BREAKING: Emails Surface Revealing Biden Campaign Pressured Facebook To Censor Trump Before 2020 Election

Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.
If lying isn't free speech, Congress would be in deep shit. It's okay to be a liar on the floor of the House or the Senate. It happens every time Congress is in session.
And I don't hear them being 'silenced' either. Allowing lies to be spread as legitimate news is dangerous at times (like some of the Covid and anti'-vax bullshit) and intensely disruptive to society at others (the T****ian rhetoric leading to widespread mistrust of our elections and the eventual attack on Congress).

As much as you may believe them, there is no evidence to back up those claims. People being kicked off the Big Three (FB, Twitter and YouTube) are violating TOS and are warned to knock it off. It's their choice. If they want to lie, they can always come here.
so you have no problem with people that were censored or banned because they believe covid may have escaped from a lab ? be very very careful of the road you are going down ! suppression of free speech is the first rung on the ladder of tyranny .... think it isnt ? just research countries that were once free that were overtaken by tyrants .
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.

So, "free speech" would be regurgitating Reich talking points?

The ability to say what the rulers desire isn't "free speech."

Free speech is the right to say that which is unpopular and opposed of by the rulers.
And no one has taken that right away from you.
Here you are.
There Tucker Carlson is.
Hear Newsmax and OAN, the Blaze out there.
There you folks are on Gab.
and many on the left are calling for those said people and networks to be cancelled ... have you noticed that its only the left that wants to silence those they disagree with ? conservatives are not trying to silence the left they just want equal treatment when it comes to free speech .
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.
Without lying most politicians wouldn't have anything to say.
think we have enough fact checkers around to disprove that.
they arent fact checking biden . Washington Post ripped for ending Biden fact-checking database for rest of his term
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.
If lying isn't free speech, Congress would be in deep shit. It's okay to be a liar on the floor of the House or the Senate. It happens every time Congress is in session.
And I don't hear them being 'silenced' either. Allowing lies to be spread as legitimate news is dangerous at times (like some of the Covid and anti'-vax bullshit) and intensely disruptive to society at others (the T****ian rhetoric leading to widespread mistrust of our elections and the eventual attack on Congress).

As much as you may believe them, there is no evidence to back up those claims. People being kicked off the Big Three (FB, Twitter and YouTube) are violating TOS and are warned to knock it off. It's their choice. If they want to lie, they can always come here.
Liberal college campuses have ways of "silencing" conservative speakers; refusing to allow them on campus, allowing students and faculty to shout them down when they try to speak...

Talk show hosts have was of silencing their guests; interrupt them, talk over them
Do you honestly
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.
If lying isn't free speech, Congress would be in deep shit. It's okay to be a liar on the floor of the House or the Senate. It happens every time Congress is in session.
And I don't hear them being 'silenced' either. Allowing lies to be spread as legitimate news is dangerous at times (like some of the Covid and anti'-vax bullshit) and intensely disruptive to society at others (the T****ian rhetoric leading to widespread mistrust of our elections and the eventual attack on Congress).

As much as you may believe them, there is no evidence to back up those claims. People being kicked off the Big Three (FB, Twitter and YouTube) are violating TOS and are warned to knock it off. It's their choice. If they want to lie, they can always come here.
Liberal college campuses have ways of "silencing" conservative speakers; refusing to allow them on campus, allowing students and faculty to shout them down when they try to speak...

Talk show hosts have was of silencing their guests; interrupt them, talk over them
Do you truly think conservative colleges don't do the same thing? Tucker Carlson and half the Republican pols in Congress interrupt and talk over others all the time (remember T**** at his first debate with President Biden?). It might be hard to 'discuss' politics with a leftie, but believe me, the feeling is mutual from the other end, too.
name a conservative college that banned speech from the left .
Liberals literally hate the idea of individuals expressing their own opinions. They insist on group think.

To say you promote free speech and then insist on silencing the opposition is blatant hypocrisy.
All we're doing is stopping somebody from yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater (when there isn't a fire)
There's been enough evidence of voter fraud and unconstitutional actions by government officials to call for investigations. Where there is smoke, there is fire. We're seeing plenty of smoke.

Liberals will deny all of this because they do not want the election fraud to be exposed.
No there hasn't....stop spreading The Big Lie, Comrade.
nobody should ever ever trust the party that is responsible for the killing of over 50 million of the unborn .
And no one has taken that right away from you.
Here you are.
There Tucker Carlson is.
Hear Newsmax and OAN, the Blaze out there.
There you folks are on Gab.

If they can silence Trump - the last legitimate president of the once great United States, they can silence anyone.

We lost our Republic, and you applauded because Orange Man Bad.
Unfortunately, Trump has NOT been silenced.
that statement alone says so so much ..........:(
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.
and half the country that believes that those who say America is a white supremacist nation is a lie ! so the people that lie and say America is racist should be banned and silenced right ? you see where this is going ?
Good job trying to spin that. Failed pretty badly though. Anyone with half a brain wanted tRump to stop spewing conspiracy theories. Facebook, Twitter, and everyone else should have taken action loooong before they did, and he should never be allowed a public platform again.
That's the way you loony leftists work. If you've got no legitimate argument against the conservatives, shut 'em down. It happens on liberal college campuses across the nation.

Liberals literally hate the idea of individuals expressing their own opinions. They insist on group think.

To say you promote free speech and then insist on silencing the opposition is blatant hypocrisy.
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.
Honest DIALOGUE consists of letting one person talk at a time. Refuting a lie when it's your turn to talk is not the same as SILENCING someone you consider to be a liar.

You are promoting a program against free speech when you shout down, talk over or silence a speaker who just happens to disagree with what you say.

That is hypocrisy. It is actually a CHICKENSHIT tactic.
There's a difference between stating your opinion and pushing crazy conspiracy theories.
like America is a white supremacist nation ?
Good job trying to spin that. Failed pretty badly though. Anyone with half a brain wanted tRump to stop spewing conspiracy theories. Facebook, Twitter, and everyone else should have taken action loooong before they did, and he should never be allowed a public platform again.
That's the way you loony leftists work. If you've got no legitimate argument against the conservatives, shut 'em down. It happens on liberal college campuses across the nation.

Liberals literally hate the idea of individuals expressing their own opinions. They insist on group think.

To say you promote free speech and then insist on silencing the opposition is blatant hypocrisy.
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.
Honest DIALOGUE consists of letting one person talk at a time. Refuting a lie when it's your turn to talk is not the same as SILENCING someone you consider to be a liar.

You are promoting a program against free speech when you shout down, talk over or silence a speaker who just happens to disagree with what you say.

That is hypocrisy. It is actually a CHICKENSHIT tactic.
There's a difference between stating your opinion and pushing crazy conspiracy theories.
My statement has nothing to do with conspiracy theories. Appently you didn't pay attention to the videos. You're just throwing crapatus, crepitus.
Why is a critical story that is fact in "Conspiracy Theories"?

Del, are you trying to cover up for Biden again?
And no one has taken that right away from you.
Here you are.
There Tucker Carlson is.
Hear Newsmax and OAN, the Blaze out there.
There you folks are on Gab.

If they can silence Trump - the last legitimate president of the once great United States, they can silence anyone.

We lost our Republic, and you applauded because Orange Man Bad.
Unfortunately, Trump has NOT been silenced.
...and he won't be silenced by libtards.
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Do you truly think conservative colleges don't do the same thing? Tucker Carlson and half the Republican pols in Congress interrupt and talk over others all the time (remember T**** at his first debate with President Biden?). It might be hard to 'discuss' politics with a leftie, but believe me, the feeling is mutual from the other end, too.

Why are you using asterisks for the name of Trump? Are you fucking serious?

If someone had told me that OldLady had resorted to such hateful and immature tactics, I'd of told them they were full of shit.

It's like a two year old, thinking if they cover their eyes they can't be seen.

OldLady- you can still be seen and seen in a whole new light by some.
Good job trying to spin that. Failed pretty badly though. Anyone with half a brain wanted tRump to stop spewing conspiracy theories. Facebook, Twitter, and everyone else should have taken action loooong before they did, and he should never be allowed a public platform again.
That's the way you loony leftists work. If you've got no legitimate argument against the conservatives, shut 'em down. It happens on liberal college campuses across the nation.

Liberals literally hate the idea of individuals expressing their own opinions. They insist on group think.

To say you promote free speech and then insist on silencing the opposition is blatant hypocrisy.
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.
Honest DIALOGUE consists of letting one person talk at a time. Refuting a lie when it's your turn to talk is not the same as SILENCING someone you consider to be a liar.

You are promoting a program against free speech when you shout down, talk over or silence a speaker who just happens to disagree with what you say.

That is hypocrisy. It is actually a CHICKENSHIT tactic.
There's a difference between stating your opinion and pushing crazy conspiracy theories.

"Pushing crazy conspiraties" is still protected speech under the 1st amendment.

It doesn't cover only what you lunatics like or believe.
Why is a critical story that is fact in "Conspiracy Theories"?

Del, are you trying to cover up for Biden again?

Switch the places of the names Biden and Trump.

It'd be kicked out of here quicker than a mouse passes gas.

Probably put in a new forum made just for it.

Extra extra special news we like!
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You try to silence the truth, and in all of the posts you write there is evidence you support fascism over a democratic republic. Authoritarianism over Democracy, and fantasy over reality.
Silencing blatant lies isn't hypocrisy. It's an attempt at an honest dialogue.

Silencing the opposition is always the path to honest dialogue - among Nazis.
You wouldn't know a facist if you fell over one. Lying isn't free speech. It's lying.
If lying isn't free speech, Congress would be in deep shit. It's okay to be a liar on the floor of the House or the Senate. It happens every time Congress is in session.
And I don't hear them being 'silenced' either. Allowing lies to be spread as legitimate news is dangerous at times (like some of the Covid and anti'-vax bullshit) and intensely disruptive to society at others (the T****ian rhetoric leading to widespread mistrust of our elections and the eventual attack on Congress).

As much as you may believe them, there is no evidence to back up those claims. People being kicked off the Big Three (FB, Twitter and YouTube) are violating TOS and are warned to knock it off. It's their choice. If they want to lie, they can always come here.
Liberal college campuses have ways of "silencing" conservative speakers; refusing to allow them on campus, allowing students and faculty to shout them down when they try to speak...

Talk show hosts have was of silencing their guests; interrupt them, talk over them
STATEMENT: Liberal college campuses have ways of "silencing" conservative speakers; refusing to allow them on campus, allowing students and faculty to shout them down when they try to speak...

RESPONSE: In response to my alma mater [CAL] the Campus Police, Berkeley Police and Alameda County Sheriff all understood that firebrands create riots, and there are known firebrands who can create a danger to the public. The other consideration is noted here, in this link:

So your comment is a damn lie.

As to Limbaugh is was clear he not only interrupted anyone to speak their piece, he hung up on them and in a monologue provided sophistry which ditto heads believed; and became BIG LIES such as the MSM was all Fake News. We see this from Trump Supporters everyday on this message board.

Why am I not surprised when you hate democrats. You would not mix in any circles other than republicans.

My point is, examine the numbers trump lost from last time and where the Democrat vote increased this time.

Those votes for democrats co u ld not have come from anywhere but that silent majority you thought would vote for trump. They didn't. They through him out be abuse he is an idiot.
I don't hate Democrats or Republicans, I hate neo-Cons and Liberals.
After GW Bush, I voted for Obama and I will never vote for an establishment R ever again.

Your comment presumes I choose who I meet; I don't.
And everyone I meet talks politics.

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