Breaking! Democrats Want To Alter CIA Officer's Appearance/Voice For Testimony In Private Location

This is wrong....unnamed slimy bureaucrats behind closed doors trying to bring down a popular president...we either get to see who this is or you dems can go pound sand...
This is wrong....unnamed slimy bureaucrats behind closed doors trying to bring down a popular president...we either get to see who this is or you dems can go pound sand...
Precisely! President Trump has a right to face his accuser.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

I don't blame them.

If this person's identity was revealed to the public that person is dead.

Some trump supporter will kill that person.

We've seen what they did to the family of Seth Rich, to the Sandy Hook families and families of the Parkland massacre. All have had to actually leave their homes in fear for their lives.

I totally support this person's identity being concealed. I don't want an innocent person and their family to be harassed or even killed.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice
Since the Colluder-in-Chief is calling these patriots traitors who should be shot, and it is a fact that crazed right wing whackjobs take Trump's words as direct orders, then it makes sense everything should be done to protect the whistleblower's identity.

But you knew that, didn't you, you obtuse dumb fuck.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

I don't blame them.

If this person's identity was revealed to the public that person is dead.

Some trump supporter will kill that person.

We've seen what they did to the family of Seth Rich, to the Sandy Hook families and families of the Parkland massacre. All have had to actually leave their homes in fear for their lives.

I totally support this person's identity being concealed. I don't want an innocent person and their family to be harassed or even killed.
Nobody going to kill him
Quite making stuff up
Or there is no “whistleblower” and it’s just 100% made up bullshit by deep state anti-Trumpers.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

I don't blame them.

If this person's identity was revealed to the public that person is dead.

Some trump supporter will kill that person.

We've seen what they did to the family of Seth Rich, to the Sandy Hook families and families of the Parkland massacre. All have had to actually leave their homes in fear for their lives.

I totally support this person's identity being concealed. I don't want an innocent person and their family to be harassed or even killed.

If anyone is going to kill the “whistleblower”, it’s going to be the Clinton-Hussein cabal.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice
By discussing it with Democrats first, and not reporting that contact on the whistleblower form, he lost whistleblower protections.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

I don't blame them.

If this person's identity was revealed to the public that person is dead.

Some trump supporter will kill that person.

We've seen what they did to the family of Seth Rich, to the Sandy Hook families and families of the Parkland massacre. All have had to actually leave their homes in fear for their lives.

I totally support this person's identity being concealed. I don't want an innocent person and their family to be harassed or even killed.
Oh mark my words! He or she will be exposed. It's just a matter of time! This person is pure anti-American.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice
By discussing it with Democrats first, and not reporting that contact on the whistleblower form, he lost whistleblower protections.
Everything that the whistleblower(s) KNOWS is already public information. Trump's words are a matter of public record. The reaction and understanding of the Ukrainian President is already known.

The whistleblowers testimony can only elaborate on the unfounded, uncorroborated speculation that Trump was pressuring the Ukrainian to embark on an investigation by threatening to withhold military assistance.

There is enough other information and potential witnesses around to evaluate or refute the speculation.

Given an hour or so to cross-examine the whistleblower, he can be made to look like the tool that s/he is. It MUST done in public.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice
Since the Colluder-in-Chief is calling these patriots traitors who should be shot, and it is a fact that crazed right wing whackjobs take Trump's words as direct orders, then it makes sense everything should be done to protect the whistleblower's identity.

But you knew that, didn't you, you obtuse dumb fuck.
They're not Patriots. They're nothing but Deep State anti-American garbage. They need to be exposed for the betterment of the United States.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

Why don't they just claim they had a secret ballot to impeach too?
Apparently there is no low to which these assholes won't stoop.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice
Democrats are attempting to violate every tenet of our laws... These people need to become wind chimes.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

I don't blame them.

If this person's identity was revealed to the public that person is dead.

Some trump supporter will kill that person.

We've seen what they did to the family of Seth Rich, to the Sandy Hook families and families of the Parkland massacre. All have had to actually leave their homes in fear for their lives.

I totally support this person's identity being concealed. I don't want an innocent person and their family to be harassed or even killed.
If you think I’m going to just let impeachment fly without knowing everything about this person you’re on crack.
So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

Where is it written a whistle blower has a right to anonymity, confronting you accuser is a bedrock principle of American justice. I guess the 6th Amendment doesn't apply to republicans.

So basically this guy could be anybody if his true identify can't be identified. Plus they want his testimony in a hidden closed door location. Lol....such bullshit Schiff and his Democrat cohorts are trying to pull off.

REPORT: Dems Consider Hiding Identity of Whistleblower From GOP Lawmakers by Holding Testimony in Remote Location - Changing His Appearance, Voice

I don't blame them.

If this person's identity was revealed to the public that person is dead.

Some trump supporter will kill that person.

We've seen what they did to the family of Seth Rich, to the Sandy Hook families and families of the Parkland massacre. All have had to actually leave their homes in fear for their lives.

I totally support this person's identity being concealed. I don't want an innocent person and their family to be harassed or even killed.

You're full of shit, the transcripts of the call are public, this supposed whistle blower has nothing more to offer.


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