Breaking: Elon Musk Releases Insider Twitter Files, Part 3------The Removal Of Donald Trump--October 2020-January 6th

Friday night news dump right on time. This covers the plot to remove President Trump.

He is doing what others wouldn't, fighting for American Values of free speech, transparency and accountability.

If Twitter were a country, it was in effect becoming like Canada and spitting on America. It takes a wealthy South African libertarian who invents and believes in liberty to bring America back!

Also, look at this comment, it screams of power hungry, authoritarianism 101. Sounds like our police here minus them committing the crimes themselves:

15. There was at least some tension between Safety Operations – a larger department whose staffers used a more rules-based process for addressing issues like porn, scams, and threats – and a smaller, more powerful cadre of senior policy execs like Roth and Gadde.
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Politics works like a pendulum. The liars that defended this stuff while it happened, and the lying fascist assholes who continue to defend it will be crying a different toon when the left is the oppressed and no longer the oppressor.
You heard it here first, count the days, it will happen.
So basically the Twitter colluded with the FBI to interfere in the 2020 Presidential election.

And the left-wing piss goblins on this board are laughing about it.

They love it. Here's them:

And we haven't even gotten to Covid yet....
I have been thinking about that, with this whole Hunter thing, and this whole reveal.

IMO? That is the whole point of this, to distract folks, that are having loved ones die of heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and every other chronic disease that is developing. Remember, no one can sue the big pharma or the government.

As we move into next year, and the year after, we will, more than likely, have more and more long term affects, especially, since the establishment is not even backing off from convincing, the less than bright folks from continuing to take them. . . ????

And the question of course, is why???

I doubt, we will ever get to the qualified doctors and scientists that had their posts banned and censored on their doubts about the jabs, that is the point of this mass media pivot.


. . . but? Good news, she walked. :113:


IMO? That is the point of ALL OF THIS, to keep us fighting each other, just like the Russians are fighting the folks in Ukraine, meanwhile? The global technocrats, are tightening the noose, with each month that passes. . . . because we are distracted by stuff that just isn't as important.
I have been thinking about that, with this whole Hunter thing, and this whole reveal.

IMO? That is the whole point of this, to distract folks, that are having loved ones die of heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and every other chronic disease that is developing. Remember, no one can sue the big pharma or the government.

As we move into next year, and the year after, we will, more than likely, have more and more long term affects, especially, since the establishment is not even backing off from convincing, the less than bright folks from continuing to take them. . . ????

And the question of course, is why???

I doubt, we will ever get to the qualified doctors and scientists that had their posts banned and censored on their doubts about the jabs, that is the point of this mass media pivot.


. . . but? Good news, she walked. :113:

View attachment 737149

IMO? That is the point of ALL OF THIS, to keep us fighting each other, just like the Russians are fighting the folks in Ukraine, meanwhile? The global technocrats, are tightening the noose, with each month that passes. . . . because we are distracted by stuff that just isn't as important.

Disagree. Maybe a hard disagree.

This is not a distraction; this is on the road to proving that the same "trusted" organizations that lied about Trump, the election, election fraud, etc--would absolutely lie about the safety of vaccines and etc.

If we get people to see that Twitter suppressed and twisted the truth with the help of federal agencies for an election, it's a hop, skip and a jump to get them to see the SAME happened with covid, shots, lockdown etc.

And moreover, the lack of uptake in boosters makes me believe many people already see it. They're just not to the point of admitting it openly yet.

We're getting there, though.
Releasing the Twitter Files #3 was a reverse "Friday News Dump.” Bad news that gets released to the public through conventional press offices usually gets released on a Friday. That's because engagement with traditional media is the lowest on the weekend.

Musk exploited that to put this story out through another channel, namely Twitter. That gives the story time to grow legs on unfettered social media, and come to a boil during the time engagement with traditional media is at its lowest point of the week. It's like the media is going to wake up Monday morning and wonder "WTF just happened?"

In other words, releasing Twitter Files #3 on a Friday evening effectively took the story out of the hands of the media, and put it in the hands of the people. Musk is playing some kind of super genius 3-D chess or something.
Disagree. Maybe a hard disagree.

This is not a distraction; this is on the road to proving that the same "trusted" organizations that lied about Trump, the election, election fraud, etc--would absolutely lie about the safety of vaccines and etc.

If we get people to see that Twitter suppressed and twisted the truth with the help of federal agencies for an election, it's a hop, skip and a jump to get them to see the SAME happened with covid, shots, lockdown etc.

And moreover, the lack of uptake in boosters makes me believe many people already see it. They're just not to the point of admitting it openly yet.

We're getting there, though.
You know, you might be right. I went to this twitter account, and, although it had a warning on it, it was still up.


It had none of that, "
," for diverging from the official narrative. I was also blown away, that the entire documentary, was available to view, right there on twitter. WOW.

You know, you might be right. I went to this twitter account, and, although it had a warning on it, it was still up.


It had none of that, " View attachment 737160 ," for diverging from the official narrative. I was also blown away, that the entire documentary, was available to view, right there on twitter. WOW.

I was talking to three young teachers the other day; we were remembering "remote learning" (ha ha ha). We all agreed that the hoops we jumped through and all we had to do was ridiculous. More than one said "We were panicked", so I slid in "Yes, it was a Moral Panic".

That is a HUGE be able to look back and reflect that we took ridiculous steps due to "panic". And people are saying this in real life, in casual conversation.
I was talking to three young teachers the other day; we were remembering "remote learning" (ha ha ha). We all agreed that the hoops we jumped through and all we had to do was ridiculous. More than one said "We were panicked", so I slid in "Yes, it was a Moral Panic".

That is a HUGE be able to look back and reflect that we took ridiculous steps due to "panic". And people are saying this in real life, in casual conversation.
I was just reviewing the second part again, tonight, of an old documentary, of the seven sisters. And how they basically created the Eugenicist movement. The whole thing? It seems so bloody obvious, in retrospect. The tens of thousands of Americans that they sterilized in the 1920's, and the Supreme Court? Said that they could do it. Viewing the decision of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and his connection to the whole thing? Chilling.

It is like, Déjà vu all over again. Don't worry, we'll never run out of oil

I didn't learn till just last year, that Bill Gates grand-father, was the guy that set-up the Rockefeller foundation, but, when I was watching it all for a second time. . . :rolleyes:

It is unbelievable how corrupt we have let the entire world get, and how we just don't learn from history.

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