Breaking: CLIMATEGATE II....Here we go again!!!

Kosh, did your voices tell you that?

You're crazy, you know. The crap you spout isn't even remotely related to reality. It's just idiot cult jabbering on your part. It's rather of sad and tragic, the way your nutty political cult deliberately takes advantage of people with mental problems like yours.

Two things: How are you making out finding us

1. Lab experiment showing temperature increase per 100PPM CO2 increase

2. How much CO2 is requires to decrase pH of the oceans from 8.25 to 8.15
Two things: How are you making out finding us

How about you get stuffed, because nobody cares about your cult games.

If you've got a point, state it and back it up. If you're too chickenshit to do that, keep acting like you do.

Yer never gonna get anyone to drink your Kool-Aid with THAT attitude and guttermouth.

How is that a problem since no one really:

Believes in models that were disproven by meteorologist Edward Lorenz in 1961 (Chaos).

Has shown that AGW models even have an horizon of predictability much less what is claimed.

Can show that the data is bell curve distribution not power law.

Thinks the solutions being proposed even make good nonsense.

Can impose or reach a global solution to the proposed problem.
Two things: How are you making out finding us

How about you get stuffed, because nobody cares about your cult games.

If you've got a point, state it and back it up. If you're too chickenshit to do that, keep acting like you do.

Here's a point. None of your science fiction is correct. It is fiction. You can point to no time in the past that is any different from today. In fact, there were many times in the past when the weather/climate or whatever you wish to call it was worse.

This period has been remarkable for its stability. The last 2000 years, and especially the last 150 or so have been among the most stable the world has ever seen. Those are facts.
I think it is time to build a spaceship so that I can send my baby son to a planet in a distance solar system just before our planet explodes due to climate change.
Here's a point. None of your science fiction is correct. It is fiction. You can point to no time in the past that is any different from today. In fact, there were many times in the past when the weather/climate or whatever you wish to call it was worse.

This period has been remarkable for its stability. The last 2000 years, and especially the last 150 or so have been among the most stable the world has ever seen. Those are facts.

Atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than they have been in AT LEAST 800,000 years.

Temperatures have risen faster over the last century than they have over AT LEAST the last 22,000 years.

At NO other point in the Earth's history has CO2 been produced at the rate at which we've produced it by anything short of a global catastrophe on the scale of the KT Event or the eruption of the Deccan Traps.

Tell us what has happened in HUMAN HISTORY that parallels today's processes and the rate at which they are taking place. The Earth warming a degree over four hundred years when the world population was perhaps a hundred million does not compare to the same warming taking place in a fifth the time with more than 50 TIMES as many people on the planet, MOST crowded onto the coastlines.
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Here's a point. None of your science fiction is correct. It is fiction. You can point to no time in the past that is any different from today. In fact, there were many times in the past when the weather/climate or whatever you wish to call it was worse.

This period has been remarkable for its stability. The last 2000 years, and especially the last 150 or so have been among the most stable the world has ever seen. Those are facts.

Atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than they have been in AT LEAST 800,000 years.

Temperatures have risen faster over the last century than they have over AT LEAST the last 22,000 years.

At NO other point in the Earth's history has CO2 been produced at the rate at which we've produced it by anything short of a global catastrophe on the scale of the KT Event or the eruption of the Deccan Traps.

Tell us what has happened in HUMAN HISTORY that parallels today's processes and the rate at which they are taking place. The Earth warming a degree over four hundred years when the world population was perhaps a hundred million does not compare to the same warming taking place in a fifth the time with more than 50 TIMES as many people on the planet, MOST crowded onto the coastlines.

So what. Correlation doesn't equal causation or did you miss that in science class? Put another way, the HTM (8,000 years ago) was 5 degrees warmer than the present day and
CO2 levels were lower. The Roman Warming period was 2 degrees warmer than today and CO2 levels were lower. The MWP was at least 1.5 degrees warmer than today and once again, the CO2 level were lower.

All those times the temps were higher and CO2 clearly wasn't the cause. Interestingly though the Sun tracks almost perfectly with those warming periods....did I say almost? I was wrong....the Sun actually tracks PERFECTLY with the warming. Just like today.

And even there I won't say the Sun is the cause, because unlike you...I DO know that correlation doesn't equal causation. Never has, never will.
There is no way of verifying the CO2 count; Carbolic acid sinks in ice and CO2 which rises is one of the end product of carbolic acid combining with oxygen to form water to create 4 CO2 and 2 H2O molecules at the cost of one O2 molecule. I have yet to find any source that shows the adjustment for carbolic acid in ice cores.
How is a scientist "forced" to withdraw from a think tank? Did someone put a gun to his head? Skook, your conspiracy isn't making any sense. When your colleagues politely point out you're acting like a kook, that's helpful advice, not "forcing".

I think Skook is mostly upset because only two near-tabloids, the Murdoch Times and Der Spiegel, are willing to run with his conspiracy theory. The regular media has been burned by denier fictions too many times and learned its lesson, and now correctly regards deniers as untrustworthy sources. Which, of course, feeds the denier paranoia further.

fAiL s0n.....conspiracy shit doesnt make the big-ass bold headlines across the full front page of DRUDGE!!:D

Oh.....and there sure are a lot of k00ks in America.......70% of the population in fact!!:badgrin:

69% Say It?s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports?

s0n....lets face a lot of uber progressives on this message board, you are an epic social oddball loser. A bubble dweller who got his ass kicked in grade school for carrying a gay lunchbox......last picked for every team........picking his nose to get attention.....driving a gay 2 door SPEC hybrid to feel like a part of something......virgins well after their teens!!! All these oddballs end up being OCD about some kind of "cause".....its a way for them to be accepted somewhere in life. Do I hit the nail on the head s0n or do I hit the nail on the head????

oh........and losing big >>>
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Yes, Skook the kook is now proclaiming total victory over ... a Drudge headline.

Pickings are clearly mighty slim the denialist camp, if they're resorting to scraping the bottom of that barrel.
Are you speaking of Matthew Drudge who broke a story over a decade ago about a "little blue dress" and Bill Clinton's DNA being all over it.

Yes, certain unrepentant leftists are still holding their noses about Matt Drudge over his expose.

So we understand where your criticism comes from as you would like to but cannot erase the truth of public officials' doings. Mr. Drudge does not conceal stories of either aisle when he exposes corruption, FYI.
Here's a point. None of your science fiction is correct. It is fiction. You can point to no time in the past that is any different from today. In fact, there were many times in the past when the weather/climate or whatever you wish to call it was worse.

This period has been remarkable for its stability. The last 2000 years, and especially the last 150 or so have been among the most stable the world has ever seen. Those are facts.

Atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than they have been in AT LEAST 800,000 years.

Temperatures have risen faster over the last century than they have over AT LEAST the last 22,000 years.

At NO other point in the Earth's history has CO2 been produced at the rate at which we've produced it by anything short of a global catastrophe on the scale of the KT Event or the eruption of the Deccan Traps.

Tell us what has happened in HUMAN HISTORY that parallels today's processes and the rate at which they are taking place. The Earth warming a degree over four hundred years when the world population was perhaps a hundred million does not compare to the same warming taking place in a fifth the time with more than 50 TIMES as many people on the planet, MOST crowded onto the coastlines.

So what.

So what? So your claim that there exists "no time in the past that is (sic) any different from today" is demonstrably false. I wish I could get away with a "so what". Easy argument, ain't it.

Correlation doesn't equal causation or did you miss that in science class?

Perhaps you could spread that point to the denier chorus who continue to claim that the geological record proves CO2 never causes warming.

Put another way, the HTM (8,000 years ago) was 5 degrees warmer than the present day and CO2 levels were lower. The Roman Warming period was 2 degrees warmer than today and CO2 levels were lower. The MWP was at least 1.5 degrees warmer than today and once again, the CO2 level were lower.

All those times the temps were higher and CO2 clearly wasn't the cause.

When did any of us ever say that CO2 was the ONLY way to increase the planet's temperature? WE haven't. No one has. This argument, then, would be a straw man: one you've erected yourself not because your opponents have put it forth but because it's a lot easier for you to counter than their ACTUAL position.

Interestingly though the Sun tracks almost perfectly with those warming periods....did I say almost? I was wrong....the Sun actually tracks PERFECTLY with the warming. Just like today.

You've got a penchant for falsehoods.

And even there I won't say the Sun is the cause, because unlike you...I DO know that correlation doesn't equal causation. Never has, never will.

So you have no cause. I guess that's okay because you go so far as to reject that any warming has taken place. That's even easier than a "so what". Must be nice to ignore reality with such conviction, though I can't imagine it gets you very far down the road of life.
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Atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than they have been in AT LEAST 800,000 years.

Temperatures have risen faster over the last century than they have over AT LEAST the last 22,000 years.

At NO other point in the Earth's history has CO2 been produced at the rate at which we've produced it by anything short of a global catastrophe on the scale of the KT Event or the eruption of the Deccan Traps.

Tell us what has happened in HUMAN HISTORY that parallels today's processes and the rate at which they are taking place. The Earth warming a degree over four hundred years when the world population was perhaps a hundred million does not compare to the same warming taking place in a fifth the time with more than 50 TIMES as many people on the planet, MOST crowded onto the coastlines.

So what.

So what? So your claim that there exists "no time in the past that is (sic) any different from today" is demonstrably false. I wish I could get away with a "so what". Easy argument, ain't it.

Perhaps you could spread that point to the denier chorus who continue to claim that the geological record proves CO2 never causes warming.

When did any of us ever say that CO2 was the ONLY way to increase the planet's temperature? WE haven't. No one has. This argument, then, would be a straw man: one you've erected yourself not because your opponents have put it forth but because it's a lot easier for you to counter than their ACTUAL position.

Interestingly though the Sun tracks almost perfectly with those warming periods....did I say almost? I was wrong....the Sun actually tracks PERFECTLY with the warming. Just like today.

You've got a penchant for falsehoods.

And even there I won't say the Sun is the cause, because unlike you...I DO know that correlation doesn't equal causation. Never has, never will.

So you have no cause. I guess that's okay because you go so far as to reject that any warming has taken place. That's even easier than a "so what". Must be nice to ignore reality with such conviction, though I can't imagine it gets you very far down the road of life.


Speculation is ghey s0n......and that's the whole point.:D Nobody knows shit about shit about climate change. Accordingly, you don't make public policy based upon data that is all over the fucking models that are consistently wrong.

One thing we do know with 100 certainty!! Climate change science is a closed society....if you are a scientist and your data does not match the data of the alarmist scientists, the response is, "FUCK're out!!!" . That's not real science. That's an agenda.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

The Green Agenda
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Speculation is ghey s0n.

Based on the number of instances in which you've used this term, I assume you're proud of your homophobicity. It's a shame, considering the numbers of your other failings. You'd think you'd get a leg up somewhere.

.....and that's the whole point.:D

No, it wasn't.

My post wasn't speculative in the least. Either you don't know what the term means or you simply needed an excuse to take a comment from your severely restricted selection.

Neither is being gay speculative. The term doesn't even apply. Unless, of course, you simply use gay as a general purpose perjorative. That would be what I expect from such a CLEARLY demonstrated ignorant bigot such as yourself.

Nobody knows shit about shit about climate change.

No. Lots of people know lots of "shit about climate change". It is YOU that doesn't and the shortfall extends WA-A-A-A-Y beyond climate change.

Accordingly, you don't make public policy based upon data that is all over the fucking place.

Accordingly, we don't use ANYTHING you say about ANYTHING, 'cept maybe as an example for our children of what NOT to do in any given situation. models that are consistently wrong.

Which computer models? Which versions? Which runs? And in what way were they "consistently wrong"? Are you trying to suggest that ALL computer models are wrong? Are you trying to suggest that the concept of computer models is wrong? Are you trying to suggest that you even have the faintest idea what a computer model actually is? What it does? Hah!

One thing we do know with 100 certainty!! Climate change science is a closed society....if you are a scientist and your data does not match the data of the alarmist scientists, the response is, "FUCK're out!!!" . That's not real science. That's an agenda.

Unfortunately, there is NOTHING in the actual events which took place during the incident "described" in your lead post which supports that contention. What IS supported is that like ALL of Rupert Murdoch's "journalistic" enterprises this piece is filled right up to its banners with his right-wing lies. Bengtsson's submission was rejected because it was a failure in every regard. That he chose to blame that rejection on fantasized persecution rather than on himself where that blame belonged, tells us that he is a failure. That you have decided to blindly and without the least examination accept what Bengtsson has claimed and what Rupert Murdoch knows you WANT to believe, tells us that you and Bengtsson could enjoy each other's company in some suburb of Loserville somewhere where you can continue to stuff your money into the pockets of that decrepit, lying, amoral wasteland known as Rupert Murdoch. That's what we know for certain.
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