Breaking: Democratic Congressional Candidate Arrested

What's more annoying? The blatant lies and political games by the left as they get caught over and over again, or the vast numbers of losers that continue to support them as they deliberately and disgracefully ignore the truth?

Gotta be a tie...
What's more annoying? The blatant lies and political games by the left as they get caught over and over again, or the vast numbers of losers that continue to support them as they deliberately and disgracefully ignore the truth?

Gotta be a tie...
I tend to agree. Now, it is one thing if the dolts on the left did not have access to the truth. However, when lie after lie is revealed and they are caught red handed.....and they ignore ALL of that.....

Nothing is more annoying than that. To be a bit more specific....

Nothing dumber or more annoying the white left wing women. Nothing. Think about it. There is nothing more dangerous than rich elitist white males. Nothing. They know nothing about socialism. Their perspectives are completely skewed.

Not to boast, but I do have money. Trust me when I say they have no perspective. The funny thing is how the left call the republicans "the party of the rich." Well, I live in Palm Beach County. Not many counties with more money than this one. At my club I can tell you about 80% of are committed democrat liberals. All of them are millionaires. No exceptions.

You just have to hear them talk. BTW, all of them complain the most about every fucking thing and they are all cheap as hell. All of them. Walk around with this sense of self entitlement. Oh, how they hate me.

The point is I travel the world (at least I use to) and when you have have almost no true perspective how the poor have it. I am considered NEW MONEY. One reason why OLD MONEY cannot stand a person like me. Especially the left wing OLD MONEY (socialists.)

Now, I had to work for my money and the FREE MARKET is what got me to where I am now. Most of those OLD MONEY left wingers have no clue what it takes. Many of them are about blood lines, entitlements, privileges. That, is the so called "white privilege." They are deeply offended by even the NOTION that someone like me had the OPPORTUNITY for someone in the peasant or the serf class to ever reach their level.

Since there is truly nothing new under the sun, you can rest assured that SOCIALISM is the OLD FEUDAL SYSTEM. That is where there are two classes, as I have said it over and over again. The rich...and the fucked. The fucked, are the people that have ZERO OPPORTUNITY to ever get out of there. That, is what it means to be FUCKED. They take away ALL opportunity for any ambitious peasant under the guise of CLIMATE CONCERNS, or RACE ISSUES, or GENDER ISSUES, or SAFETY ISSUES.

I rambled. Sorry.
Monica wasn't 14 and I personally don't care if politicians cheat on their spouses unless they are 'family values' hypocrites who think anything outside of sex after the sun goes down and in the missionary position a perversion.

When they lie about it under oath they have committed a crime.

Lying about a blowjob under oath does not equal feeling up a fourteen year old. Plus, as pointed out elsewhere, Clinton was impeached for it.
The one offense that he wasn't able to lie his way out of, even though he tried. Funny thing is I believed him when he wagged his finger in our collective faces and lied his ass off. I thought, no one is going to do such a thing, especially a president. I was wrong, but not as wrong as Clinton.

A president has never cheated on their wife before? That's an odd claim and rather pointless too.
How many lied under oath? Had he not done that I would have called him a dog and that would be about it. But he lied to our collective faces.

OK, good to know. It's now 2017 and a candidate for senate is accused of child molestation and attempted rape.

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