BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt

99.999999999% of the 100,000 Trump supporters at his rally did not do that....the majority of those who did were not Trump supporters but were democrat party brownshirts, blm and antifa, hiding among the Trump supporters....
Actually 0.3% have been charged by the FBI for felonies, including assaults on the 140 police officers injured, some permanently maimed, and one killed.
Peaceful my ass.

The one cop died of a stroke......he wasn't killed by anyone. the .3%....the majority of those are blm and antifa.........
Maybe nobody told you, but China has had twice the GDP growth of the US for decades.
That has NOTHING to do with my comment. Try again when you have something useful to say.
You said: We slowly and inexorably morph into China itself under DNC rule and guidance.

That morph would include doubling our GDP.

Hmmm....GDP as China commits slavery and genocide against muslim minorities in their country?

You have a weird standard...
The cop was doing his job.
murdering an unarmed women that wasnt threatening him???
He was protecting the Congresscritters from the mob overtaking the Capitol. Climbing through that window was very definitely threatening them.
You think he would have shot her if she was some sassy, fat assed, BLM supporter??
The cop was doing his job.
murdering an unarmed women that wasnt threatening him???
He was protecting the Congresscritters from the mob overtaking the Capitol. Climbing through that window was very definitely threatening them.
She was a peaceful Pro Democracy activist shot dead unarmed.
She is a martyr to freedom loving people around the world.
The dumb bitch was a traitor, now she a dead traitor, she deserved it.

Ashli Babbitt was a woman who had served America Honorably for 14 yrs....and yet when she practices her right to demonstrate as an American Citizen she gets shot down in cold blood by a cop who is known to hate whites and is heard to say he wants to shoot some Trump supporters.....thus we have reached a point in our society where bloodshed is advocated by the leftwing liberals in order to satiate their irrational hatred of True Americans.

There is no right to storm into the Capitol through the windows.
whose building is it?

So, if that's your argument, why didn't they ask nicely and walk in?
They had to climb walls?
Many did
I support the constitution as written under its original intent,,

and why I despise both partys,,
I support the constitution as amended, in order to make it a more perfect union.

Why do you cling to the original intent, which was to support slavery?
it didnt support slavery,, it was a first step to end it and it would have never ended if not for the constitution,,
I support the constitution as written under its original intent,,

and why I despise both partys,,
I support the constitution as amended, in order to make it a more perfect union.

Why do you cling to the original intent, which was to support slavery?

The Constitution never supported slavery and in every way tried to limit was the slave owners, who became the democrat party founders who pushed to preserve slavery....and started the Civil War to keep it...
The one cop died of a stroke......he wasn't killed by anyone. the .3%....the majority of those are blm and antifa.........
Actually they're identifying the protester who sprayed him with a noxious chemical.
The cop was doing his job.
Bet you wouldn't say that if it were your daughter.
She took an oath to protect and defend the constitution, which means not overthrowing the government. She violated the very oath she took.
Nobody knows her true intent. NOBODY. All we know is, this woman served her country for 14 years. The very same country now falling apart before her very eyes along with outs. Maybe she thought her actions would be like the guys raising the flag in Iwo Jima. Maybe she thought she would be party to a change in America for the good..not the bad. Maybe she was just angry. Maybe she just wanted to show support. She DAMN SURE didn't believe she would be shot and murdered. Did she make a poor decision? Ask the capitol police about that, who gave everyone a tour and let them all in to begin with. NOBODY KNOWS. All I know is..she is dead, I and thousands more of us watched her die on tv via a camera, her kids now know their mother is never coming home and her husband is alone.

Y'all can twist it any fucking way you want and it still comes out that :
1) they were INVITED IN by the DC police.
2) she was in with a bunch of other people trying to make a statement.
3) she thought she would never die for protesting what she deemed was wrong.
4) her 14 years serving in the military was survived only to be killed in her own country by a thug with a gun.

She didn't deserve to DIE over this.

Now I am done with this thread. DONE.
Why do you cling to the original intent, which was to support slavery?
it didnt support slavery,, it was a first step to end it and it would have never ended if not for the constitution,,
It would have never ended if not for the AMENDED constitution, which is the version I support. You said you support the original intent, which was to protect slavery.
I support the constitution as written under its original intent,,

and why I despise both partys,,
Why do you cling to the original intent, which was to support slavery?
it didnt support slavery,, it was a first step to end it and it would have never ended if not for the constitution,,
It would have never ended if not for the AMENDED constitution, which is the version I support. You said you support the original intent, which was to protect slavery.
I support the constitution as written under its original intent,,

and why I despise both partys,,
as do I,, it was the original intent that when time and attitude allowed it could be amended,,,
Why do you cling to the original intent, which was to support slavery?
it didnt support slavery,, it was a first step to end it and it would have never ended if not for the constitution,,
It would have never ended if not for the AMENDED constitution, which is the version I support. You said you support the original intent, which was to protect slavery.
I support the constitution as written under its original intent,,

and why I despise both partys,,
but tell me,,, who resisted that amendment and started a civil war to maintain slavery???

that answer is the democrat party and their supporters,,
Why do you cling to the original intent, which was to support slavery?
The Constitution never supported slavery and in every way tried to limit it...
You never read the constitution did you? Other than a couple of amendments. Did you read the body of the constitution? It clearly protects slavery.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article
Actually the constitution said they couldn't amend it to end slavery for at least two decades.
so it said it could be changed,, thanks for confirming it helped end the democrats slavery,,,
Think about it. They could fix anything in the constitution, including by adding the Bill of Rights.

But they couldn't touch slavery for at least 20 years.

If that's not protecting slavery, what would you call protecting something for 20 years.
The cop was doing his job.
murdering an unarmed women that wasnt threatening him???
He was protecting the Congresscritters from the mob overtaking the Capitol. Climbing through that window was very definitely threatening them.
You think he would have shot her if she was some sassy, fat assed, BLM supporter??
She wouldn't have made it that far.
In other trying to twist it to be about something NOT ON TOPIC..which is about ASHLII, it STILL does not warrant either one of those women to be shot. Murdered. PERIOD. But you go ahead and bring up ol George Floyd, slavery, the parting of the red sea and it swallowing up Ramses soldier and whatever else you wanna toss out there. OldLady would NOT have said "they are just doing their job" if it were her daughter. PERIOD.

When, then, is shooting warrented?

Because I am seeing real mixed messaging from sone folks here who were ok with unarmed rioters in Portland and elsewhere being shot, but not ok with unarmed rioters in the Capital being shot.

IMO the Capitol Police are charged with protecting the Capitol and congresdional members, staff and visitors within. What else should a policeman do when he is facing a mob, one of whom is climbing through a just broken window, and somewhere behind him, or in the building are members of congress and staff under seige. She ignored warnings and kelt coming. what should he do?


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