Breaking: Democratic Congressional Candidate Arrested

Oh, wait. A Bernie supporter, right?
You cant even get it in your that I dont support candidates like that.

how pathetic and subservient you are. I judge issues on their merit, one by one.

Any other strategy is to be an ape. You literally are an affront the human brain.

So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?
He is 23. He just graduated with a degree in liberal arts. Probably just got back from a trip to Europe and thinks socialism is so great cause he had so much fun there.

Nothing worse than rich white liberals. Especially one like this asshole who obviously did not work for his money.

You know I am accurate with my assessment.

I actually dislike people who dont work for their money. (A reason you should hate the GOP tax plan).

I am not rich and I am glad. Being wealthy is the first step to unhappiness.

One year I did make 250k, but that was largely on fluke, and every dollar over 100k(which I deemed excessive) I donated to charity.

Money is for losers who dont have a way to occupy their mind.

Holy shit
What do you want from me? Thats how I feel. I find money boring. I write music, poems, enjoy sex with women, love love love philoshopy(Spinoza my favorite).
LOL psycho.

I dont support either party cause I have a brain.

Right now there is the dem you pointed out and Moore, both are alleged to have comitted a crime.

Neither you or I know the truth.

You are blindly condeming the dem and blindly defending the repub.

You are merely a partisan moron who has no brain and takes his cues from someone else as to what he should believe.

Hence you are not a human but an ape.

Oh, wait. A Bernie supporter, right?
You cant even get it in your that I dont support candidates like that.

how pathetic and subservient you are. I judge issues on their merit, one by one.

Any other strategy is to be an ape. You literally are an affront the human brain.

So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?

In the last election I supported neither cause I found both candidates to be horrible monsters who only support the rich.

The President, IMO, also doesn't have much sway as to what goes on in my life.

Bi-Partisan foreign policy is essentially the same. And the rich are the ones choosing the laws.

I am not an anarchist. I stand with my fellow citizens over the will of corporate power and elites who run the country of which both parties are there to represent.
"I stand with my fellow citizens."


Told you he is a liberal arts major.

That whole rant reeked of communism.

Like they say: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."
Oh, wait. A Bernie supporter, right?
You cant even get it in your that I dont support candidates like that.

how pathetic and subservient you are. I judge issues on their merit, one by one.

Any other strategy is to be an ape. You literally are an affront the human brain.

So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?

In the last election I supported neither cause I found both candidates to be horrible monsters who only support the rich.

The President, IMO, also doesn't have much sway as to what goes on in my life.

Bi-Partisan foreign policy is essentially the same. And the rich are the ones choosing the laws.

I am not an anarchist. I stand with my fellow citizens over the will of corporate power and elites who run the country of which both parties are there to represent.
"I stand with my fellow citizens."


Told you he is a liberal arts major.

That whole rant reeked of communism.

Like they say: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."

Hate communism. It doesn't even achieve its stated aims.
There is no such thing as pure capitalism or pure communism anyway to hate. They have never existed and cant. I just believe people are best served enjoying the beauty of the human mind, the one thing that separates us from animals.

"The elegance of human thought is the envy of the gods. They wait to delight in us."
You cant even get it in your that I dont support candidates like that.

how pathetic and subservient you are. I judge issues on their merit, one by one.

Any other strategy is to be an ape. You literally are an affront the human brain.

So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?
He is 23. He just graduated with a degree in liberal arts. Probably just got back from a trip to Europe and thinks socialism is so great cause he had so much fun there.

Nothing worse than rich white liberals. Especially one like this asshole who obviously did not work for his money.

You know I am accurate with my assessment.

I actually dislike people who dont work for their money. (A reason you should hate the GOP tax plan).

I am not rich and I am glad. Being wealthy is the first step to unhappiness.

One year I did make 250k, but that was largely on fluke, and every dollar over 100k(which I deemed excessive) I donated to charity.

Money is for losers who dont have a way to occupy their mind.

Holy shit
What do you want from me? Thats how I feel. I find money boring. I write music, poems, enjoy sex with women, love love love philoshopy(Spinoza my favorite).

We used to call those "Bohemians". Now they're just "hipsters".

Don't tell me: You probably wear a man bun too, right? And hang out at Starbucks all day sipping some "free trade" concoction that resembles mud.

Lets see how fast the establishment swamp rats in Washington call for him to drop out of the race . Oh lookie here! he has been convicted of aggravated stalking before and this isn't hearsay .

Breaking: Democratic Candidate Arrested
He's not as infamous as Moore, nor is the charge as lurid as child molesting, so he won't get as much coverage.

And how the heck were the police unable to find a candidate for Congress after an arrest warrants was issued for him?!?!

Talk about a stealth campaign!
You cant even get it in your that I dont support candidates like that.

how pathetic and subservient you are. I judge issues on their merit, one by one.

Any other strategy is to be an ape. You literally are an affront the human brain.

So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?

In the last election I supported neither cause I found both candidates to be horrible monsters who only support the rich.

The President, IMO, also doesn't have much sway as to what goes on in my life.

Bi-Partisan foreign policy is essentially the same. And the rich are the ones choosing the laws.

I am not an anarchist. I stand with my fellow citizens over the will of corporate power and elites who run the country of which both parties are there to represent.
"I stand with my fellow citizens."


Told you he is a liberal arts major.

That whole rant reeked of communism.

Like they say: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."

Hate communism. It doesn't even achieve its stated aims.
There is no such thing as pure capitalism or pure communism anyway to hate. They have never existed and cant. I just believe people are best served enjoying the beauty of the human mind, the one thing that separates us from animals.

"The elegance of human thought is the envy of the gods. They wait to delight in us."

But you do believe in "Democratic Socialism", right?
So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?

In the last election I supported neither cause I found both candidates to be horrible monsters who only support the rich.

The President, IMO, also doesn't have much sway as to what goes on in my life.

Bi-Partisan foreign policy is essentially the same. And the rich are the ones choosing the laws.

I am not an anarchist. I stand with my fellow citizens over the will of corporate power and elites who run the country of which both parties are there to represent.
"I stand with my fellow citizens."


Told you he is a liberal arts major.

That whole rant reeked of communism.

Like they say: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."

Hate communism. It doesn't even achieve its stated aims.
There is no such thing as pure capitalism or pure communism anyway to hate. They have never existed and cant. I just believe people are best served enjoying the beauty of the human mind, the one thing that separates us from animals.

"The elegance of human thought is the envy of the gods. They wait to delight in us."

But you do believe in "Democratic Socialism", right?
I dont know what that really is.....if you can define it for me I could answer?

Likely, no. I think there are great ideas from repubs and great ideas from dems. I'd be happy to list them.

However, in actuality, both parties only serve the rich. So these ideas never happen.

Are you referring to Sanders as an example of dem socialism?
Lets see how fast the establishment swamp rats in Washington call for him to drop out of the race . Oh lookie here! he has been convicted of aggravated stalking before and this isn't hearsay .

Breaking: Democratic Candidate Arrested

Zero doubt this guy won't be elected and he shouldn't, just like Moore.

It's called consistency, give it a shot.

Was it "consistent" when the Dims circled the wagons around Slick Willy?

Monica wasn't 14 and I personally don't care if politicians cheat on their spouses unless they are 'family values' hypocrites who think anything outside of sex after the sun goes down and in the missionary position a perversion.

When they lie about it under oath they have committed a crime.
Oh, wait. A Bernie supporter, right?
You cant even get it in your that I dont support candidates like that.

how pathetic and subservient you are. I judge issues on their merit, one by one.

Any other strategy is to be an ape. You literally are an affront the human brain.

So you support "Nobody" for President? What are you, some kind of an anarchist or something?

In the last election I supported neither cause I found both candidates to be horrible monsters who only support the rich.

The President, IMO, also doesn't have much sway as to what goes on in my life.

Bi-Partisan foreign policy is essentially the same. And the rich are the ones choosing the laws.

I am not an anarchist. I stand with my fellow citizens over the will of corporate power and elites who run the country of which both parties are there to represent.
"I stand with my fellow citizens."


Told you he is a liberal arts major.

That whole rant reeked of communism.

Like they say: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."
He is young and an idealist. If he wants to live without money, nothing stopping him.

What paid for that computer and exactly how does he think he is going to get a woman to have sex with him with no money?

Like I said, young and naive. 250k in a year? Have to call bullshit on that. Sorry.
Lets see how fast the establishment swamp rats in Washington call for him to drop out of the race . Oh lookie here! he has been convicted of aggravated stalking before and this isn't hearsay .

Breaking: Democratic Candidate Arrested

He’s not a “Democratic Candidate”. He’s a guy who entered the primary. I’m guessing he’s not going to get the nomination.

Why do stalkers all think women want to see their dicks? Please don’t show us your dicks until we ask to see them.
He has not even made it to a primary yet, let alone an actual election. He is one of 5 people and does not have the backing of the party.

I bet he has dropped out by noon tomorrow.

That is a tad different from Moore. But you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference.
The difference being, the democrat was arrested and Moore hasn't?
What's more annoying? The blatant lies and political games by the left as they get caught over and over again, or the vast numbers of losers that continue to support them as they deliberately and disgracefully ignore the truth?

The long list of reasons to hate them is long.

6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other
He has not even made it to a primary yet, let alone an actual election. He is one of 5 people and does not have the backing of the party.

I bet he has dropped out by noon tomorrow.

That is a tad different from Moore. But you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference.
The difference being, the democrat was arrested and Moore hasn't?

Actually, the difference is that Moore is a well-known public figure on the verge of an election that a week ago he was a shoo-in to win, and this guy is a completely unknown clown who announced his "candidacy" for an election that won't happen until a year from now.
He has not even made it to a primary yet, let alone an actual election. He is one of 5 people and does not have the backing of the party.

I bet he has dropped out by noon tomorrow.

That is a tad different from Moore. But you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference.
The difference being, the democrat was arrested and Moore hasn't?

Actually, the difference is that Moore is a well-known public figure on the verge of an election that a week ago he was a shoo-in to win, and this guy is a completely unknown clown who announced his "candidacy" for an election that won't happen until a year from now.
Still a shoo in.

Thank the Lord Jesus.
He has not even made it to a primary yet, let alone an actual election. He is one of 5 people and does not have the backing of the party.

I bet he has dropped out by noon tomorrow.

That is a tad different from Moore. But you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference.
The difference being, the democrat was arrested and Moore hasn't?

Actually, the difference is that Moore is a well-known public figure on the verge of an election that a week ago he was a shoo-in to win, and this guy is a completely unknown clown who announced his "candidacy" for an election that won't happen until a year from now.
Still a shoo in.

Thank the Lord Jesus.


Says a whole lot about Alabama voters, right there.
Lets see how fast the establishment swamp rats in Washington call for him to drop out of the race . Oh lookie here! he has been convicted of aggravated stalking before and this isn't hearsay .

Breaking: Democratic Candidate Arrested

Zero doubt this guy won't be elected and he shouldn't, just like Moore.

It's called consistency, give it a shot.

Was it "consistent" when the Dims circled the wagons around Slick Willy?

Monica wasn't 14 and I personally don't care if politicians cheat on their spouses unless they are 'family values' hypocrites who think anything outside of sex after the sun goes down and in the missionary position a perversion.

When they lie about it under oath they have committed a crime.

Lying about a blowjob under oath does not equal feeling up a fourteen year old. Plus, as pointed out elsewhere, Clinton was impeached for it.
He has not even made it to a primary yet, let alone an actual election. He is one of 5 people and does not have the backing of the party.

I bet he has dropped out by noon tomorrow.

That is a tad different from Moore. But you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference.
The difference being, the democrat was arrested and Moore hasn't?

Actually, the difference is that Moore is a well-known public figure on the verge of an election that a week ago he was a shoo-in to win, and this guy is a completely unknown clown who announced his "candidacy" for an election that won't happen until a year from now.
Do you think it is just coincidence that these women are coming out of the wood work at this late date? What will really be sad is if this tactic works. If I were voting I would vote for Moore just because we can't let the democrats win this way.
Lets see how fast the establishment swamp rats in Washington call for him to drop out of the race . Oh lookie here! he has been convicted of aggravated stalking before and this isn't hearsay .

Breaking: Democratic Candidate Arrested

He’s not a “Democratic Candidate”. He’s a guy who entered the primary. I’m guessing he’s not going to get the nomination.

Why do stalkers all think women want to see their dicks? Please don’t show us your dicks until we ask to see them.
Ask some of the males around here that think lesbians are only looking for the most awesome man (them) to go straight....lolol
He has not even made it to a primary yet, let alone an actual election. He is one of 5 people and does not have the backing of the party.

I bet he has dropped out by noon tomorrow.

That is a tad different from Moore. But you are too stupid to be able to understand the difference.
The difference being, the democrat was arrested and Moore hasn't?

Actually, the difference is that Moore is a well-known public figure on the verge of an election that a week ago he was a shoo-in to win, and this guy is a completely unknown clown who announced his "candidacy" for an election that won't happen until a year from now.
Do you think it is just coincidence that these women are coming out of the wood work at this late date? What will really be sad is if this tactic works. If I were voting I would vote for Moore just because we can't let the democrats win this way.
It's all about support for the Republican pervert.

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