Breaking! Fox Reporting it's Gorsuch!!


May 23, 2014
We will know in about an hour...but he is to the right of Scalia. YES!
Roe will not be overturned. But this is a great decision. Appoint him acting justice until confirmation.
Take up smoking and eat more bacon Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
Roe will not be overturned. But this is a great decision. Appoint him acting justice until confirmation.
States will be allowed to go into first tri-mester...communist murdering states like Illinois, New York, and California will continue to slaughter human life up into 3rd trimester. State Senator Obama voted for third tri murder.
Someone did an indepth profile last night on the top three and he was my #1. Oh dear Lord let this be.
And the best part is he's only 50 years old so he will be on that court a long long time. THIS is why this election was so crucial to be won by someone who wouldn't be mamby pamby and pick a moderate.

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