BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!


Then she should have married a "liberal" billionaire instead of a fake conservative billionaire. Trump, with Melania by his side, is attempting to turn the presidency into a trashy mockery where, by comparison, even the most liberal of presidents appear conservative.
Has Caligula been reborn in the guise of The Donald?

Fuck, that scumbag crook Obama already turned it into a trashy mockery. Pile of shit selling federal positions from the Oval Office for cash.

Is he the president, or fucking Al Capone?

Not that you Khmer Rouge scum care, you have no integrity.
Can you prove anything you said? I can prove what I said about Melania, I have the dirty pictures.
Gowdy is perfect. He failed to find wrongdoing with Benghazi. He's impotent mutant from the land of the inbred.

He found plenty of things done wrong at Benghazi. As I said no one was going to jail over Benghazi. It is you folks invent impossible outcomes so you can claim some sort of victory.

After 8 investigations Gowdy came up nothing. Is that something you need to be proud off?
We the people didn't invent anything we just listen and read the outcome of the investigations led by your pencil dick head Gowdy.
On the other hand you folks keep bringing this up in desperation.
Gowdy is perfect. He failed to find wrongdoing with Benghazi. He's impotent mutant from the land of the inbred.

He found plenty of things done wrong at Benghazi. As I said no one was going to jail over Benghazi. It is you folks invent impossible outcomes so you can claim some sort of victory.

After 8 investigations Gowdy came up nothing. Is that something you need to be proud off?
We the people didn't invent anything we just listen and read the outcome of the investigations led by your pencil dick head Gowdy.
On the other hand you folks keep bringing this up in desperation.

they came up with plenty. What the liberal left protectors of the establishment candidates have done is create a scenario which was never going to happen then they claim victory as if they won. Very disingenuous but that is just being redundant when dealing with liberals and democrats. The hearings found out lots of stuff Crooked Hillary and Obama did wrong. No one was ever going to be indicted that just wasn't going to happen. Democrats should be very happy that incompetence isn't a reason to be indicted.

She should have been indicted for her email server that put CIA lives in danger. But Comey knew Lynch would do nothing especially after her little chance meeting with Billy boy.
Take it up with the Supreme Court. Like I said, some of you LWNJ's are still butthurt. LMFAO.

Uh, no. The Democrats made a mistake and the nation paid for it.

Bush won.
We fought a pointless war in Iraq.
6,000 of our best and brightest are dead
Chickenhawks like you rejoice
We have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Chickenhawks like you rejoice
We have a candidate for President promising another trip into the ME
Chickenhawks like you rejoice

It’s a pattern.

Hillary voted for that war.
I am a veteran and only LWNJ's that use their sacrifice as a political tool rejoice.
More of our best and brightest were killed during the Obama Administration than under Bush.
Hillary already voted for two wars, what would stop her from going into another one.
Trump opposed the Iraq war.

As did Mark Pence. When asked, Drumpf says that they (the senate he and Hillary were members of) was “mislead”.

Trump OK with Pence's vote for Iraq war, but not Clinton's

And Drumpf supported the war:

Hillary voted to send them to war and then turned her back on them. That put her on the side of the enemy. As you say, Trump was opposed to sending them, but since he is an American, he supported them.

Trump was for the war (as his own words indicated)
Pence was for the war as his vote indicated
Clinton was for the war as her vote indicated.

The difference is that Drumpf believed the hype; Pence and Clinton got misleading (i.e. cooked) intel from the CIA.

Since then, she has realized it was a mistake; Pence has not. Drumpf has not except now he's lying (shocking I know) about his support.

Crooked intel from the CIA? George Tenet served as CIA Director past the end of the Clinton Administration and through the first term of George W. Bush. Did Clinton appoint a crook?
Was the UN wrong when they found Iraq in material breech of the cease fire?
Gowdy is perfect. He failed to find wrongdoing with Benghazi. He's impotent mutant from the land of the inbred.

He found plenty of things done wrong at Benghazi. As I said no one was going to jail over Benghazi. It is you folks invent impossible outcomes so you can claim some sort of victory.

After 8 investigations Gowdy came up nothing. Is that something you need to be proud off?
We the people didn't invent anything we just listen and read the outcome of the investigations led by your pencil dick head Gowdy.
On the other hand you folks keep bringing this up in desperation.

they came up with plenty. What the liberal left protectors of the establishment candidates have done is create a scenario which was never going to happen then they claim victory as if they won. Very disingenuous but that is just being redundant when dealing with liberals and democrats. The hearings found out lots of stuff Crooked Hillary and Obama did wrong. No one was ever going to be indicted that just wasn't going to happen. Democrats should be very happy that incompetence isn't a reason to be indicted.

She should have been indicted for her email server that put CIA lives in danger. But Comey knew Lynch would do nothing especially after her little chance meeting with Billy boy.

In short you are proving that Gowdy is weak and stupid. Correct?
Your cult leader is so famous by blasting everybody ............. They are so stupid/ they don't know what they are doing/ I only hire the best............. So Gowdy is the best he can come up with as AG? That's dumb don't you think?
Gowdy is perfect. He failed to find wrongdoing with Benghazi. He's impotent mutant from the land of the inbred.

He found plenty of things done wrong at Benghazi. As I said no one was going to jail over Benghazi. It is you folks invent impossible outcomes so you can claim some sort of victory.

After 8 investigations Gowdy came up nothing. Is that something you need to be proud off?
We the people didn't invent anything we just listen and read the outcome of the investigations led by your pencil dick head Gowdy.
On the other hand you folks keep bringing this up in desperation.

She should have been indicted for her email server that put CIA lives in danger. But Comey knew Lynch would do nothing especially after her little chance meeting with Billy boy.

This so funny....... All you have is Bengazi and email server to attack Hillary. Nothing else. Bengazi is done ................ so you can pound your chest how strong or how long you want but this is done.

Email server........ If you lost your wallet from being careless......... then they stole your ID for fraudulent purposes. Should the cop punish you from being careless?
Gowdy is perfect. He failed to find wrongdoing with Benghazi. He's impotent mutant from the land of the inbred.

He found plenty of things done wrong at Benghazi. As I said no one was going to jail over Benghazi. It is you folks invent impossible outcomes so you can claim some sort of victory.

After 8 investigations Gowdy came up nothing. Is that something you need to be proud off?
We the people didn't invent anything we just listen and read the outcome of the investigations led by your pencil dick head Gowdy.
On the other hand you folks keep bringing this up in desperation.

She should have been indicted for her email server that put CIA lives in danger. But Comey knew Lynch would do nothing especially after her little chance meeting with Billy boy.

This so funny....... All you have is Bengazi and email server to attack Hillary. Nothing else. Bengazi is done ................ so you can pound your chest how strong or how long you want but this is done.

Email server........ If you lost your wallet from being careless......... then they stole your ID for fraudulent purposes. Should the cop punish you from being careless?

Nope, Benghazi was a major screw up by Obama and Crooked Hillary, but not worthy of indictment. Besides who is to indict since Obama runs the DOJ? Benghazi is still there regardless if you wish it to go away.

The emails. Congressman Hurd got Comey to say that her incompetence put CIA agents lives in danger. Comey showed that everything Crooked Hillary said about her emails was not the truth. Again, not indictment because Obama runs the DOJ.

Then there is her support for NAFTA to which she now LIES outright. My Union told me not to support those who supported NAFTA, she is one of them.

Then there is the whopper of a lie about sniper fire. Incredible that anyone can support her after she stood there and laughed and smiled relating a story that NEVER HAPPENED. Then she has the gall to act high an mighty telling people to blame it on sleep deprivation. Do you want someone like that answering the phone at 3 in the morning?

Then there is the fact she forgot about those lost in Libya. You can parse what she said any way you want but she said we lost no one in Libya, that takes a lot of denial.

Whitewater, 15 convictions on 40 different criminal charges. Draft indictments prepared for Crooked Hillary, they are not served because it was determined as the wife of the POTUS she was too big to jail. She even hid the Rose Law firm billing records until the stay of execution expired.

Waco, her and her husband got all those children killed for political expedience.

Vince Foster's office was ransacked by Crooked Hillary operatives once they knew he was dead. That alone should have gotten her jail time. But truth and honestly doesn't seem to matter that much since Bill lied under oath and got away with it.

There is plenty more but I seriously doubt you care enough about this country to see the true danger of Crooked Hillary.
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Gowdy is perfect. He failed to find wrongdoing with Benghazi. He's impotent mutant from the land of the inbred.

He found plenty of things done wrong at Benghazi. As I said no one was going to jail over Benghazi. It is you folks invent impossible outcomes so you can claim some sort of victory.

After 8 investigations Gowdy came up nothing. Is that something you need to be proud off?
We the people didn't invent anything we just listen and read the outcome of the investigations led by your pencil dick head Gowdy.
On the other hand you folks keep bringing this up in desperation.

they came up with plenty. What the liberal left protectors of the establishment candidates have done is create a scenario which was never going to happen then they claim victory as if they won. Very disingenuous but that is just being redundant when dealing with liberals and democrats. The hearings found out lots of stuff Crooked Hillary and Obama did wrong. No one was ever going to be indicted that just wasn't going to happen. Democrats should be very happy that incompetence isn't a reason to be indicted.

She should have been indicted for her email server that put CIA lives in danger. But Comey knew Lynch would do nothing especially after her little chance meeting with Billy boy.

In short you are proving that Gowdy is weak and stupid. Correct?
Your cult leader is so famous by blasting everybody ............. They are so stupid/ they don't know what they are doing/ I only hire the best............. So Gowdy is the best he can come up with as AG? That's dumb don't you think?

I guess you don't read so well, sorry if your eyesight is going.

Those like you and your ilk have created the notion that some sort of criminal charges were going to come out of the investigation. It was never going to happen. But what was shown was a pattern of lying and incompetence, that is what it was all about. Those parents of those killed that day deserved a hearing on what happened, something you and your ilk would have denied for political expedience.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.

Gowdy is a moron who just got pulled into the moron fight.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.

Gowdy is a moron who just got pulled into the moron fight.

And Crooked Hillary is perhaps the most dishonest person to ever seek the Presidency, and that is saying a lot. The train to Leavenworth should be pulling up to her door step any moment.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.

Gowdy is a moron who just got pulled into the moron fight.

And Crooked Hillary is perhaps the most dishonest person to ever seek the Presidency, and that is saying a lot. The train to Leavenworth should be pulling up to her door step any moment.

Yes, you and Sarah G are both included in the moron fight.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.

Gowdy is a moron who just got pulled into the moron fight.

And Crooked Hillary is perhaps the most dishonest person to ever seek the Presidency, and that is saying a lot. The train to Leavenworth should be pulling up to her door step any moment.

Yes, you and Mertex are both included in the moron fight.

Knock yourselves out. Literally.

So typical of the left wing when they are exposed. Hate, insult and non sequitur responses.
If this actually turns out to be true I think it an interesting pick.

Before anyone brings up the Benghazi hearings, no one was ever going to jail or be indicted for what happened at Benghazi. The incompetence of the Obama administration and the lying done by all involved was shown without doubt. That is the best anyone could ask for.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Just Announced His Pick for Attorney General – Hillary’s Worst Nightmare!

In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.

Gowdy is a moron who just got pulled into the moron fight.

And Crooked Hillary is perhaps the most dishonest person to ever seek the Presidency, and that is saying a lot. The train to Leavenworth should be pulling up to her door step any moment.

Yes, you and Sarah G are both included in the moron fight.

Well my lying little friend (sic). Prove anything I posted incorrect. Not just that you don't give a crap, because we all know that truth and honesty means nothing to the left wing. Prove that she didn't lie about sniper fire then blame it on sleep deprivation.

Or prove any of the others wrong, you can't, that is why you resort to childish insult.
In the moron fight...I'd say Trump is winning....he is the bigger moron....for now.

Again that is the scenario that the left has created. Neither one is a moron, Crooked Hillary is just, well, crooked.

Gowdy is a moron who just got pulled into the moron fight.

And Crooked Hillary is perhaps the most dishonest person to ever seek the Presidency, and that is saying a lot. The train to Leavenworth should be pulling up to her door step any moment.

Yes, you and Sarah G are both included in the moron fight.

Well my lying little friend (sic). Prove anything I posted incorrect. Not just that you don't give a crap, because we all know that truth and honesty means nothing to the left wing. Prove that she didn't lie about sniper fire then blame it on sleep deprivation.

Or prove any of the others wrong, you can't, that is why you resort to childish insult.

I hope you don't think I support Hillary. She is awful.

I watched her help her husband pull all kinds of bullcrap when he was in the WH.

You didn't make any specific assertions, so I really can't disprove anything.

I am not left wing.

But Gowdy has been associated with a huge (and poorly managed I might add) witch hunt that really never achieved it's objectives. In fact, he is what is wrong with the GOP and some conservatives. They draw the conclusion (she got people killed in Benghazi) and then look for the facts. It's what drives people like me crazy.
Uh, no. The Democrats made a mistake and the nation paid for it.

Bush won.
We fought a pointless war in Iraq.
6,000 of our best and brightest are dead
Chickenhawks like you rejoice
We have 22 veterans a day committing suicide
Chickenhawks like you rejoice
We have a candidate for President promising another trip into the ME
Chickenhawks like you rejoice

It’s a pattern.

Hillary voted for that war.
I am a veteran and only LWNJ's that use their sacrifice as a political tool rejoice.
More of our best and brightest were killed during the Obama Administration than under Bush.
Hillary already voted for two wars, what would stop her from going into another one.
Trump opposed the Iraq war.

As did Mark Pence. When asked, Drumpf says that they (the senate he and Hillary were members of) was “mislead”.

Trump OK with Pence's vote for Iraq war, but not Clinton's

And Drumpf supported the war:

Hillary voted to send them to war and then turned her back on them. That put her on the side of the enemy. As you say, Trump was opposed to sending them, but since he is an American, he supported them.

Trump was for the war (as his own words indicated)
Pence was for the war as his vote indicated
Clinton was for the war as her vote indicated.

The difference is that Drumpf believed the hype; Pence and Clinton got misleading (i.e. cooked) intel from the CIA.

Since then, she has realized it was a mistake; Pence has not. Drumpf has not except now he's lying (shocking I know) about his support.

Crooked intel from the CIA? George Tenet served as CIA Director past the end of the Clinton Administration and through the first term of George W. Bush. Did Clinton appoint a crook?

No. But then again Clinton didn’t lean on him for intel to be slanted one way or the other.

Look, if you don’t believe me, watch the video in the link above. Trump says they were mislead. I know, he’s you’re messiah and he can do no wrong but it’s hard to get around your messiah’s own words, isn’t it?
Hillary voted for that war.
I am a veteran and only LWNJ's that use their sacrifice as a political tool rejoice.
More of our best and brightest were killed during the Obama Administration than under Bush.
Hillary already voted for two wars, what would stop her from going into another one.
Trump opposed the Iraq war.

As did Mark Pence. When asked, Drumpf says that they (the senate he and Hillary were members of) was “mislead”.

Trump OK with Pence's vote for Iraq war, but not Clinton's

And Drumpf supported the war:

Hillary voted to send them to war and then turned her back on them. That put her on the side of the enemy. As you say, Trump was opposed to sending them, but since he is an American, he supported them.

Trump was for the war (as his own words indicated)
Pence was for the war as his vote indicated
Clinton was for the war as her vote indicated.

The difference is that Drumpf believed the hype; Pence and Clinton got misleading (i.e. cooked) intel from the CIA.

Since then, she has realized it was a mistake; Pence has not. Drumpf has not except now he's lying (shocking I know) about his support.

Crooked intel from the CIA? George Tenet served as CIA Director past the end of the Clinton Administration and through the first term of George W. Bush. Did Clinton appoint a crook?

No. But then again Clinton didn’t lean on him for intel to be slanted one way or the other.

Look, if you don’t believe me, watch the video in the link above. Trump says they were mislead. I know, he’s you’re messiah and he can do no wrong but it’s hard to get around your messiah’s own words, isn’t it?

Really? Notice the dates on these quotes.

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 |

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 | Source

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998 | Source

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
- Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998 | Source

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton.
- (D) Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, others, Oct. 9, 1998 | Source

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998 | Source

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999 | Source

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002 | Source
As did Mark Pence. When asked, Drumpf says that they (the senate he and Hillary were members of) was “mislead”.

Trump OK with Pence's vote for Iraq war, but not Clinton's

And Drumpf supported the war:

Hillary voted to send them to war and then turned her back on them. That put her on the side of the enemy. As you say, Trump was opposed to sending them, but since he is an American, he supported them.

Trump was for the war (as his own words indicated)
Pence was for the war as his vote indicated
Clinton was for the war as her vote indicated.

The difference is that Drumpf believed the hype; Pence and Clinton got misleading (i.e. cooked) intel from the CIA.

Since then, she has realized it was a mistake; Pence has not. Drumpf has not except now he's lying (shocking I know) about his support.

Crooked intel from the CIA? George Tenet served as CIA Director past the end of the Clinton Administration and through the first term of George W. Bush. Did Clinton appoint a crook?

No. But then again Clinton didn’t lean on him for intel to be slanted one way or the other.

Look, if you don’t believe me, watch the video in the link above. Trump says they were mislead. I know, he’s you’re messiah and he can do no wrong but it’s hard to get around your messiah’s own words, isn’t it?

Really? Notice the dates on these quotes.

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 | Source

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 | Source

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998 | Source

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
- Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998 | Source

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton.
- (D) Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, others, Oct. 9, 1998 | Source

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998 | Source

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999 | Source

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002 | Source

And the threat was so great….Clinton did nothing quite smartly since, you know, we went over there, lost 6,000 soldiers to your delight, and found zilch.

Again, Look at what your messiah said. If you disagree with him, why are you voting for him?
Hillary voted to send them to war and then turned her back on them. That put her on the side of the enemy. As you say, Trump was opposed to sending them, but since he is an American, he supported them.

Trump was for the war (as his own words indicated)
Pence was for the war as his vote indicated
Clinton was for the war as her vote indicated.

The difference is that Drumpf believed the hype; Pence and Clinton got misleading (i.e. cooked) intel from the CIA.

Since then, she has realized it was a mistake; Pence has not. Drumpf has not except now he's lying (shocking I know) about his support.

Crooked intel from the CIA? George Tenet served as CIA Director past the end of the Clinton Administration and through the first term of George W. Bush. Did Clinton appoint a crook?
No. But then again Clinton didn’t lean on him for intel to be slanted one way or the other.

Look, if you don’t believe me, watch the video in the link above. Trump says they were mislead. I know, he’s you’re messiah and he can do no wrong but it’s hard to get around your messiah’s own words, isn’t it?

Really? Notice the dates on these quotes.

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
- President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998 | Source

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
- President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998 | Source

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction."
- Madeline Albright, Feb 1, 1998 | Source

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
- Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998 | Source

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton.
- (D) Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, others, Oct. 9, 1998 | Source

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998 | Source

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999 | Source

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002 | Source

And the threat was so great….Clinton did nothing quite smartly since, you know, we went over there, lost 6,000 soldiers to your delight, and found zilch.

Again, Look at what your messiah said. If you disagree with him, why are you voting for him?

Only a two bit slut would accuse me, a veteran, of being delighted about the death of a single one of my fellow soldiers in arms. Clinton was all hat and no cattle. And your misuse of the word messiah speaks for itself.

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