BREAKING: Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

Today's "conspiracy theory" will be the next thing liberals try to distract doubt with Trump's 4,747 indictment

PS I realize this doesn't even surprise me, let alone shock me. This nation is well and truly done.
SweetSue92 I used to think the same as you do for years that was until I found some really good alternative media sources at bitchute.trump is working with the military behind the scenes to take down the deep state and it’s happening,not near as fast as we would like but slowly but surely..

For example,a major Pfizer plant in nfc was blown up by the white hats in the military cutting off 75% of the vaccine supply for thst state.the msm media of course is lying saying that a tornado destroyed the building,the problem with thst lie is none of the cars in the parking lot no more than twelve feet next to the building were damaged.

Tornadoes don’t decided to take out a building but leave all cars in the parking lot just a few feet from the building undamaded. :rofl:

Also there are military tanks in major cities all over the country,that is unprecedented and don’t worry,they aren’t here to round us up and take us to fema camps as I dreaded would happen someday,they are rounding up pedophiles and taking them off to gitmo.
Today's "conspiracy theory" will be the next thing liberals try to distract doubt with Trump's 4,747 indictment

PS I realize this doesn't even surprise me, let alone shock me. This nation is well and truly done.
I agree. I wonder at what point the mindless idiots who believe the DC song and dance will wake up to the fact that this is THEIR country that's falling apart and they can't escape the consequences. It's as though they're bewitched or something.
Funny how there are no Biden Lefties here to tell us this is fake news.

I wonder how Jack Smith will explain in light of this how Trump planned to overthrow an election? The whole thing was a staged set up like everything else the Left does.
Funny how there are no Biden Lefties here to tell us this is fake news.

I wonder how Jack Smith will explain in light of this how Trump planned to overthrow an election? The whole thing was a staged set up like everything else the Left does.
Its fake.

Its far from newsworthy that the right wing loons are constantly "uncovering" "explosive" evidence that never goes anywhere.
Also there are military tanks in major cities all over the country,that is unprecedented and don’t worry,they aren’t here to round us up and take us to fema camps as I dreaded would happen someday,they are rounding up pedophiles and taking them off to gitmo.

So much to unpack there...

Tanks are going to round up pedophiles.... You may be able to fit 4 or 5 people in a tank but lets leave that alone for a second....

Are they going to take the turnpike down to Key West then go across the strait to Cuba or is there a ferry from Sarasota they can catch--5 at a time.
Its fake.
I thought so. The government spent thousands and millions of dollars to create a realistic deep fate where for a few second in 14 minutes of live video, they admit they are there waiting for the Trump crowd to come down, and to then infiltrate the crowd as Trump supporters or protesters to go covert as they watch and allow the crowd to swell to a riot level as they do nothing or maybe even help. :smoke:

Its far from newsworthy that the right wing loons are constantly "uncovering" "explosive" evidence that never goes anywhere.
Yes! It never goes nowhere because there is nothing to see behind the red curtain, and not because democrats throughout the government have been sitting on it with all their might to promote a false J6 story in the hopes of using it to label MAGA this domestic threat and to stop Trump to keep the people in order under the thumb of a fascist totalitarian coup government! You are so smart! :uhh:
So now teabaggers want people to believe it's cops, who attacked the capitol?
It was a combined forces of the FBI, CIA, Antifa, democrats, cops and Ray Epps?
What could be next?
Jewish space lasers?
I thought so. The government spent thousands and millions of dollars to create a realistic deep fate where for a few second in 14 minutes of live video, they admit they are there waiting for the Trump crowd to come down, and to then infiltrate the crowd as Trump supporters or protesters to go covert as they watch and allow the crowd to swell to a riot level as they do nothing or maybe even help. :smoke:
Sure and all of the blob supporters had no choice but to kill the police officer, attack the others, do all the damage, etc...

Has there ever been a day in your life when you guys haven't been the victim?
It never goes nowhere because there is nothing to see behind the red curtain, and not because democrats throughout the government have been sitting on it with all their might to promote a false J6 story in the hopes of using it to label MAGA this domestic threat and to stop Trump to keep the people in order under the thumb of a fascist totalitarian coup government!
Diagram that sentence
You are so smart! :uhh:
Yeah, I can't help it. It must be frustrating to be so outgunned like you always are.

I'm OK with heavy drug traffic.
And heavy drug use apparently.

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