say both sides are equal is ridiculous. i will shrug someone off when i am beating my head against the wall trying to show them the light, despite unbiased verifiable links & they refuse to see what is b4 their very eyes. but it's usually it is them who go silently away.
I didn't say they were equal. I said they were both chock full of corruption.
i'm willing to bet it's because you can't. i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

& if i am incorrect in something, i will be the first to say so. once in a blue moon, i give up trying to reason with a poster because it's futile... like i said.

since you say i have shrugged stuff off , then you must have some kind of example. & if you can't come up with anything... i call bullshit. but that's ok, TN... i like you anyways, despite yourself.
read your last post...

huh? i think i know myself & how i reply better than you. but all means...... show some proof or it's just fake news. take all the time you need.
Lol what? You said this
are you sure it's actually shrugging, or could it be that sometimes i decide it just not worth the time nor trouble trying to convince someone of the truth
then this
i don't normally shrug off anything of importance & if i can prove my point or prove somebody wrong, i usually do.

to me the definition of 'shrugging off' is deliberately not answering or being a hypocrite. i am not a (D) nor a (R) because politics is a dirty game no matter what side of the aisle. but to say both sides are equal is ridiculous. i will shrug someone off when i am beating my head against the wall trying to show them the light, despite unbiased verifiable links & they refuse to see what is b4 their very eyes. but it's usually it is them who go silently away.
I didn't say they were equal. I said they were both chock full of corruption.

agreed. so what's the problem?
How do you know you voted for Hillary? Putin's mind control beam made you BELIEVE you voted Hillary when you actually voted Trump

as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!
They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL

uh-huh. & with russia's help the left has had all kinds of commie friendlies right smack in the administration for years!!!!
So its just corruption from Russia you care about?

russia & corruption are interchangeable. i care about their cyber attack on our democracy & influencing a presidential election. & anybody that was knowingly a part of it is treasonous. whether you believe me or not... i would feel the same if it were a (D).

even obama. ya, i didn't like what he said on that hot mic. but don't conflate the two. obama was talking about having 'flexability' after he leaves office. not BEFORE he gets into office & not WHILE he is in office & he has not picked the majority of his staff who has had deep relations with russia.
he said more flexibility after the election. This was before the 2012 election.
You don't even know Russia did it. They haven't given any proof.
You say all this shit, but your posts tell a different story.
I don't see a problem with a post-election connection between the President-elect and his people with the Turks and Russians.

If it happened before and there were interference in the electoral process, that would be different.
fk, something we agree on. holy fk I better watch out for a lightning bolt today.
as if that makes any sense. lol.... 'both sides do it'......LOL!!!!
They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL

uh-huh. & with russia's help the left has had all kinds of commie friendlies right smack in the administration for years!!!!
So its just corruption from Russia you care about?

russia & corruption are interchangeable. i care about their cyber attack on our democracy & influencing a presidential election. & anybody that was knowingly a part of it is treasonous. whether you believe me or not... i would feel the same if it were a (D).

even obama. ya, i didn't like what he said on that hot mic. but don't conflate the two. obama was talking about having 'flexability' after he leaves office. not BEFORE he gets into office & not WHILE he is in office & he has not picked the majority of his staff who has had deep relations with russia.
he said more flexibility after the election. This was before the 2012 election.
You don't even know Russia did it. They haven't given any proof.
You say all this shit, but your posts tell a different story.

okey dokey then. before the 2012 election. i stand corrected. so, now.... what exactly has been done with that flexibility? did any of the existing sanctions get lifted?
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel

The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.

The meeting took place around Jan. 11 — nine days before Trump’s inauguration — in the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean, officials said. Though the full agenda remains unclear, the UAE agreed to broker the meeting in part to explore whether Russia could be persuaded to curtail its relationship with Iran, including in Syria, a Trump administration objective that would likely require major concessions to Moscow on U.S. sanctions.

Though Prince had no formal role with the Trump campaign or transition team, he presented himself as an unofficial envoy for Trump to high-ranking Emiratis involved in setting up his meeting with the Putin confidant, according to the officials, who did not identify the Russian.

Prince was an avid supporter of Trump. After the Republican convention, he contributed $250,000 to Trump’s campaign, the national party and a pro-Trump super PAC led by GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer, records show. He has ties to people in Trump’s circle, including Stephen K. Bannon, now serving as the president’s chief strategist and senior counselor. Prince’s sister Betsy DeVos serves as education secretary in the Trump administration. And Prince was seen in the Trump transition offices in New York in December.

U.S. officials said the FBI has been scrutinizing the Seychelles meeting as part of a broader probe of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and alleged contacts between associates of Putin and Trump. The FBI declined to comment.

More: Report: Betsy DeVos’ Brother Had Secret Meeting To Establish Trump-Putin Back Channel

Wow, this is interesting. Things are heating up...

So there was no connection with Trump and the Russians before the election? That kind of hurts all the speculation that Trump had Russian connections before the election.

according to comey, the investigation started back in july. a boatload of trump's cronies have links to russia & the little looksey into all of it is still ongoing. exactly how much trump is involved - if at all personally - is yet to be determined.

This report talks about a back channel in January. Why would he need a third party establish a back channel if he already had connections? Seems odd, of course politics has never made sense.
They do. The left does it just as much as the right, if not more. Hell, those fuckers actually try to manipulate their primaries. LOL

uh-huh. & with russia's help the left has had all kinds of commie friendlies right smack in the administration for years!!!!
So its just corruption from Russia you care about?

russia & corruption are interchangeable. i care about their cyber attack on our democracy & influencing a presidential election. & anybody that was knowingly a part of it is treasonous. whether you believe me or not... i would feel the same if it were a (D).

even obama. ya, i didn't like what he said on that hot mic. but don't conflate the two. obama was talking about having 'flexability' after he leaves office. not BEFORE he gets into office & not WHILE he is in office & he has not picked the majority of his staff who has had deep relations with russia.
he said more flexibility after the election. This was before the 2012 election.
You don't even know Russia did it. They haven't given any proof.
You say all this shit, but your posts tell a different story.

okey dokey then. before the 2012 election. i stand corrected. so, now.... what exactly has been done with that flexibility? did any of the existing sanctions get lifted?
How do you know they were talking about sanctions? Nice partisan knee jerk :thup:

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