BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Israel knows Iran is behind this, we quite possibly could be watching the beginning of regional conflict.
So it couldn't be Palestinians who have been under the Zionist jackboot for 75 years, i doubt Israel has the balls to have a war with Iran because Iran can fight back, meanwhile this high ranking IDF thug has been captured.

Since Obama liked funding radical Sunni Muslim terrorists in Syria, is Biden going to fund Hamas and Hezbollah in Israel to overthrow the “right wing government”?
Quite a predicament.
Good point.
So it couldn't be Palestinians who have been under the Zionist jackboot for 75 years, i doubt Israel has the balls to have a war with Iran because Iran can fight back, meanwhile this high ranking IDF thug has been captured.

Good point.

Make no mistake, Iran is funding this.

They have chosen honor killing, female genital mutilation, extreme levels of inbreeding, genocidal ethic hatred, religious fundamentalism, homophobia and complete antipathy to western values.
Because those Colonialist oppressor Jews are bad umkay
That area had been pretty quiet for a long time now. War is code for 'people on both sides will die'.
Such is life.

Indeed how any right thinking person can think that is right is beyond me, and it' been going on for decades, something else our MSM have not reported, last thursday 800 Zionist fanatics attacked the Al Aqsa mosque compound protected by the IDF, Hamas said that was the final straw, i don't support the politics of Hamas but as Palestinians they have the right to protect their people.

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