Breaking: Feds agree to withdraw troops from Fallujah..............errr, Portland

The state folded and has promised to defend federal buildings if they don't the feds will move right back in...
Yep, actually the federal troops aren't even leaving. Not until Portland and/or Seattle gets their riots under control. They can't control the mob, the feds step back in.

This is a test for Portland and Seattle, and when the riots continue same as they have been even though the federal troops stepped back, going to be some really STUPID looking LEFTARDS here.
I think it'll calm way down.
You are playing games with elements of your party who are way out extremists. You are holding a Tiger by the tail. While laughing at other people yelling..."See what we can do"! The U.S. has its issues. But compared to many parts of the world it is the Garden of Eden. Many of our problems are us that cause it. But there are people who screw with others. And there is agreement in that they must be held to pay and/or justice must be meted out to them. you have seen not one who has messed with anyone stand up to take his/her punishment for their deeds. And this problem is diverse today although a bit less as we go back in time.
Time to close all federal facilities in the Democrat run shitholes. All. Including the Post Office and all banks with federal charters. No customs activity at seaports or airports. No air traffic controllers. They like shutting things down so why not help them achieve their goals?
Time to close all federal facilities in the Democrat run shitholes. All. Including the Post Office and all banks with federal charters. No customs activity at seaports or airports. No air traffic controllers. They like shutting things down so why not help them achieve their goals?

I agree, since the leftist snowflakes become so triggered by anything federal, just close it all down. let the Dim shitholes do without.
Hopefully the state police will now control this piece of shit town!

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announces ‘phased’ removal of federal officers from Portland

Federal officers will begin leaving the city on Thursday under a deal reached between Oregon officials and the Trump administration. State police will help protect Portland's federal courthouse.
Federal officers who have clashed violently with demonstrators on Portland streets for weeks will begin to depart the city on Thursday, under a deal between the Trump administration and Gov. Kate Brown’s office that was announced Wednesday morning.

Just heard, FROM TRUMP HIMSELF, that NO federal troops are LEAVING until Seattle and Portland have SECURED their cities from the RIOTERS.

So if the riots continue tonight while the feds stand down, and the local cops are either hog tied by their shit stain radical mayor or gov and can't control the riots, then the federal troops are STAYING.

Sorry, leftards... to burst your little victory bubble.

Good thing cause that idiot Governor can't stop what's happening. Hell its because of her that its happening. Her and the idiots who run the city.

Anyone who thinks the violence will stop if the Fed agents leave is in for one sad surprise.
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Amazing how absolutely no one gives a shit about private property.
Wtf are they paying their taxes for?

So when is the courthouse private property?

He wasn't talking about courthouses idiot. He was talking about the private businesses that have been looted, robbed and burned by these "peaceful" protesters.


the city of austin is going to blow up their police station to show the end of police brutality.

i sure don't see the connection but ok...
we all get to watch. this ought to be
very interesting.gif
the city of austin is going to blow up their police station to show the end of police brutality.

i sure don't see the connection but ok...
so what does that make those that do that? I'm confused by this, it seems they wish to be police, judge and jury. That works how? so only their police get rule? what the fk country is this again? So this is a military take over of our cities now?
Lefties are celebrating because the mayor and the governor prevent state, local and now federal officers from enforcing the law? Law abiding citizens are assaulted, looted and burned out in Oregon and lefties make some inane joke about brave Soldiers in Iraq. No surprises here.

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