Breaking: CLIMATEGATE II....Here we go again!!!

Reddit is an "overwhelming" preponderance of the media?

Besides, you seem to be confused. No one is muzzling discussion. There's all manner of discussion still taking place - even on Redditt. They are muzzling ignorant, anti-science dupes spouting pure, unadulterated fossil-fuel industry propaganda. They have chosen to represent the discussion per reality (97 v 2 v 1) vice giving it the completely false status of equal representation. Welcome to the real world; where you actually have to present valid arguments to be taken seriously.

Bullcrapo with a capital B. Look at any media outlet and it is overwhelmingly pro CAGW. If a sceptic gets a quote he is guaranteed to be called a "DENIER" which is a pejorative, it's almost as bad as being called an "alleged cat killer" in your twisted minds.

What's funny is you rail against a industry that has made your comfortable life possible.
You whine about the fact that they make a shitload of money for delivering a product that makes modern life possible all the while ignoring the fact that the rich bankers (who you claim to hate) are the ones who will benefit the most as they rip 76 TRILLION dollars out of the pockets of the poor.

You're simply stupid or you stand to benefit from the largest theft ever perpetrated in the history of mankind.
The problem is that you think the denier position has some shred of validity. The problem is that you've been listening to experts like Skookerasshole. The problem is that you chose and invested heavily in the wrong side of the argument. Well, no one made you do it. You could have taken an objective view of the science. You could have used science vice politics to make your decision. You could have paid attention back in your 7th grade Physical Science class.

All these bad choices of yours have consequences.
Don't hurt yourselves with all that mutual back-slapping. The point under contention was whether or not the majority of the public agreed with Skooerasshole there. The obvious answer, even given how dumb the American public can be, is an obvious no. Their standards may be low, but they've got 'em.

Prior to CLIMATEGATE ONE, I would have agreed with you. Back then the comments section in an article about global warming was usually 1.5 to 1 in favor of sceptics. There were a LOT of AGW supporters though.

Now though, it is OVERWHELMINGLY biased towards the sceptics. So much so that some magazines won't even allow the comments section to be used in a GW article. No, you are simply wrong. And demonstrably so.

Then demonstrate it.

Did you miss the news article about the LA Times refusing to publish any public comments in contradiction to GW propaganda? Why do you think they did that?
ESPECIALLY if the science is not settled...
I'd say it's for the same reasons they don't publish flat earther rants.

You are always free to say stupid things. You just can't force anyone else to publish those stupid things.
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No, I want him TRIED in a court of law first. See the difference?

Being that the Stalinists also had dissidents "tried in a court of law" for a list of imaginary crimes, you still look exactly like them.

You assholes just want to toss all sceptics into prison or kill us because we don't agree with your bullshit.

Given that you're the only one of the two of us demanding anybody be jailed, that's an especially pathetic lie on your part. Get it through your head, lad, that we're not like you. We don't use your thug tactics, and we don't try to get those with dissenting opinions sent to the gulag.
The problem is that you think the denier position has some shred of validity. The problem is that you've been listening to experts like Skookerasshole. The problem is that you chose and invested heavily in the wrong side of the argument. Well, no one made you do it. You could have taken an objective view of the science. You could have used science vice politics to make your decision. You could have paid attention back in your 7th grade Physical Science class.

All these bad choices of yours have consequences.

No, you're wrong...I don't "think" it has a shred of validity...I KNOW it has more validity than your propaganda. Which is truly all you have. If you had science on your side you wouldn't need to use all the political crap you do to try and muzzle the opposition, we would be the same as the Flat Earther's who no one listens to.

Your problem is people DO listen to us. And they understand what we are saying. And further, they understand exactly that you have nothing but propaganda on your side.
I'd say it's for the same reasons they don't publish flat earther rants.

You are always free to say stupid things. You just can't force anyone else to publish those stupid things.

:lol::lol: Spoken like the true Stalinist you are!
So much so that some magazines won't even allow the comments section to be used in a GW article.

Westwall is very proud of the way his side deliberately destroys intelligent debate wherever they show their face.

And if you won't let deniers shit on the carpet, in a metaphorical sense, that proves a conspiracy against them.

But then, he is a freaking Stalinist who wants Dr. Mann jailed for being a political dissident.
So, If I may, if you have the science on your side, why are you afraid of someone presenting an opposite position? You use phrases such as "sht on the carpet" for what purpose if science is truly on your side? Post the articles and let the facts out that deniers don't follow the science. That surely sounds crazy to me to suppress information if you are truly in touch with your science.
So, If I may, if you have the science on your side, why are you afraid of someone presenting an opposite position?

That's like saying "Why are you afraid of someone shitting on your carpet"? It's a senseless question. It's not about fear; it's about getting annoyed at someone constantly shitting on the carpet.

So, is it also your claim that information on the flat earth is being suppressed? Again, you can talk crazy all you want. You just can't force anyone to publish it or not laugh at it.
So, If I may, if you have the science on your side, why are you afraid of someone presenting an opposite position?

That's like saying "Why are you afraid of someone shitting on your carpet"? It's a senseless question. It's not about fear; it's about getting annoyed at someone constantly shitting on the carpet.

So, is it also your claim that information on the flat earth is being suppressed? Again, you can talk crazy all you want. You just can't force anyone to publish it or not laugh at it.

So you are afraid your science is wrong? hahahahahahahhaa. the only one dumping is you on your side. ew.................................. Watch where you walk!

And yes, I believe a whole bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you and yours are afraid of the truth, because you can't handle the truth. It's very apparent by your tone in your posts.
oh, I'm still waiting for the proof from you and yours on causal evidence. Still not there!! pthhhhhhhhhhhhh, whew that stinks.
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The AGW hysteria is the most convincing evidence of its falsehood and I suspect that all of the pages on this thread with zero attempt at rebuttal of my Krakatoa alternative is even more convicting. Give it up. If you had any actual science you would have some canned rebuttal of something that famous for its more than a decade of serious cooling of the bio-sphere. And guess what? Data on agricultural tariffs do go back that far. Clement Juglar's work on panics in the US is free from Kindle as are kindle apps for whatever you are using and changes in tariffs in the late 1800s is one of the things he dissects.
Im laughing............

Nobody cares about global warming!!! Been saying it for years and all the polls ( Pew, Gallup, Rasmussen ) back it up.

Jobs, Government, and Economy Remain Top U.S. Problems

Here is the latest from Gallup last warming is second to last oon list of problems the American public thinks should be addressed. And no wonder.......maybe if the scienctists stopped fucking around with the data people would pay attention but in their minds, they think these assholes are doing it from the seat of their pants.

^ This message used recycled electrons!!! This level of disconnect........these people sit home and get OCD on this stuff and think the rest of the population is doing so as well. Its like weve been saying Frank.......this is an internet hobby......for every AGW k00k in here. None of the threads they post up matter in the bigger picture.........nobody is caring. You read these posts by Mamooth and some of these other knotheads and you'd think there is this mega-groundswell of interest in climate change.:up: This might as well be a forum on nut sack shaving etiquitte.

Shaving your balls - Forums
^ This message used recycled electrons!!! This level of disconnect........these people sit home and get OCD on this stuff and think the rest of the population is doing so as well. Its like weve been saying Frank.......this is an internet hobby......for every AGW k00k in here. None of the threads they post up matter in the bigger picture.........nobody is caring. You read these posts by Mamooth and some of these other knotheads and you'd think there is this mega-groundswell of interest in climate change.:up: This might as well be a forum on nut sack shaving etiquitte.

Shaving your balls - Forums

Almost pissing my shorts watching the mental meltdowns from the k00ks on this one!!! This shit is their whole life.....they've, in typical social oddballs fashion......found a cause to embrace and the shit is blowing up in the face.

As I said in an earlier post.......with or without Climategate II, please show us how the "consensus science" is mattering in the real world?? Please show us where 20 years of bomb throwing has moved the goal posts even a yard? Green energy is still highly ghey and will continue to be for the next 30 years at least. What are you hanging your hat on? That solar power provides 0.2% of America's electricity needs?:2up:

Solar Provides 0.2% of Electric Supply--Up From 0.02% Before Obama | CNS News

Please show us where its mattering?:fu:

Meanwhile, behold he energy projections from the Obama EIA out to 2040!!

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

Absolutely laughable........meanwhile, the mental case AGW climate crusaders call the skeptic people the flat earthers!!:D:badgrin::badgrin:
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The problem is that you think the denier position has some shred of validity. The problem is that you've been listening to experts like Skookerasshole. The problem is that you chose and invested heavily in the wrong side of the argument. Well, no one made you do it. You could have taken an objective view of the science. You could have used science vice politics to make your decision. You could have paid attention back in your 7th grade Physical Science class.

All these bad choices of yours have consequences.

No, you're wrong...I don't "think" it has a shred of validity...I KNOW it has more validity than your propaganda.

Then why is your position held by so very few climate scientists?

Which is truly all you have.

My view is simply copied from the majority views of mainstream science. I have five IPCC assessment reports. I have better than 95% of all published, peer reviewed climate studies (the source material of all those IPCC reports). And I have my own reasoning.

If you had science on your side you wouldn't need to use all the political crap you do to try and muzzle the opposition, we would be the same as the Flat Earther's who no one listens to.

There is a political character to the divide, but it is not as strong a divide as you believe it to be. Virtually EVERY single denier is a staunch conservative and thus very, very few liberals are deniers. But since an extremely high proportion of climate scientists accept AGW and there is a normal spread of political opinion among climate scientists, a fair number of them who accept AGW are politically conservative.

Be all of that as it may, I do not accept AGW for any political reason whatsoever. I accept it because the vast majority of the world's climate experts accept it.

Your problem is people DO listen to us. And they understand what we are saying. And further, they understand exactly that you have nothing but propaganda on your side.

That does not explain why the vast majority of climate scientists reject your view nor why an apparently growing portion of the mass media has chosen not to give you equal air time. The explanation for both those points is that your view lacks scientific validity. Simple enough.
The unspecified "vast majority". :lol:


These bubble dwellers spend their lives deep in the matrix........this is the shit they come up with. And talking about shit, if the msm told these people to shit on their stoop on cloudy days because climate scientists stated it was good for the environment, they'd be out there the next morning squatting on their front stoop and feeling like hero's.:D
More mental case stuff from some k00k alarmist!!! Now we have these climate science mental cases predicting "The Walking Dead" scenario happening in a town near you.....and real soon!!

Are these people tying to help the skeptics cause?

Alarmist Paul Ehrlich Predicts Need to ?Eat the Bodies of Your Dead? | NewsBusters

By the way....this is a story on DRUDGE as we speak!! 30 million people will see this story today!!:D:D:eusa_dance::funnyface:

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